

Vincent_7206 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Summoning Book

"dad when are we going to the school" Vincent said to his father.

"OK let's eat food before we go" Logan said.

"OK dad" Vincent said

after they finish eating the breakfast.

"OK now, but let me prepare myself" Logan said to Vincent

"OK dad me too let me go and dress up" Vincent said.

Vincent go and prepare himself after preparing himself he go and tell his father that he is ready.

"OK let's get inside the chariot" Logan said

"OK dad" Vincent said

they go together with his father, Vincent being interviewed by the interviewer

"how many years old are you" the interviewer said.

"I'm 8 yeah old" Vincent

"what is your name " the interviewer said.

" my name is Vincent Logan" Vincent said.

the interviewer ask him some questions

after Vincent answerd him he gives him a question in a paper Vincent answered the question on the paper Vincent submit it to the

the interviewer.

"OK finally he pass the exam, he will start coming to the school after 2days" the interviewer said.

"OK no problem" Logan said

they get back to the chariot, and get back home

"you are back did he get it"

"yeah " Logan said

"mom I did it"

"OK now is time for new lesson about the best timer" Luna said

"OK mom" Vincent said

his mother gives him a book

"mom what is the use of the book" Vincent asked

"is a book for summoning a beast if you contracted the beast" Luna said.

"wow but how can I use it" Vincent asked.

"if you make a contract with a beast you will find a card with the picture of the beast" Luna answerd

"mmmm OK but how can I summon it out" Vincent said.

"if you hold the Chad with the picture of the beast you want to summon it out called his name then it's can come out in any place he is " Luna said.

" mom I'm hungry now I want to eat food now"

"OK go and eat " Luna said

"thanks mom" Vincent said

he go and eat lunch after he finished eating the food he drink water, he go to his room and check the green and brown stone he see that the stone start breaking.

"hmm I have to ask mom about this" Vincent said on his mine.

"mom I see something at the side of the river in the shape of an egg with a colour of green and brown what is it" Vincent asked

" what did you take it?" Luna said

"no mom" Vincent said.

"why did you not take it ? " Luna said

"because I see it like a stone then I see that is useless, I just live it and come back home" Vincent said.

"hmm you lose it, is an earth dragon egg"luna said

he get back to his room he hear someone knocking the door.

"who's at the door " Vincent said

"is me Charles" Charles said

"oh is you " Vincent said.

"yeah is me" did you joined the school" Charles said.

"yes I join the school" Vincent said

"he sey that I should start coming after two days"

"hmm but are you ready" Charles said

"yes" Vincent said

"I'm going back home bye bye" Charles said

"OK bye " Vincent reply.

Vincent go back and see the earth dragon egg

he see it breaks again he start thinking about what to do, he thinks that he should tell his mother about it.

"mom" I got the earth dragon egg" Vincent said.

" where is it? " Luna said

"should I bring it to you "

"yes bring it let's see it" Luna said.

"ok" Vincent said

Vincent go and bring the earth dragon egg

"here it's mom " Vincent said

"ok" Luna said

she take the egg and see that it has started breaking

"wow is good, you should go and keep it, okey?" luna said.

"OK" Vincent said

after he go and hide it he comes back to his mom.

"come and eat"

Vincent quickly come down from the stairs and join the family in eating lunch.

Today, Luna prepared a wonderful dish with pepper chicken, that is one of Vincent's favourites and he dig in without hesitation .

"Eat slowly, the food is not going to run away" Luna teased.

"It is too delicious" Vincent answered with the food still in his mouth, he did not stopping from eating even for a second.

"What Vincent said is indeed true, your cooking skills are surpreme"

Logan commented.

Luna just smiled at the two of them as she elegantly eats her food unlike the father and son duo that has become like barbarians tasting meat for the first time.

After eating his fill, Vincent excitedly went back to his room to check that mysterious egg.

This Mysterious egg is what will change Vincent's life in such a way that he had never imagined!

"I want to go and play" Vincent said

"ok" Luna said

he go and tell Charles about the egg

they play and Vincent set that he will go back home now he get back now

he eat dinner and go to his room and sleep.