
Extra • Introductions: 1 - ‘Child Of An Unknown Variable’ & ‘Mechanical Princess’

Ps. You don't really gotta read this, if you don't know or want to. It's kinda important but, it's here, if need be. So go ahead, read.

'Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in space? Or even better yet, with aliens and countless civilizations? Well to be fair, I didn't at first, not by much. I mean, like let's be honest here it was cool to think about, you know, back on earth! Yes, I am not on earth, HELL!!! Not even, the same galaxy or solar system... yet, here I am, in a si fi universe. Which, MIND, You allows us to go and travel to other galaxies . Yeah I know, crazy, right?!'

'Alright, let's get back on topic. The start of my reincarnation into a universe tens of times of years far in the future, with even can you believe..... SUPERHEROES!!!! Well they're not actually, called that, it more of my memories of earth. That made me have that assumption. Here, they're called supers. Quite a unique thing, supposedly there's five types, my parents are supers, and one of them is known too. At least these parents of mine in this universe are, not my pervious.'

"Yasithia!! Can you go get the ma-getz's milk, please and thank you." There beyond the living room and down the hall, a monster could be heard yelling from beyond our scope of senses.

"Yes!! I can!" Replying back towards that very monster, I decided to make my way towards our the kitchen.

Walking down the hall a girl could be seen, as she made her way down the hall. She would however, never have known she caught a glimpse into her very near future. There sitting upon the table, was quite the delicacy, she'd say. The problem wasn't the food, but rather the giant man, who seemed to have picked his nose. Honestly, however, the food looked like the sh-

"Eat up, kiddo. Imma go see what your mother is up to and see if your brother is up." Turning his huge physique, the monster, barged it's way though the door. While the smell of nicely cooked eggs, alien meat, and space vegetables filled the air. "I wonder what she is doing, mhmm I should go check this out."

'Damn it, he the food this man makes is yet again, damn near perfect. WHAT, hell is even these vegetables or meat?! Stupid, colourful food, that just happens to be good.'

Sitting back down at the table and staring out the now kinda broken frame. I can hear them snicking and talking, they appear, to have went to bug her brother.

'Whyyyyy?! Is it so hard to forget your old parents!!! Honestly, that's my problem. I'm too caught up in my past, can't seem to move past it. It's just one day, i was in my classroom, and then slowly making my way towards the gym. When I open the gymnasium's door, BOOM. Gone. I disappeared and awoke as this young girl, named as you guessed, Yasithia. Now here, you may be asking why I am here taking to myself? When no one is around? I say shut up, and mind your business..... okay actually it's a coping mechanism. You know, like you, Brain, our my audience. I'm really greatly for your continued support, so yeah. It helps me think things though, like this rather insane situation. Welp... better go check out what these people are doing.'

Picking up her plate, which she quite quickly, vacuumed into her stomach. She made her way towards the sink, which seemed to have surprise her as she made a face at it. Then, finally putting her dish into the sink, she turned to right grab a space vegetable, called Turi.

"Good, stuff." I said as I picked it up and began my walk to hallway of action.

'The Turi was a truly grand delicacy. It was a bright yellow coloured fruit, which, actually, shouldn't be there? Why? He have that there. Mhm.. no idea. Anyways let us see what's around this corner an-'

Cutting Yasithia out of her own monologue which was also quite short compared to her normal ones. Was the yelling of a certain word.

"Mhmmm....mhmmm... quit... quit..... Quit, I said quit poking me, PLEASE!" Twisting and turning in the blanket atop the bed was a young child. Yet, the child in question who was seamlessly raising their voice. Would appear that they were having quite a terrible time being poked by the mysterious lady beside the bed, yet, that little voice was quite energetic seeming. It would also go appear to this little yet, loud mouth, child, had a masculine sounding voice. Not too masculine mind you, not like a full grown man.

'That, there was supposedly my brother.' - Yasithia's unreserved & unneeded thought.

"Dear, she said stop... I'd probably let him sleep you know. Sleep is good for growing, he's only just gotten his life started while you've been around for couple thousands years." The one to assured the young man's loud, opinion was the man beside the door. Her and her brother father as he leaning against it as if he was god, with his unnaturally large body. However, His voice was nice and rugged, quite honestly, rather sounding like bark, if you can imagine that.

The mysterious women squad down besides the bed, had quite the young face. However, looks can and could be very deceiving as evident by her by the man who said to let the little man enjoy her sleep. Was their mother, who seemed to be enjoying bugging her child.

"Ahhhh, FINE! I'll let you sleep another few- SECONDs!!!" Just as abruptly as she startled everyone within the room as she said that. She just as abruptly, disrupted, her son's awfully peaceful sleep. As she straight face, winded up, and then... slammed down into her son's bed.

As this happened the boy bounced up into the air before quickly free flying back on to bed. As you'd this expect, or maybe not, both erupted into laugher. And there, peering into the room behind the gigantic man, was Yasithia. Having her internal though conversations.

'This... family is quite happy. That's a good quality for a family, I can get behind this.'

"Ah, Yasithia!! I didn't see you there, why not go join your brother and mom!!" And, there we have it, she was being brought up by her arms as her father who picked her up like stick. Stuck a 'gift' onto her FACE, before he whipped thought of a brilliant plane and threw her FAST, so fast, she was screaming the whole ride there.

"GROSSSSS, AHAHHAHAHAHHhahhahahahah *buf*" Until her head hit flat into the pillow as her body followed and landed on her atop her, which rolled her over. "AHHH, IT'S ALL OVER MY FACE, GRO—!!!!"


- (Scene Break)


(Yasithia - POV)

'So my morning definitely could've been better and improved. Aphm....'




Sadly, Yasithia could be seen pouting away in the corner, glancing back at brother. While, her brother could be seen making his way towards her. From the height difference, you could expect that and infer, that he was considerably younger. Yet, maybe not completely a youngster but definitely a young child. His name was, Auri. He was tryna sneak up on her.

"Boo!!" Tryna scary his sister was Auri, sneaking up behind like a panther in-front the sun.

"Umh, oh it just you Auri. What you doing?" Replied back to his obvious scare tactic.

"Nothing. What you doing? Is that chocolate there?! Can I have some!!" Asking his dead sister for his sharpe of the chocolate.

"Uh, no, wait yeah you can it. Wiat, wait, no give me back, I meant some, not the whole thing!!" Some how some way she messed that up ok her part of agreement. So while she tried to give the few pieces she broke off, he yanked and booked it before she really could.

So here comes the game of cat and mouse. While she tried to get up, she slipped on her way up, sadly because of her socks. Slippery socks, are no good! :)

"Hahah, mine!!" And, then as she fell down her dear little brother, laughed at her poor fate. As soon he laughed he quickly turned the corner, only to make it pass the kitchen and outside. Never ever, ever, to be seen ever again.

'Really?! What is this madness?! This whole day has just been bad. Where is that damn kid! I find you, imma beat you! I swear!'

Yasithia got her ass up and started to run right past the door and the that followed after corner.

"Damnit, he's runner." As Yasithia scrunched her face and proceeded to scan the kitchen which came into view. Sadly, he wasn't there. Yet, there it was. A marking on the ground of kitchen.... kinda looked like a poop stain.

"Should I taste?.... Nah. That's not worth the risk but he's gone this way." Figuring out his exit was the easy part, he was small couldn't get that far. She'd still reckon he wasn't too far away however, that he definitely got away even at his terrible speed and small uncoordinated body.

Acknowledging that he did in fact get away. Yasithia followed his rather dirty path? Maybe, who knows, she doesn't, not worth it. But, as fate would have it with her, she didn't run into her brother upon exiting the kitchen.

Instead she ran into her mother?! Which to be honest!! Is x10 worse than her dad. That's final.

"Uhhh, hello, mom, sooo, uh, you see. That's not mine, you know, behind me." Pointing back towards the mysterious stain on the ground which was left behind in the kitchen. Roughly two meters away, brown in colour, looks like one or two hair in it. It didn't look good, that's we gotta know. "Also I need to get back, real quick. Auri wants me."

"Uh huh, Yasithia. I never thought you'd poop on the floor again, at your age. Quite the spectacle we've got here." Replying back to her daughter she decided to play dumb her daughter was fun to watch afterall. 'What a little awkward girl.'

"Also, about Auri. I seen him leave with your guys dad. They'll probably be out for awhile, like to go see a performance, even a movie, so it's just you and me, TONIGHT!!" As she excitedly jumped in joy, and started to drag her daughter back into the kitchen. Gotta clean the mess first and foremost before doing anything, never know when someone is gonna come by.

"Uhhhhh, dooooooo I have to clean that, can you? Mom, it'd be easy." She asked and hoped for the best.

"Unmmm, yeah. I can do it. Is there anything you want to do in particular tonight? I kinda wanna go eat some food outside? You up for it or no?" Her mother was rather a food addict, simply couldn't go without it, that's why she got her man who can do just that.

"Thank you, and yeah there is actually mom what is ummm your power? You know, like the powers you and dad have? Also, I heard at school that you were associated with thousands shadow, what's that??" Asking all these questions wasn't out of the ordinary for most super families. Afterall which family didn't love to have a member who could carry them into honour, glory, wealth, power, and maybe even create a super bloodline. Of course our dear Yasithia didn't know that.

'This world is rather problematic. From my research in the last year I've been here, crimes are high in certain areas of the galaxy. As in terrible, very terrible thing, such as slavery and the alike. However, there also exist super to prevent that yet, they exist on both sides. Good thing, this side has more, and powerful allies. This is the supposed three civilizations which regulate many sectors of the different galaxies. Still it really is beyond earth.'

'This brings me to my second question to my mother. Her name is Stephanie, and she's been around for a really long time. Actually my mom is like an ancient one I believe. I think it's like a old elderly group of conservatives, 100%. Welllllll maybe not 100%, maybe like 90%. Since my mom is one. My dad however, isn't as old and actually quite younger than my mom by hundreds of years i believe. Well besides all of this useless information, I'm awfully curious about these powers. From what I understand very powerful supers like my mom can have potent bloodlines for generations. Yet, she only had me now in the year 664 of the galactic calendar or at least that's what I'm to believe. So I'm kinda curious about these powers and if I can awaken them. I mean, I want powers. I also don't know what my dad's power is yet, he looks like every other one of the big hunky beefy bois.'

'To be honest I don't didn't know anything about this place when I first arrived here, it was rather difficult and hard. I guess I was in an accident and in a coma before that. So imagine my surprise when I was having to learn how to walk again, plus eat, plus the bathroom..... So I can understand my mom wanting time with me, but I'm not her daughter or at least not her real one. I think she might've got crazy when that happen. It was all over the news, when I looked it up on the quantum network which is basically like light speed internet or cause it's similar to internet cables, or whatever. Well that brings me back to thousands shadows who was supposedly trying to get my mom when she was still considered 'young' even though she doesn't look a day beyond 28. So supposedly my mom's power is like earthquakes? Honestly, from the stories I hear from my grandma on my dad's side. It's like that massive vibrations or something, sounds dope, I think.'

"Well, ummm, to begin with my power is [Resonance Coordination], it's an esper ability. Basically imagine controlling and manipulating vibrations to various degrees. They're also very much essentially a randomized thing or rather in many cases inherited abilities. In our case, since we got both me and your dad, plus your brother. You've guys have got a good chance to be espers, since your father is one too. In esper's case however, it'd be more like a ratio of 75%\25% for inheritance. Since esper genetics and their abilities tend to favour mother's passing them on. Most prominently this is seen in esper's yet, otherwise it's same across the board while pugilist are instead male oriented." Stephanie, with her awfully long and maybe too much Information for the liking talk. Was quite informative nevertheless, which was very beneficial towards Yasithia.

"So umm mom, what civilization do we belong to?" I replied rather nervously since I've I don't know. Honestly, she doesn't know very much overall.

"Ah, I belong towards the Federation Of Light, dear. They were the one to take in our civilization, at that time I was weak, real weak. I couldn't stand here and rule or get the authority to our civilization without strength. That my dear, is very important, to date, we have already cultivated another beyond grade A. Amazing for our civilization to be able to flourish another after myself. The encounter and unpleasant experience with thousands shadows was also the one you asked about, no?" As she went about explaining thing she gestured to her daughter to sit down, with her.

"Yes, mother that one. I've tried to read about it since my memory has been blurry and decided I've got the best source right here." As she pointed towards her mom and moved towards the sit.

"Ahh, that's my daughter nice and smart. Like me, that's my genetics pulling though good. Good thing your not like you're dumb dad tho, who's only good for love, cooking, fighting, and wrestling. Actually, that's all we need." As smirked at the end and handed her Yasithia some tea.

"Wait, what'd you said at the end I didn't get to hear." As Yasithia pleaded, while she was being to engrossed into the tea. 'Simply, unbelievable. What tea is this? Why is all our food so yummy?'

"Nevermind dear, so onto the topic before. Thousand Shadow's eyes were on me back then, I had a target on back which came as a surprise since I never knew. One of the few times I've gotten caught off guard. Remember, always expect the unexpected, it's my take line, you get it?"

"yes mom... I get it. So wait back into Thousand Shadows, who was he?"

"He was quite the difficult fellow, he's practically dead now I believe. Yet, he has the esper ability called [Shadow Manipulation], that's what he started off with. Most wouldn't know that, that's a generally low ranked potential esper ability. Yet, he evolved it into a higher form called let's say [Esper Ability-Shadow Monarch]. Quite powerful, he was able to turn his enemies into his minions."

"Is that what he tried to do to you?"

"Yep, but that's when the unthinkable happened, I broke though and was able to protect myself. Otherwise who knew what would've happened to our ship that day, you would've have been born, or your brother, or even your father.... quite a different life. Alrighty no more sad talk... HOW BOUT INSTEAD WE GOOOOO EAT FOOD!!!" And finally her mother brought their little talk to a final end. As she began to get her shoes on and started to walk out the door.

"Ahh, actually yes, mom let's go get some food, but like what about how you got connect to the Federation mom?" As, Yasithia followed behind her dear mother.

'Wait, what if I'm in a video game? Imagine that, would be cool, like SAO, that was a good anime ;)'

And for no real obvious reason beside her maybe anime obsession from her past life. She yelled out a quite funny word, that many would find quite embarrassing.

"STATUS!!" She yelled out with her heart's content.



Name: Yasithia Aheroa (Hidden - Alice)

Race: The Antarrian Royalty

Model: NPC/ Earthborn (Cooldown to Version 1.0 Launch: 1,069 days, 8 hours, 21 minutes.)

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Profession: N/A

Sub-Class: Princess (Legendary) Lv1 - EXP 0/500

Health: 10/10

Stamina: 22/22


Strength 1, Dexterity 6, Endurance 2, Intelligence 10, Mystery 10, Charm 10, Luck 5

Unassigned Free Attributes: 0

Unassigned Potential Points: 0

Energy: 120/120 [Lv3] Energy Bonuses - [STR +5, END +3, INT +2, MYS +1, MAX STAMINA 100.]

Energy Rank: 26 ~ 34 Oda

Grade: F

[Born from a beyond grade A, you're potential is not to be underestimated. Yet, you hit like a little girl!! Trash.]


"WAIT, WHAT?!" Yasithia exclaimed as she now came upon her status screen.

Now what would our dear, Yasithia, Earthborn, do? Will she be able to change anything about this unknown universe. Will she find out what place this is? Will she ever? Tune in next week on lazy writer, and next time whatever I upload... on The Legendary Mechanic Fanfic - Faith & Blood.





—— (New Prologue) 'The Mechanical Princess'





Within the vast realm known as the quantum network was a old man sitting within his grand fortress. Here he was shifting though the various blueprints and information he had collected. Until he found the current blueprint which peaked his interest. As soon as it appeared within his view, he looked at it, the universal grade blueprint, he had just gotten. He had stolen it awhile ago, it'd have been quite recently actually, only a few decades back now, anyways. When he decided to pull the virtual attack on his old apprentice's employer and ally, The Federation Of Light. Quite honestly he didn't mind them all too much but business is business. They stepped on his toes, it was obliged at this point.

Upon attacking and receiving some various blueprints from the federation, he stumbled upon this uniquely crafted blueprint. So he took it, afterall what's some harm in taking one extra blueprint when he's already taken so many. One more wouldn't hurt, so how here he was looking at it. Then, out of nowhere a metal little cube appeared within the virtual realm beside him. The blueprint then quickly turned into data and flew into the cube.

"I'll try a second test, maybe this time it'll work, first I'll need my things however. Time to leave"

This old men went by an alias in the world outside of this one, that was 'Mechanical Emperor'. Once, the blueprint entered the cube he then started to begin to leave the realm, then abruptly a change could be seen where he was once standing. He disappeared and now seemed to be slowly opening his eyes, as he came back to his senses with the light peering into his irises. What entered his vision was the very white and clean environment, the clear white walls and white marble floor, he knew where he was, the martial world. Getting up, for this old man wasn't much trouble but he still made his slow but eventually way to his desk. The 'Mechanical Emperor's' face was filled with wrinkles, and appear to be old and worn. Yet, his wrinkles weren't as deeply embedded as one would think however, rather sadly, his simile wrinkles seemed to be almost non existent even at such an ancient old age. While his long hair rang down along his back tied up in a knot. Which at left various small spheres in his hair which seemed to be weirdly, metal sphere attracted at various points in his hair, leading down to eventual metal bracket at the end. Tying his awfully long hair off and letting his flow behind him as he gave off the feeling of an old elderly man yet, within his strides there was quite spry feel toward them. Almost as if he booming with potential and a livelily aura.

"The preparation are estimated to be done by the next day. Should be a success this time....." Yet as he tried to assure himself of his pervious failure, his voice was extremely void of emotion. Quite monotone sounding instead.

Finally upon approaching his desk, he reached into his robe and pulled out a small metal cube which he place it down on his desk. Then, just as he put it down, he slowly rose his head upwards and back around from where he once came.. There stood a being of great size.

A machine stood there within the huge 12ft door frame. It stood there with the appearance of a humanoid, expect instead of flesh and skin hanging off a skeleton. It was a white alloy which covered it's whole body, while a large sword hung behind it massive mountain like physique.

"Master, the various procedures have been finished and the body has fully stopped growing further." Bellowing out of the giant machine was a loud and rather happy voice.

"Very well, let us be on our way then." Upon hearing the message's contents, the old man spoke out back towards the giant mechanical life, in a monotone tone. He then slowly turned back around to once again take a final look at the metal cube he placed down.

There it laid upon the desk expect now it was protection a golden blueprint up into the air, [Blueprint-The Mechanical Force Engine 'Heartwork']. It was a device which would act as the energy source and maybe potential life source for one of his more obscure and currently unknown experiments. That is if he successfully completed it.

"I should get to work....." Muttering to himself in himself in a once again monotone voice. The 'Mechanical Emperor' grabbed the cube and put it in his white robe left pocket. He then slowly and methodically moved though his white office's exit and finally making his way towards the giant door and mechanical life.

The 'Emperor' could be seen stopping just before the door and his mechanical friend. He went and grabbed the bag to the right of the door and popped it over his shoulder, as he then stopped before his mechanical buddy.

He then slowly could be seen staring up at. First working it his way up it's body and then to it's face, which the mechanical life form noticed. It's master's eyes were shining, his irises which looked like they were two blue luminous stellar bodies.

"You get stronger?"


~ (Scene Break) ~


(??? - POV)

"I didn't quite expect this outcome, an unknown variable was involved somehow which in turn completely changed it... no, changed her. Hmmm.. what was that light? It began beating like my..... it was just an engine yet, now it's mutated. How'd this clone... no how'd she survived the light and whatever that mutation process was? That was a weird situation, that didn't happen the pervious test and the pervious clone, but it also didn't survive the initial process. Further testing will have to be done, Tarudum we have to begin it over again. Figure out what happened and if we can replicate that light." An old elderly voice could be heard yet, he was speaking rather analytical and seemed confused.

'What?! I thought I was sleeping why am I hearing an old man? How'd he get within my house?! Did I leave the front door unlock?!??!'

"Master, she up. Should I go tell the others to get started and to explain her? What are we gonna do?"

'Huh?! Who's talking now? Master? Oh gawd, other?! Have I been reborn as a young princess?'

Quickly opening her eyes, which soon started to absorb the light and showed her what she was currently facing. The thing that was originally was supposed to be there was her wood ceiling above her bed. Yet, instead what sprang in front of her eyes was a massive creature arching overhead staring straight down into her.

What she found her in front of her was unmistakably something she could recognize at an instant. Moreover, if what she thought was correct then where she was and who she was had major changes for the story.

'A robot? Wait..... is that the Mechanical Apostle named Termdum? As in belonging to and complete loyal towards Manison the 'Mechanic Emperor', did I transmigrated to Galaxy? Or, I dreaming? Was that old man him?'

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" She asked rather straightforward but Mansion took no heed to it rather not even caring in the slightest. He's seen countless of people and what experiences would seen unusual and weird. Afterall she was created not to long ago. He's lived thousands of years old compared toher past life and her current life.

Her voice, when spoken was overall quite 'light' sounding and had an unnatural 'soft' in tone. Much like the typical women's voice would be yet, her body remained small, unnaturally small? Seamlessly looking at her body she found she was clothed and rather... a young child and now in an unknown predicament.

'am I a girl still? Gotta check that ASAP but a child? Hmm... okay, I'm fu-'

"Ah, you're awake now. Hello, I'm Manison..... your father or dad and you're my.... daughter..... your name is kiLEadY, I mean Kileady." The old man named Masion, seemed to have tried to joke but Kileady simply continued to look at him. So as you'd expect he had been quite a bit startled and out of it at the moment after saying his greeting towards his child and no reaction. No worries, though evident by his little mishap at the end of his greeting, yet, here he was with a big smile on his face. Tryna make her feel comfortable by giving some light hearted commentary. "I hope you enjoy it here, this is one of my subsidiary bases. It'd be like out temporarily home since well we gotta get back to the main base. Quite lucky of you now that I think about it, she's seen my true body, Tarmdum. Not many see me in anything besides a robot. Plus, now we gotta go back for protection."

'...i-i really did transmigrated... into galaxy? With Manison nevertheless as my dad?! sooo that means I'll probably be Mechanic and so that's what he looked like... wait-never mind that, talk about MAJOR STORY CHANGE!!!!!!! I've practical got PLOT ARMOUR now, or wait do I really?.... What about when he caused major mayhem towards the three civilizations in the latter half of the game.... do players still even exist?! What time period am I in? ohhh, boy... The expansion [Calamity Of The Supers], Is gonna be a rough and chaotic time.....'

Manison simply stood beside the bed until he took his time to sit down on chair behind him and could be seen *sighing* to himself. It appeared this time the old man's complexion was radically different compared to his earlier complexion, his face clearly showed a myriad of emotion from his blank face. The 'Mechanic Emperor' might be having his hardest time in his life right now. His heart held a myriad of emotions however, his expression showcased only one more than the others.

Which was of course was pure unadulterated nervousness and he was also having his mouth be possessed by happiness. Childbirth is rough for any parent after-all thooo, maybe more so in the father case in this instant. It was evident, you could see it in his face; a slight upturned simile was plaster on his face. As the occasional eye twitch would happen as the time slowly progresses or his big smile after her initial awakeing; to him, it was a moment of conscious transformation towards a direction in his ideals, goals, and priority towards another. While that was happening on his surface, hidden away in the deepest reaches within Manison's soul was another unique changing which started upon meeting his child, love. A rather difficult emotion for 'Mechanic Emperor' since he never planned for such an occasion, something changed his initial crafting of the heart, by what? He wouldn't know...

"You see there's a marking, the diamond marking... That's where your heart is, underneath it so try not to break it, I made it, so that you could live." As Manison was about to further explain the process he stoped himself and instead further, pointed his finger towards Kileady. "You're heart is special and under normal means it cannot be affect by external forces. It's a one of a kind, to be fair I'm not sure about the inter workings yet but I'd imagine I could find out with some tinkering. Of course, that'd require the device to be pulled out from your- but maybe, on second thought, I'll stop talking now..."

After hearing him go into to explain that he didn't quite understand his machine, that's fine she understood afterall she played a Mechanic in Galacy. So now bringing her ears to use she finally paying attention towards the warm she feels within her chest. Energy could be felt within moreover, it was peaceful and rather therapeutic to listen to and feel. The beating rhythm of her heart produced a little wave of energy after each heart beat. Here, is where she noticed that she might've been slowly losing herself to the calm and steady rhythm, as the energy coerced though her body. Bringing her attention back was the addition of another deep voice which started speaking, and she once her heard not to long ago again.

"Hello, there. My name is Termdum." Without wanting or waiting for any response back from Kileady. Termcdum simply said his next following message after-all, he also seemed to be happy. "Alrighty, master and um princess, imma go spread the joyful and exciting news to the other apostles!" Just as quickly as he spoke, he was gone. Seamlessly holding the same excitement and joy as Manison he started to leave the room.

And, finally did our dear chinese friend found out that her first mental breakdown will ensue. The adrenaline was quite high and was slowly being her down, but her panic and maybe onset of maybe next meeting her family again. Scares her a little too much, after-all her mouth was telling a very different story to Mansion from her head.

"hello....th-there.... dad-d?!"

'Ohnonononoohnoohnonononoh.... I-I'm act-tually in the game... i-in Galaxy. damn it, dam it dam-nit. I CANT EVEN SPEAK AND I AM SOOOOO FFFFUUU—!!!!!!!'

This how our other Chinese player besides our main tanks boi Han Xiao, was transmigrated into their game latter known as the webnovel, The Legendary Mechanic within Earth.

This mini-story followed Maple Moon, now Kileady, is the daughter of the Mansion 'Mechanic Empire', what changes will this bring about?


- (Scene Break)


"So this will be your room for the current future. It's not my main bas- I mean house. Main house is much better than this place." Said her supposed father. As he slowly began to dig in his left pocket and bring out a white metal cube. "Is there anything you want? If not I will be going back. I'll be back in a bit, I just have to do something right now and if you need something to push that button on that cube."

"Okay, I can do that, thank you." Said Kileady as she bowed down and thanked him. Seeing this, Manison's lips twitched upwards and he quickly turned around.

"No problem. I will be back until then everything is free reign. If anyone ask just show them that cube or push the button."

"Yes, I know. I'll be okay." Kileady said as she was continuously looking around the room at marvel.

'Such nice walls', she thought.

Finally Manison began to make his way out and turned around one last time. Doing a quick glance towards her and then looking towards the long way he has to go.

'I wonder, if I have a golden finger or something similar. There's gotta be something, so why don't we try this out and see where we are?'

So without waiting anymore, Kileady simply said the words within her head hoping for the best possibly.

'Virtual Interface'



Name: Kileady Raiglest

Race: Mechanical Royal Race

Model: NPC (Cooldown to Version 1.0 Launch: 716, 22 hours, 14 minutes.)

Level: 2


Profession: Enginer (Novice) Lv1 - EXP 0/200

Sub-Class: Heartwork Mechanic (Legendary) - Lv1 EXP 0/10,000

Health: 120/120

Stamina: 144/144


Strength 10, Dexterity 5, Endurance 12, Intelligence 4, Mystery 0, Charm 2, Luck 0

Unassigned Free Attributes: 2

Unassigned Potential Points: 1

Energy: 60/63 [Lv2] Energy Bonuses - [STR +3, DEX +2, END +3, MAX STAMINA 50.]

Energy Rank: 20 ~ 29 Oda

Grade: F+

[A mechanical life-form blessed with potential beyond it's belief. However, in terms of combat strength you are trash among the countless races within the galaxy.]


'Ow- that last bit hurt but still is much better than a regular player's original message. Yes.... a golden finger has appeared when I need it most'

As she looked at the screen in bewilderment for the next couple seconds just extremely happy.

"YESSS!!" She yelled into the air as she flung her arms into the air.

'Alright, let's not get too excited Maple, or maybe kileady. Hm not a bad name, I'd say. Anyways let's check the next option out, the board, which seems to be greyed out. A pity, what about the skill menu, or chat? This next, update part, is interesting.... I wonder if they'll just appear. Question for another time'

'Skill Menu'


[Status - Skill Menu]

[Traits] - Personality/ Individual Traits

Slip Up Talker • Maple Moon - You've got a knack for getting the information out of individual without trying. Individual's tend to divulge info around you so get into a conversation with you.

Father's Prized Possession (Space Wonder) • Kileady - For a rather mysterious and an abrupt change randomly to your creation, which changed you're very nature. Turned you a mechanic life, into a women of flesh yet, with a heart of machinery. Filled with Mechanical Force arcs which flow your body with energy, you're more deeply connected to machinery than even most Mechanics!

[Class] - Profession & Sub-Classes Talents, Skills, Abilities or those which related to them.

[Mechanic (Novice)] Class Talent - Slightly Increases overall mastery over all machinery.

[Basic Maintenance] Class Ability - Enables the individual to learn the desired skills to

perform simple maintenance, to perfection.

[Basic Enhancement] Class Skill - Improves the rate at which anything machinery which has been maintained, it's durability is regenerated and get's small bonus passives to it's strengths for a duration.

[Abnormal Mechanical Senses • Maple Moon]: Exclusive Unique Class Talent - You've got an abnormal sensitivity towards the mechanical forces though your senses, as if you've used it for years. +240% Machinery Affinity, +3 levels to all Mechanic type abilities, not limited to maximum ability level.

[Source of Mechanical Force • Kileady]: Exclusive Racial Class Talent - It's as if you truly understand the source of the Mechanical Force within yourself though your every cell. When your Energy Attribute is Mechanical Force, receive 50 bonus Energy every level and receive 1,000 bonus Energy every 50 levels. Your total energy capacity is permanently increased by +5%.

[General] - All Other Talents, Skills, Abilities, or other not related towards [Class] or [Racial].

[Racial] - Racial Talents, Skills, or Abilities.

[100 Million Cell Artificial Engine 'Heartwork Brain'] Exclusive Talent/ Universal Treasure: An artificial heart made up of flesh, brain matter, and some mysterious elegant white alloy held together by the Mechanical Force brewing within. Whoever made it was certainly a certified professional moreover it was done with extreme care and precision. +20% to INT, +1.3x Machinery Affinity Coefficient, +15% - 65% for the quality of mechanic artifacts produced. Furthermore, +44% in abilities relating to the research and manufacturing of ordinary blueprints, and +18% in abilities relating to the research and manufacturing for Golden blueprints.

Universal Treasure Perk: [The Interwoven and Intertwined Love Of A Father] - An unknown and obscure variable changed and permanently changed the original Universal Treasure into a Space Wonder. Gain a Soul Connect with the 'Heart Brain' in your body.

Soul Connection: 1/5

[Blessing Of 'The Loving Father' & 'Heart Brain'(Lv1]: Lv1 – Lv100, +5% Machinery Affinity and +4% Virtual Technology skill for every 10 levels. Lv100 – Lv200, +11% Machinery Affinity and +7% Virtual Technology skill for every 10 levels. Lv200 and above, +17% Machinery Affinity and +10% Virtual Technology skill for every 10 levels.


'Ahhhhh, what?'



— (The End)



Hoped you enjoyed. Both prologues, this will be a lot longer next time simply because it's from the other MC's perspective. Decided two was good for now.