
The Legendary Doragon

The story is about a dragon.

Deep_Sabre25 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Battle Against Zalfos!

The stranger's Zapra spell gets interrupted by a flying Rampage slamming into her and knocking her down.

"Oww... Rampage, what-" the stranger, looks at Doragon.

"Doragon? You okay?"- Ty, looking concerned at the Dragon who has scratches and bruises from the fight with Rampage. Doragon simply just nods and flexes his muscles to which his owner smiles.

Ty helps the stranger up to her feet.

"How could that tiny lizard of yours beat my Rampage?! He is one of our kingdom's most trained wolves!"- Stranger.

"There's more to Doragon than you think. Anyway, let's get that Eclipse Scale together so we can save your king."- Ty.

Doragon flies to his shoulder.

"Wh-what? Why would you help me even after I attacked you?! Aren't you at all concerned for your village?!"- the stranger.

"Yeah. Hopefully, I can find something else to pawn money off of for those kids. But you have a good reason for getting that scale yourself, right? Just let me help out."- Ty.

"This boy is too kind..."- the stranger, thinking deeply in her head.

"Alright. Then let's call it it truce. I'm Akana."- Akana.

"Nice to meet you. Name's Ty."- Ty, shaking her hand.

"I'm sure you've already met Rampage. C'mere, boy. Say hi to Ty."- Akana, signaling her partner. Rampage tackles Ty to the ground and licks him.

"Hahaha! Easy, boy! Easy!"- Ty, enjoying the affection.

Rampage gets off of him so he can get back up.

"Rampage sure is friendly. I thought he was gonna bite me or something."- Ty.

"He may look quite scary on the surface but he's pretty friendly with most humans. I'd assume he's sensed your kindness and has taken quite a liking to you."- Akana, smiled.

"Hehehe. Anyway, this little guy is Doragon. He's my pal."- Ty.

"I see. Hello, little one."- Akana, smiling at Doragon.

"Let's get going. To Apra Cave!"- Ty.

Ty and Akana enter Apra Cave to try and obtain the Eclipse Scale while their partners follow suit. But it won't be easy for they must try to get it from a powerful and endangered lizard known as Zalfos. Zalfos is a blue diamond-colored lizard that shoots lightning blasts from his mouth. Almost like a lightning dragon.

As they see Zalfos with an Eclipse Scale, a bunch of bats swarms out of the cave to deal with the intruders which were Ty and Akana. They quickly swat them away with Akana taking most of them out with the Zapra spell. This without a doubt alerted their real enemy, Zalfos. He turns towards them with rage and hostility and lets out a groundbreaking roar before letting out a lightning blast. They quickly jump out of the way.

"The big guy is ticked! Akana, let's take him out!"- Ty.

"Right away! But don't get careless! I've heard lizards like these are merciless opponents!"- Akana.

"Doragon! Rampage! You guys stay back!"- Ty, with his sword ready to strike Zalfos.

He charges in and tries to slash Zalfos with his sword. But the blue lizard stops his blade as if nothing happened and throws him to the cave wall. This leads to Ty landing on his stomach.

Doragon cries in worry. Ty gives him a smile, reassuring him that he'll be alright. Back up to his feet, he charges in again. But this time, he got caught on purpose in order to kick Zalfos in the face and blind him with sand. Akana strikes the lizard using her needles. Ty follows up with a thrust to Zalfos' belly. But the thrust didn't injure him one bit as the scales of his stomach pattern are hard as stone.

Zalfos charges for a lightning blast.

"Ty, get back here quick! It's going to launch a powerful blast!"- Akana, warning him.

Ty avoids and survives the lightning-based orb that blasts everything in its path. He does so by quickly fleeing to Akana's side before it launches the blast.