
The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time English Version

Link is a boy of the Kokiri tribe, inhabitants of the forest, soon he is pushed out of his home to fulfill a task entrusted by the Protecting Deity of the Forest and he will set out on an adventure of epic proportions. You will meet various races, kingdoms, and challenges on your way to establish peace in your world. He will make allies of all kinds to guide him to establish himself as a legendary hero. You will visit and participate in different cultures adopting their customs and protecting them from the man who seeks to steal the treasure to dominate the world. Two children born of destiny, one in the desert and the other in the forests, will be the ones who shape the future of the Kingdom of Hyrule

Gabo96 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Hyrule Castle Garden

Link hurried out through the tunnel and came to a pool from which the water came, which cascaded down the wall to the right. Link ignored him and walked out of the pond into a garden with a door on the right and several barrels. Right in front there were more gardens, and more beautiful, so Link headed towards them. +

He was about to cross the first one when he heard footsteps on the grass. He looked carefully through the hedge at the beginning and saw a guard walking through the first garden, which had another square hedge in the center. However, as there was only one, he easily outwitted him and continued to the second garden.

This one also had a hedge at the beginning and there were two fountains along the garden, and as a consequence, two guards. Now it was a bit more difficult to outwit them, but luckily he did and continued to the third garden. Now there was a hedge at the beginning and at the end, but between the two they held up with wooden planks a wire mesh with tangled leaves. Link looked through the hedge and saw a single guard, but he was looking intently in all directions, making it impossible to cross.

Then Link realized that the guard was not looking up, so Link climbed onto the boards and saw that they were joined by another board. Thanks to this, he was able to cross without problems. He reached the fourth garden, but now there were no hedges, but a wall at first that did not let him see, so he had to turn to his ears and heard more footsteps, but he did not know how many guards there would be.

He stared for an instant and saw a large statue spanning the entire garden on top of a pedestal where the Triforce was drawn. He also saw two guards and took advantage of the fact that they were turning the other way to rush across the garden. When we reached the fifth garden, it turned right and had another hedge at the beginning, and more hedges between the garden. There were two guards walking fast, hardly leaving a piece of the garden alone. In the middle was a hedge shaped like a rectangle and in the middle of it another statue.

Link crossed the garden to the bottom, where the path ended, but he continued to the left with a corridor, which, when he finished it, reached a sixth garden larger and more beautiful than the others. It was covered, that is, the only entrance and exit was the corridor through which the Link had entered. It was shaped like an octagon and there was water around the entire perimeter of the floor. There were some pine trees and orchards with yellow flowers. And ahead, in the distance, you could see what seemed to be another entrance, but Link was sure it was a window and at its sides there were blue and yellow flags hanging from the ceiling to the floor.

Also, gazing out the window , was a girl.