
committing suicide

Lina moved to the bed and tried to sleep. She curled herself and covered herself in the blanket, yet she felt extremely lonely and ashamed. The only thing that kept flashing through her mind was that man that had molested her. how he had looked at her as he moved within her, every thrust causing her lower parts to burn with pain. At this point, her eyes no longer cried, on the contrary, they were red and puffy. She looked as though she had had some chilly thrown all over her eyes.

When she finally did get some sleep, it was fitful, waking up in moments in between, breathing fast, or shouting at her offender. Sweat poured from her pores making the sweatshirt she wore cling to her body. She wanted to just die and cease existing.

For the next few days, Lina found it impossible to keep up with how she felt. She was tired yet no sleep came. Her eyes felt double lidded. She wanted to overcome this, she knew she was a strong girl, but she felt weak. It was almost as though she had given up every hope of ever staying alive. She took her dairy and started drawing. What she remembered the most were those eyes. Then she wrote right next to him. 'I hope you die the most painful death on earth you son of a bitch.

She then took her scarf and tied it to the roof and hanged herself. By the time the sisters came into the house, she was long dead and her body had grown cold. They took the picture and could only feel pity for the little girl whose life had been filled with so much pain and agony.


Kasiva rushed to the wall and hit her head on it, falling down and going unconscious. She had been what was labelled trash in this entire world. There was nothing that she could actually do. Everyone in her family could cultivate. Her elder sister was already cultivating and she had already reached the seventh stage of mortal training stage. After watching herself get ridiculed every day, she had finally had enough of it. This had been especially after the boy she had loved had organized to have her trashed.

She admitted maybe she might have been quite disturbing because of how she had always followed Muli but apparently, he had always thought of her as trash and when another girl had come, who was able to cultivate and had good talent, she had ended up being thrashed. No that was not the entire truth. When Siva had seen the both of them together, she had been overcome by jealousy and confronted them. She had always thought that Muli loved her even though she was basically a cripple at cultivation.

When they had attacked her, she walked back home, only to lay on the mat in her house. Her cousins, mostly female had gathered around her and were talking about her in hushed tones. "Did you hear that the trash went after Muli, look at her now, she deserves it."

"Ha-ha can you imagine her guts going to disturb brother Muli, when she is a cripple at cultivating." The words kept piling up in her head and the only thing she could think of was I am trash. Why am I even alive? It was at time, before all her family, she stood as though crazed and looked at that them with such intense hate that one of her cousins Bella moved backwards subconsciously. It was only but for that moment but bella got back to herself. Why am I scared of this little Bitch, she thought as she moved her hand to rub at her chest. She had been a little anxious then.

Siva moved towards them, intending on stopping all that noise but instead, they increased. Everything was going against her. nobody loved her, no wait her parents loved her, she remembered the gentle gaze that her mom usually looks at her, but in her heart, she knew that she could never make any of them proud. She was just a simple looser whose fate dictated she could only live a normal life.

She then turned and ran, ramming her head at the wall. As she fell, she finally had a smile on her face. She was finally going to rest. At this point, while Siva was closing her eyes, she suddenly opened them again. It was Lina, "eh, I'm not dead? She said as she looked around. Wait where am I. immediately as she was asking herself those questions, a large amount of information poured into her head, causing her to faint instantly.

This was the eastern continent, and this was a place where only the strong could survive. It was a place that people cultivated. Looking she realized that someone grew in strength as they cultivated or rather gathered energy. On getting born, every infant would be well taken care of, and on the age of three, they would be taught how to start cultivating, but basically, they mainly focused on the inner training. This had no other impact other than training one on how to absorb energy from the surrounding.

This could also determine one's talent and speed as the faster one could feel the spirit energy, the greater their accomplishments in the future would be. Any child that could feel the spirit energy in the air before turning four was considered to be a monster in cultivation. basically, cultivation was divided into the mortal realm, which was further divided into ten stages, then there was the spirit realm, the king realm, the molding realm and finally the ascension realm. If there was more, then Siva did not know yet.