
The legend of Zen

In the mist-shrouded Wetian mountains, Zen, a spirited youth marked by unique purple and gold eyes, yearns to explore beyond his secluded village. When his foster father falls gravely ill, Zen embarks on a perilous journey to the distant Central Plains to procure life-saving medicine. Accompanied by his loyal friend Yun, they encounter bandits terrorizing a remote village. Despite being outnumbered, Zen and Yun bravely defend the villagers, forging an unexpected bond with the grateful community. Their heroic act thrusts them into a larger conflict as they uncover a web of corruption linking the bandits to local authorities. With justice and revenge on their minds, Zen and Yun vow to dismantle the criminal syndicate, navigating treacherous landscapes and facing formidable foes. Along the way, Zen discovers his true heritage and the power within his unique eyes, propelling him towards becoming a legendary figure in a world teetering between darkness and hope. "The Legend of Zen" is an epic tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, where one young man's journey to save his family becomes a quest to redefine destiny itself.

MysticEyeWanderer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The begining

In the foggy hills of the Wetian mountains, where cascading waterfalls and ancient cliffs preside, a child named Zen lived with an eagerness to know the world beyond. His left eye was purple, and his right eye was gold—marks of his unique heritage. To protect him and help him blend in, his foster parents used a secret technique to conceal the colors. Yet, despite their efforts, Zen remained a troublemaker, known for his mischief and curiosity.

At fifteen, Zen felt ready to explore the unknown. He yearned to become an explorer and discover the world beyond the mountains. But before he could embark on his journey, his foster father's condition took a turn for the worse. That night, Zen found out about his father's ill health. 

"I need medicine from the Central Plains to treat my lung disease," his father said, his voice strained with chronic illness. "Can you get it for me, Zen?"

Zen nodded, determined to help. "Of course, Father. I'll leave as soon as possible."

His father, a local businessman, smiled weakly. "Thank you, Zen. Be careful out there. The world beyond the mountains is dangerous."

"I will," Zen promised. "I won't let anything stop me."

Before setting out, the next day Zen met his childhood friend Yawen, the most beautiful girl in town. She was tending to her garden when Zen approached.

"What are you up to now, Zen?" she asked with a smile, wiping her hands on her apron.

"My father's sick," Zen replied. "I need to get medicine from the Central Plains."

Yawen's smile faded, replaced by concern. "I see. I hope he gets better soon. Do you need any help?"

"Just your good wishes," Zen said, trying to stay optimistic. "I'll be back before you know it."

Yawen placed a hand on his arm. "Good luck, Zen. Please be safe."

Zen nodded and made his way to a nearby inn for brunch, run by his friend Yun and his family. The inn was bustling with activity, with the scent of fresh food wafting through the air. Yun, a stocky boy with a perpetual grin, waved him over.

"Zen! Over here!" Yun called, wiping his hands on his apron. "What brings you in today?"

"I need to fetch medicine for my father from the Central Plains, so I wanted to taste the delicious food here," Zen replied, his voice tinged with worry. "His condition is getting worse, and I need to hurry."

Yun's smile faded, replaced by concern. "I'm sorry to hear that. You know, I've been planning a trip to the Central Plains myself. There's a rare herb I need for a new recipe."

A spark of hope lit Zen's eyes. "Why don't we travel together, then? Two are better than one."

Yun nodded, his grin returning. "Sounds like a plan. We'll leave at noon."

Born and bred in the mountains, Zen and Yun had a tough life, skilled enough to be second-class elementary fighters thanks to their local sect's martial arts training. As evening fell, they came across a small village under attack by bandits. The men were being killed, and the women and children were being kidnapped.

Without hesitation, Zen and Yun intervened. Zen's sword flashed as he charged, and he killed two bandits, while Yun's arrows found their marks, wounding three bandits fatally. The bandits were taken by surprise. Despite being outnumbered tenfold, they fought with fierce determination.

"Leave now, or face the consequences," Zen warned, his voice steady and commanding.

The bandits only laughed, confident in their numbers. "You think two boys can stop us?" one of them jeered.

Zen gripped his sword tightly. "They are relentless," he said to Yun, who was nocking another arrow. Together, they fought, their movements swift and lethal. Zen sidestepped a charging bandit, thrusting his sword into his chest, while Yun's arrows took down others trying to flank them.

The bandit leader, seeing his men fall, stepped forward. "I'll handle this," he snarled, motivating his remaining men to join him.

Zen and Yun fought bravely. "Watch your back!" Yun shouted, firing an arrow that narrowly missed Zen but struck a bandit creeping up behind him.

"Thanks!" Zen called out, slashing through another attacker. Yun swiftly killed five more bandits with his poison needles. Zen, attacked from behind, was saved by a brave villager who tackled the assailant. The remaining bandits tried to flee but were captured by the villagers.

Zen and Yun finally faced the bandit leader together. "You won't leave here alive," the leader sneered, charging at them with his massive axe.

"We'll see about that," Zen replied, dodging a heavy swing and countering with a precise strike. Yun's arrow found its mark in the leader's shoulder, slowing him down enough for Zen to deliver the final blow.

One bandit managed to escape, but Yun's arrow found its mark in his back. The village was saved.

Injured, Zen decided to rest in the village. The villagers treated Zen and Yun with respect and gratitude for saving them from the Night Raider bandits. Despite the victory, the village had lost 30 men during the raid.

The village chief, an old man, greeted them. "Thank you for your help," he said, his voice weary but grateful. "Bandits have been rising in the area. We ask for your help to take care of them."

"Why don't you ask the authorities?" Zen asked, puzzled.

The chief sighed. "The bandits and the authorities are in this together. They don't care about us as they are corrupt and greedy."

Zen and Yun hesitated. They needed to reach the Central Plains for their goals. Zen finally agreed, but insisted their names be kept secret and they be compensated fairly.

The village chief agreed. After he left, a girl named Zong Ya approached them. "Thank you for saving our village," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Yun was immediately taken by her beauty. "How's your family?" he asked gently.

"They were killed by the bandits," Zong Ya said sadly. "And my sister was kidnapped."

Yun vowed to take revenge for her, bringing a light of hope to Zong Ya's face. "We'll find her and bring her back," he promised.

Meanwhile, the bandit who had escaped returned to his big boss. "What happened?" the boss demanded. "Where are the rest?"

"They're all dead," the bandit replied fearfully. "There were only two of them."

The boss, enraged by this, punished him. "Prepare for the raid," he ordered, his voice cold and menacing. Evil laughter echoed through the bandits' den.