
What are you?!

'Can this still even be called playing fair?!' He'd never so much as stole a piece of candy from a shop when he was younger let alone steal the purse from another person! His moral compass simply didn't point in that direction, 'There has to be a way to avoid this.. somehow.'

His eyes darted in all directions, long abandoning his cleaning cart in a corner with the bags of trash neatly tied to the sides. All sorts of crazy plans started to brew in his mind; grab and run? Too risky, wait until she abandons it and then take it? Unlikely she never left the room without her bag on her person let alone her purse... Or maybe..

He grinned in delight at the plan he had devised craftily in his head, it was perfect; with little chance of failure at at most he'd just be fired and have to go job hunting elsewhere. Not too big a price to pay to avoid the punishment of the system, although he still doubted whether it even had the capabilities to do such a thing yet he felt it best not to test fate..

"What are you still doing here." She sneered at him, unknowingly when he was deep in thought he had approached her office... "Sh*t" He mumbled under his breath, it was easy to imagine scenarios in which he succeeded but not as easy to actually pull them off in reality.

"Um-I.. Um." He stumbled for an answer as his mind froze, he was terrible at confrontations such as these; it was one of the reasons he found cleaning so appealing, there was no intensity to meet company quotas or deal with angry managers and yet here he was faced with one of those angry boss's which he feared so much.

"Tch, useless b*st*rd; why aren't you getting out of here?" She sneered again, this time not even making an effort to look at him. "I.. uh.. need.. to clean." He barely managed to utter out a complete sentence as cold sweat dripped down his brow; why was talking to people so hard? He cried in his heart, the words came so easily but actually speaking them was far different from reality.

"Hahaha, you? Clean my office? I don't even know why we're hiring employee's like you who can't even speak properly, it's a waste of a salary." She ridiculed him as she looked up from her chair, arrogance in her eyes as she stared at him with disdain, he imagined that he simply looked like a monkey in a circus to her.

"Hmmm." She looked him up and down twice before glancing at the cleaning supplies on his belt before finally looking around the office, frowning slightly as she looked at the bookcases and pictures layered with dust. The whole process took five minutes as she meticulously scanned the room, "If you leave even the smallest spec of dust you can forget about this months salary." She gave a cruel smile before turning to her laptop as she started to type.

Harry gave himself a small sigh because he knew she wasn't joking around, it seems that even for a risky plan such as this I'm still at risk of losing something greater for being so rash; he could only blame himself for being too bold and not having made more preperations before hand..

Harry diligently got to work cleaning around the small office space, it was much easier compared to how the room outside had been a mere two hours earlier and was meticulously clean down to the smallest detail, not even a stain could be seen on the carpet or the tell-tale signs of a spilt drink on the desk. The only thing that could be considered unclean about this room would be the excessive amount of dust although it wasn't surprising, with her personality it wouldn't surprise him if she simply lazed around most of the day and only worked at most a couple of hours.

Every movement was swift and precise as the duster reached corners that the boss hadn't even known existed, she didn't know at what point she had stopped focusing on her work and on the cleaner in front of her but she was dazzled at how his performance was akin to a dance; every step was calculated to provide the most efficency and reach in the area which he was working.

She became so absorbed in his movements that she didn't even notice when he had stopped and was standing in front of her, it was only when he spoke that she was brought back to reality.

"Finished." He replied simply, he stood facing her slightly exhausted; glancing at the clock on the wall it had been about thirty minutes since he had begun to clean and during that time her gaze hadn't left him for a second - it was disturbing and caused the time he had estimated it would take to clean the room to increase by roughly ten minutes, something he harshly berated himself for.

"What..." Her mouth was wide open in shock, she only just realized she had spent the last half hour staring at this man; her cheeks blushed slightly as she'd never stared at a man for so long before - it was just that his movements were too dazzling to not notice, like a trained dancer he moved around elegantly and lightly brushed the dust off of every surface and like a storm nothing was left standing in his path.

In her mind the scene of a storm rattling her office had appeared as she simply sat dazed at what was happening around her, such a scene simply felt like the best way to describe his magnificant performance.

Remembering her status and the status of the man in front of her she quickly gathered herself as a cold uncaring look once again appeared on her face; despite the thoughts in her mind being nothing less than shocked.

"Work for me." She said confidently, she didn't care much for the man himself but what she did find interesting were his movements; if she could see such a scene every day how great would that be? Her house was big enough to require a cleaner anyway, if she could hire one from the company it would save her the trouble of having to call up and hire from a cleaning company herself.

Harry was stunned, 'All I did was clean for you, now you want me to work for you? Lady if you knew what the words in front of me said you'd be chasing me out of this office faster than I could run!' He shouted in his heart, yet no such words came out of his mouth; he felt anxious as he tried to find something to say all he could do was continue to stare at her in disbelief.

"That wasn't a question." She started to get annoyed, why was this man so braindead? Was it that hard to give her a word of thanks? It's his honour to have the chance to serve me. She thought to herself arrogantly, "The first thing you need to do for me is go and buy me a coffee," With that she threw him her purse which he barely caught mid air; 'Completing the mission is this easy?!' He found it impossible to believe, was this woman intentionally helping me? Did she somehow know about the system? Impossible!

"But.. you wanted a cleaner?" He said to her, still confused why she had asked him to get her a coffee instead. "Tch, from now on you're my servant; the salary will be discussed later so go and get me a damn coffee!" She snorted before turning her attention back to her laptop as she began to type away once more.

Stunned Harry walked out of the room, 'So.. is my mission considered complete with this?'

"Ding! Mission Failed!" 'What?!' He was instantly alarmed, didn't he have the purse? Why had he failed?

"Ding! The purse was given to the host with intention of return, the definition of steal is to take without asking with no intention of returning; the host clearly held the intention to return the purse to the boss after he had completed her task so the mission has been deemed a failure. Punishment will be dealt in three hours; please make your preperations."

Harry froze... He felt his heart freeze when the system mentioned the punishment, was there any way he could survive? Tears began to trickle down his cheek as he turned to look back at the boss, still holding her purse.

She noticed him turning and looked up, she was about to shout at him for dawdling before seeing the tears streaming down his cheeks; instantly she was filled with satisfaction, 'It seems working for me has brought him to tears of joy, how can I bear to shout at such a grateful person?' She gave him a nod and smiled which only made the tears come faster as he quickly made his way to the elevator all the way cursing in his heart.

'What f*cking type of cleaning system are you?!'