
The legend of Zen

In the mist-shrouded Wetian mountains, Zen, a spirited youth marked by unique purple and gold eyes, yearns to explore beyond his secluded village. When his foster father falls gravely ill, Zen embarks on a perilous journey to the distant Central Plains to procure life-saving medicine. Accompanied by his loyal friend Yun, they encounter bandits terrorizing a remote village. Despite being outnumbered, Zen and Yun bravely defend the villagers, forging an unexpected bond with the grateful community. Their heroic act thrusts them into a larger conflict as they uncover a web of corruption linking the bandits to local authorities. With justice and revenge on their minds, Zen and Yun vow to dismantle the criminal syndicate, navigating treacherous landscapes and facing formidable foes. Along the way, Zen discovers his true heritage and the power within his unique eyes, propelling him towards becoming a legendary figure in a world teetering between darkness and hope. "The Legend of Zen" is an epic tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, where one young man's journey to save his family becomes a quest to redefine destiny itself.

MysticEyeWanderer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Stranger

Yun slipped silently through the shadows, his heart pounding with excitement and curiosity. The mysterious figure he had been following led him out of the bustling town and into the quiet, moonlit outskirts. Yun's stalking skills, honed over years of practice, allowed him to move without a sound. He stayed just out of sight, his senses on high alert. Suddenly, the figure he was tracking vanished into thin air. Yun stopped in his tracks, scanning the area for any sign of movement.

A voice echoed through the darkness, sending chills down his spine. "Child, you are still a novice."

Yun's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" he demanded, drawing an arrow from his quiver and launching it in the direction of the voice.

A shadowy figure materialized before him, easily dodging the arrow. "Impressive, but not enough," the figure said. "Let's see if you can solve this riddle: 'I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?'"

Yun frowned, his mind racing. "What do you want?" he asked, frustration creeping into his voice.

The figure stepped closer, its form becoming more defined in the pale moonlight. "I want to test you," it replied. "Prove your worth."

Yun's eyes sparkled with determination. "Bring it on," he said.

The test was rigorous, pushing Yun to his limits. He had to demonstrate his agility, precision, and strategic thinking. Each challenge was more difficult than the last, but Yun tackled them all with unwavering resolve. Finally, the figure seemed satisfied.

"You've passed," the figure said, revealing himself. He was a tall, dark-skinned man with piercing eyes and an air of authority.

"I am Pali, a bow master from the West. I've heard tales of your skills, Yun. The 'Marksman of Death' they call you. Quite the nickname."

Yun's eyes widened in recognition. "You were in the inn," he said. "I didn't see you."

Pali smirked. "I was in disguise. I wanted to observe you unnoticed. I saw your fight with Leon. You're talented, but you still have much to learn."

Yun bristled at the critique. "What do you know about me?" he shot back.

Pali's gaze softened. "I know you want to get stronger," he said. "I see potential in you. With the right training, you could become extraordinary. How about it? Will you become my student?"

Yun hesitated, weighing the offer. "What do you want in return?" he asked.

"An offering, after your training is complete," Pali replied. "I'll tell you what it is when the time comes. 

Yun asked Pali, How strong are you?

You wanna know, said Pali.

Pali extended his hand and created a bow of ice. He strung it with a string he wore around his waist and used the air to form a dense, arrow-like projectile. He released it, and the arrow flew through the air with a powerful gust, shaking the trees and sending Yun flying backwards. The arrow struck a large rock, leaving a massive hole in its wake.

Yun was speechless. "Are you the strongest bowman in the world?" he asked, awe in his voice.

Pali shook his head. "No, but I'm one of the best. If you train hard, you can reach this level too."

Yun bowed deeply. "Please take me as your student."

Pali nodded. "Very well. But remember, you owe me an offer when your training is complete. I'll tell you what it is when the time comes."


The next morning, Zen woke up and joined his parents for breakfast. His mother smiled at him. "What's your plan for today, Zen?"

Zen nodded thoughtfully. "I'll go to the training center and practice."

His father, Huang Ho, shook his head. "That's a waste of time. They have nothing more to teach you."

Zen looked at his father, puzzled. "What do you suggest, then?"

Huang Ho considered it for a moment. "Why don't you go to Shaolin? Their training is rigorous and will push you further."

Zen agreed. "Okay, father."

He gathered his things and headed to the market to buy supplies for the journey. On his way, he decided to visit Yun. As he walked, he ran into Yawen, a friend from the village. "Hey, Yawen! Where are you headed?" he asked.

Yawen smiled. "I was just on my way to see Yun as well. Let's go together."

As they walked, Yawen asked, "What are your plans, Zen?"

"My father suggested I go train at Shaolin," Zen replied. "He thinks there's nothing more for me here."

Yawen frowned. "Shaolin is strict, and they are far away. Why go there?"

Zen shrugged. "I don't have many options. What about you?"

Yawen's eyes lit up. "I want to find the Crimson Moon Flower. I'll go to the Thousand Flower Academy in Chang'an to study flowers and herbs. There is an Emei sect there where I'll learn martial arts too.

In addition to that, my father has talked to master Li Meng, who will be my personal mentor. Your mother taught me a lot about herbs, so I want to learn more about them."

Zen looked impressed. "Isn't the Crimson Moon Flower one of the rarest plants? How does it rank, and how are these flowers categorized?"

Yawen begins by saying we have seven different ranks for herbs and flowers. 

Mythical Tier, Legendary Tier, Epic Tier, Rare Tier, Uncommon Tier, Common Tier, and Basic Tier.

Yawen adds that the Crimson Moon Flower is a mythical tier flower, and it is unknown if it actually exists or not.

Zen asks, What will you do after studying at the Thousand Flower Academy?

Yawen answers. "I want to cultivate herbs and flowers and sell them. It would be a great business and would make me rich." Yawen asks Zen to come to Chang'an with her, but Zen responds with uncertainty. 

They both laughed, enjoying the shared excitement of their dreams. They soon arrived at Yun's inn and found Yun's father in the front.

"Hello, Uncle Zhen," Zen greeted. "Is Yun here?" Uncle Zhen said, "He is not here. Ask Zong Ya about where he is."

Zen asks Zong Ya about Yun.

Zhong Ya shook her head. "He went out, but he should be back soon. Come in and wait."

Yun comes back.

Zen asks Yun, "Where were you?" Yun replies, "I went out for a while to buy things." Zen, Yun, Ya, and Yawen go to the garden at the back of the inn to discuss their plans. Yun brings up Pali, mentioning his impressive strength and skills, and offers to teach Yun Bowmanship.

Zen is very interested in this foreigner from the West and asks Yun how strong Pali is.

Yun smiles and says, "You'll find out for yourself." Yawen and Zhong Ya also express their eagerness to meet this intriguing figure called Pali.

Yun departs and tells his parents that he will not be back for a couple of days and to take Zong Ya with him. He buys all the necessary supplies and leaves with the others.

On the promised day, the group ascended Kangchen Mountain, a towering peak whose summit seemed to touch the heavens. Days of arduous trekking brought them to a remote plateau, where an unexpected voice echoed through the thin mountain air.

"I don't recall summoning them," the voice muttered skeptically.

Yun, always composed, stepped forward and calmly declared, "We're friends." The voice paused, then replied with a hint of curiosity, "Interesting company you've brought. I sense something peculiar about him." Suddenly, to everyone's astonishment, Pali appeared, effortlessly suspended in the air, a testament to his mastery over unseen forces.

With a wave of his hand, Pali levitated the group, transporting them effortlessly to a nearby plateau. Zen, ever direct and skeptical, demanded, "Who are you outsiders, and why have you come here?" Pali's response was swift and authoritative; a gust of wind sent Zen tumbling backward, his arrogance swiftly rebuked.

"Such insolence," Pali muttered, his gaze piercing. "That's none of your concern."

Turning to Yun, Pali inquired, "Why are they here?" Yun, choosing his words carefully, replied, "To learn from you." Pali, revealing a fraction of his origins, introduced himself cryptically as the "western one," hinting at a heritage shrouded in mystery. "I came here for reasons you need not know," he declared, his gaze unwavering.

Zen, undeterred by Pali's imposing presence, pressed further, asking about his strength. In response, Pali approached a nearby boulder, unleashing a seismic shockwave with a mere gesture, sending tremors through the mountainside. Fear gripped the group as they witnessed the unfathomable extent of Pali's abilities.

When Zen requested to be Pali's student, the master's response was resolute and final—only one disciple would suffice. Despite Zen's persistence, Pali's decision remained unwavering, his authority unquestioned.

Zhong Ya, fascinated by Pali's powers and driven by a desire to understand her beloved Yun's mentor, negotiated her place in this unfolding saga. Willing to undertake any task, she offered to assist Yun during his training, ensuring their bond remained strong amidst the trials ahead.

In a private conversation, Pali hinted at his special eye abilities, suggesting depths of perception and power far beyond ordinary understanding. These eyes, he suggested, held secrets that hinted at a lineage or training steeped in ancient mysteries.

As Zen and Yawen, unsettled by Pali's overwhelming aura, chose to depart, Pali cautioned them to keep his identity and abilities a secret. Their departure left Yun and Zhong Ya to immerse themselves in the teachings of this mysterious master, pondering the implications of Pali's presence and the enigmatic path ahead.

What did Pali tell Zen, and who is Pali?