
The legend of Zen

In the mist-shrouded Wetian mountains, Zen, a spirited youth marked by unique purple and gold eyes, yearns to explore beyond his secluded village. When his foster father falls gravely ill, Zen embarks on a perilous journey to the distant Central Plains to procure life-saving medicine. Accompanied by his loyal friend Yun, they encounter bandits terrorizing a remote village. Despite being outnumbered, Zen and Yun bravely defend the villagers, forging an unexpected bond with the grateful community. Their heroic act thrusts them into a larger conflict as they uncover a web of corruption linking the bandits to local authorities. With justice and revenge on their minds, Zen and Yun vow to dismantle the criminal syndicate, navigating treacherous landscapes and facing formidable foes. Along the way, Zen discovers his true heritage and the power within his unique eyes, propelling him towards becoming a legendary figure in a world teetering between darkness and hope. "The Legend of Zen" is an epic tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, where one young man's journey to save his family becomes a quest to redefine destiny itself.

MysticEyeWanderer · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The dance in the shadows

Zen became wary of the things coming for him. They emerged from the darkness and started stalking the group. Sensing the threat, Zen quickly warned Yawen and Yun.

"Something's out there," Zen said, his voice tense. "Stay alert."

Suddenly, shadows materialized from the dark and attacked. Zen drew his blade and used his Quick Flash technique, but to his shock, the blade passed right through the shadowy figures. Both Zen and Yawen were stunned.

Rui stepped forward, his expression calm but serious. "These creatures are born in the dark," he explained. "They are manifestations of the darkness itself."

"Run!" Zen commanded, his voice urgent.

The group sprinted through the darkness, the Shaders relentlessly following them. They needed a plan, and fast. Rui's voice cut through the chaos.

"Zen, use your fire! Create a barrier of light!"

Zen nodded, determination setting in. He drew his sword and closed his eyes, focusing on the fire within him. He could feel the elemental energy coursing through his veins, ready to be unleashed.

"Stand back," Zen said, his voice steady.

He channeled his firepower into his sword, visualizing the flames wrapping around the blade. The sword began to glow with an intense, fiery light, illuminating the area around them. The heat was palpable, but Zen held his focus, controlling the flames.

As the light grew brighter, the Shaders recoiled, unable to withstand the brilliance. Zen swung his sword in a wide arc, the flames trailing behind, creating a barrier of light that kept the dark creatures at bay. He then focused his energy further, forming a sphere of fire around the group.

"This should give us some time," Zen said, breathing heavily but maintaining the fiery glow.

The group quickly regrouped, taking advantage of the newfound light to plan their next move.

"That was amazing," Yawen said, her eyes wide with admiration.

Zen says I think they can be killed if I attack them with a sword infused with fire.

Yawen and Rui nod and say that next time you ought to do it. They are repelled by light, said Rui.

With his sword ablaze, Zen led the way, the fiery light pushing back the darkness as they continued their journey. The Shaders, now wary of the brilliant light, kept their distance, allowing the group to move forward.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon a haunting sight—a group of skeletal cavalry, their hollow eyes glowing with an eerie light, mounted on equally skeletal horses. The undead warriors turned their empty gazes towards the intruders, and without warning, they charged.

"Yawen, Rui, stay back!" he shouted, summoning his elemental powers. Fire flickered at his fingertips, but he didn't wait for the magic to fully manifest. With a roar, he lunged forward, meeting the charge head-on.

The first skeletal horseman swung a rusted sword at Zen, but he deftly dodged and retaliated with a blast of fire, reducing the skeletal rider to ash. Another came from his right, and Zen drew water from the air, forming a whip that lashed out, shattering bones.

Yawen, unable to stay back any longer, joined the fray. "Zen, watch your left!" she yelled, sending a gust of wind to topple an approaching horseman.

Zen nodded in thanks, his focus unbroken. "Are you alright?" he called to her, even as he conjured a wall of earth to block a flanking attack.

Yawen, her eyes sharp, spotted the leader of the skeletal cavalry. "Zen, there! The leader! If we take him down, the rest might fall!"

Zen nodded, channeling his energy into a final, powerful attack. Flames engulfed his fists as he charged at the leader, dodging skeletal strikes with fluid grace. With a fierce battle cry, he punched through the leader's defenses, shattering the skeleton into a pile of bones.

As the leader fell, the remaining skeletons crumbled, and their eerie lights were extinguished. Zen panted, turning to Yawen and Rui. "Is everyone okay?"

Yawen nodded, a tired but relieved smile on her face. "We did it. We're alright."

Just as Zen, Yawen, and Rui caught their breath, the ground began to shake violently. The sound of heavy footfalls echoed through the ruins, growing louder with each passing second. The trio turned to see a new threat—an enormous horde of mutant apes, each wielding massive iron clubs. Their eyes were wild with rage, and they charged with a ferocity that spoke of a complete loss of control.

Zen's face hardened. "We don't get a break, do we?" he muttered, summoning his elemental powers once more. "Rui, Yawen, prepare yourselves. This is going to be rough."

The first mutant ape swung its club at Zen, who barely managed to dodge. "Yawen, watch out!" he yelled as another ape targeted her.

Yawen spun gracefully, using a gust of wind to push the ape back. "I'm alright! Let's focus on taking them down one by one!" She replied, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Rui used his earthly electrical arts to summon sand, drawing energy from the earth. "I've got your back! Reinforcements are coming up!" He slammed his leg into the ground, and he used water and sand to slow down the apes.

Zen took advantage of the momentary delay. He summoned flames to his hands and launched fireballs at the apes, scorching their fur and forcing them to retreat. "Yawen, cover the right side! Rui, keep them immobilized!" he commanded.

Yawen nodded, her eyes blazing with determination. She conjured a shield of water to deflect an ape's swing and retaliated with a blast of wind that sent it stumbling.

"Zen, on your left!" she called out.

Zen reacted instantly, conjuring a wall of earth to block the incoming attack. He followed up with a powerful punch, shattering the club and sending the ape crashing to the ground. "Thanks, Yawen! Are you alright?" he asked, glancing her way.

"I'm fine! Keep going!" Yawen responded, her voice filled with resolve. She formed water into sharp icicles, launching them at the apes and aiming for their eyes.

Rui continued to channel his elemental arts, reinforcing the earthen tendrils and summoning roots to entangle the apes. "They're strong, but we can do this!" he encouraged, his eyes glowing with energy.

An ape broke free and charged at Rui, its club raised high. Zen saw it and unleashed a torrent of fire, setting the ape ablaze. It roared in pain, dropping its weapon and thrashing wildly. "Stay back, Rui!" Zen warned.

Rui nodded, stepping back and focusing on keeping the remaining apes entangled. "Thanks, Zen! Let's finish this!"

Zen and Yawen synchronized their attacks, with fire and wind combining to create a devastating inferno. The apes howled as they were engulfed, their rage no match for the elemental onslaught.

As the last of the mutant apes fell, the ground was littered with their smoldering remains. Zen panted, wiping sweat from his brow. "Is everyone okay?" he asked, looking at his companions.

Yawen smiled tiredly. "We did it. We're alright."

Their hard-fought battle ended.

They headed forward, anticipating another obstacle on the way.

They stumbled upon a breathtaking sight—a beautiful lake nestled amidst ancient ruins. The water shimmered with an ethereal glow, illuminated by countless glowing flowers. The flowers emitted a soft, radiant light, casting enchanting reflections on the water's surface. Trees with luminescent leaves surrounded the lake, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

Yawen's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Look at those flowers! They're glowing lotuses!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "I've read about them. They can replenish our power and stamina for elemental arts!"

Without hesitation, Yawen dashed towards the lake, eager to pick up one of the glowing lotuses. Zen, however, sensed something amiss. "Yawen, wait!" he called out, but she was already reaching for a flower.

In an instant, a massive serpent emerged from the water, its scales shimmering with the same luminescent glow as the flowers. The snake lunged at Yawen, fangs bared. Zen reacted swiftly, pulling Yawen back just in time. "Watch out!" he shouted, pushing her behind him.

The snake hissed menacingly, coiling itself defensively. Yawen's heart raced, her excitement replaced by fear. "Thank you, Zen. I didn't see it coming," she said, her voice trembling.

Zen nodded, keeping his eyes on the serpent. "Be careful, Yawen. Not everything beautiful is safe," he warned, his tone serious.

The snake lunged again, but Zen was ready. He summoned flames to his hands, creating a barrier of fire that forced the serpent to retreat.

Yawen took a deep breath, her fear subsiding. "That was close. Thank you, Zen. 

Zen nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "No problem. Just be more cautious next time," he replied, his tone gentle.

The snake, hidden in the water, attacked with poison, which went in the direction of Rui, but Zen blocked it and took the attack. The poison hit Zen squarely in the chest. He grimaced in pain but managed to stand his ground. "Zen!" Yawen cried out, rushing to his side. "Are you okay?"

Zen nodded weakly, but it was clear the poison was taking its toll. His movements became slower, and his face paled. "I'll be fine. Just slower and weaker for a bit," he said, his voice strained.

"Retreat!" Zen's voice echoed, his eyes wide with pain and desperation. The colossal serpent hissed, its forked tongue flickering menacingly as it glared at the retreating figures.

Without hesitation, the group sprinted away from the danger, their hearts pounding in unison with their frantic footsteps. The serpent's eyes followed them, but it did not give chase.

Yawen, her face etched with worry, immediately tended to Zen as soon as they were at a safe distance. "Zen, stay with me," she urged, her voice trembling. She quickly assessed the situation, her hands trembling slightly as she applied first aid to the grievous wound on his chest. Blood stained her fingers as she worked to neutralize the poison coursing through his veins.

Zen coughed, and a spray of blood escaped his lips. The sight of it made Yawen's heart falter. She knew the poison was deadly, especially since it had struck a vital point. "Hold on, Zen," Yawen whispered, her determination steeling her nerves. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing her energy. She called upon her elemental arts, her hands glowing faintly with a soft, ethereal light. Slowly, she began to control the flow of Zen's blood, manipulating it to counteract the venom's spread.

The process was painstakingly slow, with every second stretching into an eternity. Zen's breathing was ragged, and his face contorted with pain. Yawen started giving her CPR to help him breathe more.

"You're going to be okay," she murmured, more to herself than to Zen. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her hands shook from the effort. She could feel her energy waning, but she pushed on, refusing to give up.

Time seemed to blur as Yawen continued her efforts, her focus unwavering. Slowly but surely, she managed to draw the poison out, guiding it away from Zen's heart and vital organs. The dark tendrils of venom flowed out of the wound, dissipating into the air like mist.

Zen's breathing began to steady, and the color slowly returned to his face. He looked at Yawen with gratitude and relief, his eyes filled with unspoken thanks.

"Thank you," he whispered weakly, his voice barely audible.

Yawen smiled, though her face was pale with fatigue. "You're not getting rid of us that easily," she replied, her voice gentle but firm.

The poison had damaged Zen's organs and left him vulnerable and still weak. Zen used some of the pills that Yawen gave him to increase his stamina. Zen's being heavily injured was a big concern for everyone there. 

Zen tells them to take a rest for now, as they need to replenish their energy for future battles to come.