
The legend of Zen

In the mist-shrouded Wetian mountains, Zen, a spirited youth marked by unique purple and gold eyes, yearns to explore beyond his secluded village. When his foster father falls gravely ill, Zen embarks on a perilous journey to the distant Central Plains to procure life-saving medicine. Accompanied by his loyal friend Yun, they encounter bandits terrorizing a remote village. Despite being outnumbered, Zen and Yun bravely defend the villagers, forging an unexpected bond with the grateful community. Their heroic act thrusts them into a larger conflict as they uncover a web of corruption linking the bandits to local authorities. With justice and revenge on their minds, Zen and Yun vow to dismantle the criminal syndicate, navigating treacherous landscapes and facing formidable foes. Along the way, Zen discovers his true heritage and the power within his unique eyes, propelling him towards becoming a legendary figure in a world teetering between darkness and hope. "The Legend of Zen" is an epic tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, where one young man's journey to save his family becomes a quest to redefine destiny itself.

MysticEyeWanderer · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The aftermath

After the grueling, hard-fought battle, Zen fell unconscious, his body finally succumbing to exhaustion. Meanwhile, Yun and his remaining subordinates emerged victorious from the bandits' hideout. The village chief, Gaizu, planned to sell the captured bandits into slavery as punishment and to earn money. However, Yun had a different vision for the bandits.

Returning to the village, Yun convened a meeting with the village elders and the villagers. He spoke passionately: "These bandits committed grave wrongs, but selling them into slavery perpetuates a cycle of cruelty. We must break this cycle and choose a path of mercy."

Chief Gaizu, skeptical, retorted, "Mercy? These men deserve to pay for their crimes."

Yun, calm yet firm, replied, "True justice lies in giving them a chance to atone. Let them work to rebuild what they destroyed under our supervision. They can contribute to our community rather than be sold away." The villagers, persuaded by Yun's words, began to murmur in agreement. Reluctantly, Gaizu nodded. "Very well, Yun. We will follow your lead."

With the bandits spared from slavery, Yun led his men back to the hideout. They gathered the riches and distributed them among the mercenaries, villagers, and reinforcements from other villages, ensuring everyone received a fair share. Yun took his portion, which included several ordered items, notably the rare Shen Chi herb Zen's father needed for his disease and his own collection of spices and herbs for his recipe.

As they packed up, Yun found Leon's body among the fallen. He took a moment to honor him, burying him with a proper funeral, a gesture of respect and remembrance. With the necessary herbs and some gold, Yun returned to the village, his mission accomplished.

The bandits, under the watchful eyes of the villagers, began their work of restitution. This act of mercy brought a new sense of unity and hope to the community. 

After the intense battle, Qin Shi departed with his remaining soldiers, as did the reinforcements. The leader of the initial reinforcements, rendered completely useless by Liam's cunning tactics, eventually succumbed to his injuries and died. However, the later reinforcements brought by the fifth messenger suffered the fewest casualties, thanks to their strategic approach and timely arrival.

Before leaving, Qin Shi addressed Yun and the villagers. "If you ever need me," he said with a wry grin, "you can call me. I'm always willing to bite for some money." His fierce reputation earned him the title of 'Mad Dog' after the Zentian village incident, a moniker that struck both fear and respect in the hearts of many.

The epic battle between the villagers and the bandits quickly spread like wildfire. The tale of their bravery and skill became popular far and wide. Zen and Yun, in particular, were celebrated as the saviors from the north. Zen was honored with the title of 'Northern Warrior,' while Yun was dubbed the 'Marksman of Death' for his unparalleled precision and lethality in battle.

Their victory, though remarkable, was exaggerated by storytellers and bards, who created myths and legends around their feats. They were depicted as almost superhuman figures, their exploits embellished to inspire awe and admiration. This newfound fame brought them both opportunities and challenges as they navigated their lives in the wake of their legendary status. The Zentian village, once a quiet and humble place, has now been destroyed, and the villagers have decided to migrate from there.

Yun and Zen were deeply thanked by the villagers and hailed as heroes for their bravery and sacrifice. Despite their victory, the village lay in ruins, completely destroyed by the fierce battle. In gratitude and honor, the villagers started calling themselves "Yuzen," a blend of Zen and Yun's names, to remember the saviors who fought for their survival.

Zong Ya, especially grateful, thanked Yun for his tremendous effort in saving the village and her sister. Before leaving, Yun convinced everyone to build graves for all the fallen, including the bandits. The village chief vehemently disagreed, arguing, "Those bastards don't deserve graves." Yun, calm but resolute, replied, "When alive, they were bandits, but when dead, they are all equal." Though he was unconvinced, the village chief, Gaizu, couldn't deny the hero's request.

The villagers quickly built graves for everyone. They took the bandits' horses and migrated from their empty, worn-down village. The government provided them with a new shelter near the bank of the Kailung River, offering a fresh start and hope for the future. Together with the leftover bandits, they built a new village named Zenyu in honor of Zen and Yun. The villagers started learning martial arts and continued the arts taught by both Yun and Zen. 

Zong Ya and her sister accompanied Zen and Yun to the Wetian Mountains. They were welcomed as heroes in the new town, their legend having preceded them. Zen, who had fallen unconscious after the battle, woke up after five days. Although he had recovered, he lacked his usual vigor and energy, a reminder of the toll the battle had taken on him. 

Upon waking, Zen was greeted by his childhood friend, Yawen, who welcomed him with flowers as blue as the unending sky. "A boy receiving flowers is quite rare," Yun teased Zen, trying to lighten the mood. Yun told Zen about everything that happened when he was unconscious. 

During this heartfelt reunion, Zong Ya and Yawen introduced themselves to each other. The two women quickly bonded over their shared admiration for Zen and Yun. Yawen expressed her gratitude for their heroism, while Zong Ya shared stories of their bravery during the battle, especially highlighting Yun's actions. Teasingly, Yawen nudged Zong Ya and said, "You seem to talk a lot about Yun."

Blushing, Zong Ya admitted, "I really, really like Yun. He was with me when I needed someone the most and even rescued my sister." Yawen, intrigued, asked, "Tell me more about what happened."

Zong Ya recounted how Yun's courage and kindness gave her hope during the darkest times. "He fought fiercely, protected us, and his compassion never wavered," she said, her eyes reflecting admiration. Yawen smiled warmly, appreciating the bond forming between her new friend and Yun. "It sounds like Yun is truly special for you," she remarked, feeling happy for Zong Ya. The two women continued to share stories, their friendship deepening with each passing moment. Yawen showed Zong Ya around the town, as she will be living there. 

Zen and Yun's presence in the town continued to inspire the villagers. Their legend, once exaggerated tales, now stood as a testament to their courage and selflessness. As they settled into their new lives, Zen, Yun, Zong Ya, and Yawen found strength in their camaraderie and the support of the community.

Zen returns home after enduring many hardships to obtain the powerful Shen Chi. As he steps inside, his father, bedridden, looks up and says, "You have finally returned, son."

"Yes, father," Zen replies, his voice filled with emotion. He gazes at his father and, with tears in his eyes, says, "I'm back, father."

Zen's mother, Fang Chi, joins them and hugs Zen tightly. With happiness on his face, Zen tells his father, "You will finally be free from your suffering."

His father smiles, grateful for Zen's efforts. They carefully apply the medicine, and soon, Zen's father's recovery begins. His voice returns, stronger and more vigorous than before, showcasing the powerful effects of the Shen Chi herb. The family shares a heartfelt moment, and the bond between them is deepened by their love and resilience. Zen's hardships are rewarded with his father's health and vitality, bringing peace and joy back to their lives. 

After ensuring his father's recovery, Zen leaves to see the town. As Zen leaves, his parents see him go, and they remember how that small, naughty boy had grown up to be a reliable son. The townfolk's attitude towards him has changed. Previously seen as a troublemaker and a nuisance, Zen now finds himself warmly greeted by many people. They recognize his perseverance, the great deed he accomplished for his father, and how he saved the village from bandits. Children run up to him, expressing their admiration and saying they want to be like him when they grow up.

As Zen strolls through the town, he meets Yawen again. They walk together, and Zen notices how the other girls look at him flirtatiously. Yawen, unable to tolerate their glances, shows signs of jealousy. She stays close to Zen, subtly making it clear that he is special to her. This new-found respect and attention from the townspeople, along with Yawen's affection, bring a sense of fulfillment to Zen. His journey through hardships has transformed him from a misunderstood youth into a respected and admired figure in the community. As night falls, both Yawen and Zen go to Zen's house.

Zen was surprised to see Zong Ya and Yun there. Zong Ya introduces herself and her sister to everyone there.

During dinner, Zen's father, Huang Ho, asks about Zen's journey outside the mountains.

During dinner, Zen's father, Huang Ho, inquired about Zen's travels beyond the mountains. Zen reflected on the diverse people he had encountered, sharing poignant tales from Taotei's backstory. The table grew quiet, absorbing the weight of these narratives.

Breaking the silence, Yun solemnly remarked, "Commander Ling won't let us rest in peace." His words hinted at lingering challenges from their shared past. Yawen, concerned, asked Zen if he planned to leave town again. Zen responded with uncertainty, revealing, "I don't know. Taotei told me that Commander Ling is an advanced-level fighter and holds a high position in the Bureau of Justice. Taking him down would be harder than anything we've faced before."

Zen's father interjected, recalling his own encounter with Commander Ling. "I once met him," Huang Ho began, his voice tinged with disbelief. "He is known for his great sincerity and honor." He found it difficult to reconcile this image with the challenges posed by Commander Ling today.

As they discussed, the weight of Commander Ling's reputation and their intertwined history loomed over the dinner table, leaving them contemplating the complexities of justice and the paths ahead.

Zen's mother, with concern etched on her face, urged Zen to continue training and strengthen himself. Both Zen and Yun had already surpassed their previous levels and are now ranked as elementary-four-level fighters, showcasing their innate talent for combat.

Zong Ya, appreciative of the hospitality and support shown by Yun, asked where she and her sister would stay in the town. Yun warmly offered them a place at Yun Inn, assuring them of all their needs being taken care of. Zong Ya expressed her gratitude once more, touched by Yun's generosity and kindness.

Later, after dinner, Zen, Yawen, Yun, Zong Ya, and her sister departed for their homes. Alone with his father, Zen discussed his special ability. Huang Ho sighed deeply and confessed, "I thought it was time to tell you. I had already realized it from your experiences, especially when you spoke of your battle with Taotei, that you found out about your eyes."

Meanwhile, in a distant land, a shadowy figure with an evil smile said, "Things are getting interesting, aren't they, Egun?" the figure remarked. "Yes, my liege," Egun replied dutifully. Who is the mysterious figure, and what mysteries do Zen eyes hold?

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I will not be able to publish new chapters on a daily basis from now on and I aks for all of your good wishes and support.

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