
The Gathering

In the north side of the land of dawn, a swordsman and an archer was fighting for their lives in the front lives in the war against the dark abyss.

The brave swordsman's name is Alucard, and behind him is Miya the moonlight archer, while it was a brutal battle against Moniyan and the Dark Abyss, the mighty heroes of Moniyan won the battle.

After the battle, Alucard and Miya became a couple and headed to the northeast of the Land of Dawn looking for a place to relax before the return of the Dark Abyss.

On their way to a small town, they saw a big sword and it was stuck in a large boulder, so Alucard tried to take it out but it was no use, he tried for several hours but no luck, but suddenly a warrior came and spoke to Miya and asked what Alucard is doing, Miya explained then the warrior laughed and Miya was confused

The mighty warrior spoke to Aucard and asked him to get off his sword, then Alucard warned the warrior that the sword is stuck in thr boulder but still the warrior laughed, so when Alucard sat aside the warrior step forward and took the sword without breaking a sweat and Alucard was stunned from what he just saw before him.

Alucard was curious how did he took the sword that easily, so the warrior introduced himself, the mighty warrior is in fact Tigreal the mighty warrior,

then Tigreal asked Alucard and Miya for their names, then they introduced themselves, after that they were all surprised because they all ready met in the front lines in the battle and complimenting each other.

These heroes became friends and decided to travel and become stronger together, so when they reached the small town in the plains they all started to rest until sunrise, and just when these heroes woke up a big explosion started at the Wh0 of the small town so they rushed to where the commotion is coming from.

They were surprised from what they saw, Eudora the the Queen of Thunder, but they noticed that something was wrong, she was acting weird and looks like in pain, so the heroes saw someone in a green tworn cape and horns, then the heroes realized that is is Vexana the reanimating witch that works with the Dark Abyss.

They remembered that in the battle, many casualties was caused by her and feared by all, so our heroes thought that Eudora is being controlled by Vexana so they must not hurt her, so they think they haven't been spotted by Vexana yet so they set an ambush to quickly eliminate they're target.

So they had a tough time fighting Vexana because of her controlling Eudora and making her as her sheild, so at the day's end, they barely defeated Vexana and saved Eudora from Vexana's control, so as for Eudora's thanks, she is willing to help out out three heroes in their journey, so they went to the big city of the great Moniyan Empire to get finer equipment and getting ready for the next attack of the Dark Abyss.

2 Months later...

The day has come, the attack from the Dark Abyss has come with a larger number of heroes and minions, but the great Moniyan Empire didn't even get intimidated by the sheer number of they're enemy, but sadly in the middle of the battle, the Great Moniyan Empire's army is starting to fall,

the army of the Dark Abyss is too powerful to handle, but at the right moment reinforcements have arrived from the south part of the land of dawn and came with one of the Legendary Heroes,

it was Fanny the sword dancer, she came into the front lines and eliminating half of the enemy's army in a flash, so hope sparked up in the warriors heart, so they rushed the Dark Abyss and finishing them up in one last go.

At last, the battle has ended they defeated Leomord the commander of the Dark Abyss's army, but for fanny she used up most of her energy to help the Moniyan army defeat most of the enemies and she's in the urge of death, so since they need a healer quick Miya took Fanny and ran to the Moniyan healer Estes, Miya barley got Fanny in time so it took Estes some time with Angela in his aid, Fanny is alive thanks to these four heroes that saved her from state of death, so what Fanny di to repay is, she will be joining their team but Fanny will not be there all the time, but if they need help, Fanny will rush to their aid.


And that's how the legendary 5 got together.