
Annoying situation

We can choose to be a part of time or we can let it carry us along. The only thing we can't change is time. We can never go back in time. We can never change the decisions we've made.


Haste finally returned to his mansion. While passing the maids and butler of the house, he had a large grin on his face, making them worried.

They had never seen the young master like this, so it made them strange to see him like this.

However, it wasn't strange in a good way since they still wanted to bully him.

And they did just that.

When Haste was walking in a long hallway to go to his room, a maid suddenly dropped a water bucket on him.

"Oh my god, young master, I am deeply sorry," She smirked while apologizing. "Please forgive me,"

Haste didn't do anything for a minute. He just stood there, still without saying anything.

The maid was quite surprised to see that since usually, Haste was just running away when something like this happened.

But in the end, Haste finally opened his mouth.

"What's your name?" He threw a cold glance at her. His hair was down and only a portion of his eyes was seen. Making everything seems colder.

"What?" The maid was shocked. It was the first time the young master had such behavior. It was truly shocking, even for those who were watching the scene in secret.

"Are you deaf? What's your name?" Haste said one more time, moving slowly but menacingly toward her.

Hearing his tone, the maid understood that something was strange, and in the end, she complied and told him her name. "V-Vanes Maple, young master," She even bowed her head, whereas she wasn't earlier after having dropped the bucket.

"Vanes, what is your rank among the maid?" Haste said, still maintaining a cold tone.

"I am just a simple maid, young master," She didn't dare to look at him in the face anymore.

"Since when are you working here?"

"Tomorrow would be two years, young master,"

"I see," Haste leaned toward her and put his hand on her shoulder, pressing it down, thus making the maid fall to her knees. "Then know your place!" He said with a chilling tone.

He then turned to those who were watching the scene from the beginning. "You guys, come out here right now," He ordered, as they complied.

"Yes young master, what can we do for you?" An old man said, not even bowing his head. Not that the other did it either.

'Is he the head butler?' Haste thought. 'Tch, things would get more problematic with my dad now.' He clicked his tongue. The head butler was making reports to the head of the house every day. So what he did wouldn't go unnoticed.

Not that he cared about that anymore.

"Fire this maid," He stated what he wanted with a cold voice.

"Young master, you don't have the qualification to order such a thing. It is impossible." The head butler answered calmly.

"Oh?" Haste raised an eyebrow. "And who said that?"

"Me, who else?"

"Head butler, what is my rank in this house?" Haste said, annoyed by this situation. No one was respecting him, and it began to piss him off.

"You're the young master of this house."

"How about you? What's your rank?"

"I am the head butler."

"Does your rank is higher than mine?"

"No, of course not, young master."

"Then why aren't you obeying my orders?" Haste got closer from the head butler. Even though he was making multiple more heads than him, Haste didn't back away. "Am I a joke to you?" He raised his voice. "Does the Laborde family has stood so low that even a mere butler isn't obeying my orders? Do I need to drag this situation to my dad?"

When they heard that, every maids and butler present here was shocked. They had never heard something like this. However, the most shocking this was that it came from the young master.

No one ever expected to hear such a thing from him, so they were truly shocked and scared because things could turn bad for them if the young master went to the head of the house to comply with their behavior.

While Haste was waiting for an answer, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He turned around, only to see another an annoying person.

"Head butler, my brother is right. Why aren't you firing her? No, more importantly, why aren't you listening to his order?" That was right, the person who came was Jil, Haste's brother.

He even put his arm around Haste's neck, showing his affection.

"I, I shall obey, master," The head butler, including the maids and butler present there all bowed their heads and did what they were asked before leaving the hallway, leaving only Haste and Jil there.

Haste didn't want to stay with his brother, so in the end, he began walking too.

"Not even a 'thank you big brother'?" Jil sarcastically said.

Haste turned around, showing his cold eyes to his brother. "What do you want?"

"I just heard some noises out of my room and decided to check what was happening."

"Then go back in," Haste said as he turned around, leaving him.

"Did he really say that?" He was shocked, but still had something to tell him. "Haste, we're eating together with dad and mom in thirty minutes, don't be late," He then went back to his room.

Haste too entered his room. Once the door shut, he let a long sigh and leaned on his door before sitting on the ground.

"It was harder than I expected," He said as he looked to the ceiling. He then went to take a bath since he was completely wet. He also had the stench of blood on him and really wanted to put it off.

As he was taking his shower, he couldn't help but think about what happened earlier.

He didn't know if what he did was right or not, but he didn't want to regret his choices anymore.

And after all, why would he act as a good teen when no one respected him in this house? Be it the maids and butlers, his brother, or his parent. No one ever respected him, so there wasn't any reason for him to respect them either.

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