
The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time English Version

Link is a boy of the Kokiri tribe, inhabitants of the forest, soon he is pushed out of his home to fulfill a task entrusted by the Protecting Deity of the Forest and he will set out on an adventure of epic proportions. You will meet various races, kingdoms, and challenges on your way to establish peace in your world. He will make allies of all kinds to guide him to establish himself as a legendary hero. You will visit and participate in different cultures adopting their customs and protecting them from the man who seeks to steal the treasure to dominate the world. Two children born of destiny, one in the desert and the other in the forests, will be the ones who shape the future of the Kingdom of Hyrule

Gabo96 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Great Deku Tree

The first thing Link saw as soon as he entered was a spider web covering a hole in the ground of the main trunk. There were some carnivorous plants nearby and some shelves stuck to the walls until they reached the upper floors. The first thing Link did was kill the carnivorous plants, and he realized that they were different from the ones on the path, because they attacked and instead of giving him a stick, they gave him some nuts, also called deku, that served to stun enemies.

Just to the left of the entrance was a ladder (which he found very strange that it was inside the tree) to reach the upper ledge. He climbed it up and began to walk up the ledge until it was over, but it continued a little further, and in the middle of the two there was a bump to get from one to the other. And just in the other there were some vines to go up directly to that one. Without paying much attention to that (because he chose the ladder) he continued to ascend the second ledge.

He came to a part where there were more vines, since the ledge only reached one level higher. And at the foot of the lianas there was a chest. Link opened it and discovered a map, and when he saw it he saw that it was of the Great Deku Tree and all its rooms.

When he deciphered it, he saw that the entrance was obviously on the Ground Floor and where he was now was Floor 1, and to the southwest of where he was there were more rooms, so he decided to head there. He jumped off a missing piece of ledge and came to a metal door (stranger still than the ladder) and opened it.

As he entered, the door slammed shut and bars came out behind it. Link realized that it must have been because of a thicket that was in front of him, in the center of the room, and from which a monster emerged that threw a nut at him, and Link, as if on impulse, used the shield to make the nut bounce and hit him. hit the monster, which came out of the bush and started running around the room until Link stopped him and the monster said:

" Oh, I'm sorry sir!" If I give you some advice, will you let me go? If you jump off a cliff, try to slide forward to avoid hurting yourself, although I cannot guarantee that it will work if it is a very high cliff.

Link's jaw dropped as he watched the monster flee and the bars on the door and another one he hadn't seen were removed. Link entered through the latter and came to a somewhat dark room, with a lower floor, an upper floor and the floor that Link was on, as well as some lianas to reach the upper floor and a floating platform right in front of Link so that will also reach the upper floor.

Link decided to use the lianas, that is, go down to the lower floor and go up and then just jump and return to the main trunk room. On the top floor, in the center, there was a chest containing the Fairy Spring, which he found very funny because he loved them. To the left of the chest was another upper deck and some vines to climb. Above, Link saw a smaller chest that had a heart to restore life, as this is how health is measured in Hyrule.

Link was already preparing to jump onto the platform, when Navi spoke to him to tell him that an old ladder hung from the ceiling right where the floor that reached the door was. Link decided to release his slingshot aiming at the ladder to make it fall and he succeeded, but he still decided to jump onto the platform, which began to wobble and Link hurried to get to the door. He walked around the room where the brush was and came to the main room.

Link, not knowing what to do, went down to the ground floor and noticed the cobweb hanging from the hole and looked down ... There was water. Navi told him that maybe what was causing the Great Deku Tree's curse must be down below, so they had to cut the web, but Link couldn't because it was too big and it would take a long time to do it.

Then he came up with a great idea: climb to the bump between the two ledges and jump from there. He did so, but the web only sank a few inches and returned to its original position. Link looked up, but he only saw more cobwebs and then he remembered the vines at the base of which was the map chest, so he went back up there and saw something he had not seen when he took the map: spiders bigger than the normal stuck to the lianas.

Link decided to kill them with the Resortera and it worked and some spiders gave him as a reward some seeds like the ones that came with the Resortera to keep shooting. So, Link began to climb and, to his surprise, he came to a ledge that circled the log, and the cobwebs went from there to the ceiling; there were also some holes, perfect for jumping from there to the hole's web and finally breaking it. However, in those holes there were more spiders, and about five times the size of the previous ones, which basically did nothing, just turned around.

Link wanted to attack them, but could not, because the armor was very resistant, so he did it but in their belly and thus killed them. He was about to jump out of the hole when Navi stopped him short to tell him to check the map to see if something wasn't missed, and he was. To the west of the main room on Floor 2 was an oval-shaped room. Link went to that room and when he entered, the door was slammed shut with bars behind it.

Inside, there was, as in the Resortera room, a lower floor, and two higher ones, one more to the west and another to the south, and of course, in which Link was, in which there were two torches, only one lit and one Yellow switch stuck to the ground (Link was beginning to believe that the Great Deku Tree must have a voracious appetite.

Link flipped the switch and then three platforms emerged from the floor of the lower floor exactly to reach the other floors, in which there were chests. In the southern one there was another heart, and in the western one there was a Compass, which, together with the map, marked the location of various hidden items in the Great Deku Tree.

Link returned to the floor of the torches and the switch thanks to some lianas that were there, but the door still did not open, so Link assumed that he must light the missing torch, so he used a Deku Stick to light it thanks to the other torch and thus he lit the missing torch and the door was opened.

Back in the main room, Link chose a hole and, remembering what the monster in the bush had told him, he threw himself towards the spider web and it effectively broke, causing Link to go down to a room with water and various things, which must be at the roots of the Great Deku Tree. This room had water that came out of what appeared to be drainage, although it looked like it was very clean, so Link was not grossed out.

As soon as he fell, to the north and south there was solid ground that Link could reach. To the west too, but it was higher and Link couldn't go up; and to the east was a creeper to go up to the main room.

First, Link climbed to the northern mainland and saw a switch, a torch, and a cobweb covering the latter. Link flipped the switch and the torch ignited, burning the web. From there you could see that to the south there was another cobweb and a door behind it, so Link took a Deku stick, lit it with the torch and headed south, taking care that when he jumped into the water it did not turn off and burned the cobweb and immediately Entered by the door.

In the next room there was a thicket again and when Link approached another monster came out. Repeating the previous attack, the thicket told him:

" Excuse me!" I will not do! If you'll forgive me, I'll teach you something useful. Soon you will face my brothers. You won't be able to beat them unless you hit them in the correct order! That order is ... 2, 3, 1 ... Twenty-three is number one! Will I be a traitor? —And the monster fled.

Link believed that the door that he had not seen with bars would open, but it did not and above it there was a diamond with an eye in the middle. Link supposed that he had to close that eye to be able to continue, so he took out the Spring and hit the eye, which closed and in effect, the bars were removed and Link continued.

In the next room there was also water that looked like it was coming from a drain, a door on the other side of the room, a platform coming back and forth in the water, and a tube with thorns right in the center of the space with water. Link climbed onto the platform, but soon jumped into the water when he saw that he was going to hurt himself with the tube and then he saw a switch at the bottom of the water.

Link didn't know how to dive very well, but he gave it a try and flipped the switch, making the water level drop a bit, enough to be able to cross the water on the platform without hurting himself on the tube. When he got to the other shore, the door was on a higher level, but there was a block nearby so he could push it to the wall, climb on it, and get to the door.

However, a sturdy shell spider (which Navi said were called Skulltulas) blocked her way, so she waited for her to turn around and attacked her belly. Once dead, Link pushed the block, climbed up and entered the next room. She didn't even realize that the water had returned to its normal level.

When he got to the room, the door was barred shut. There were carnivorous plants, the ones they attacked and not (at this rate, Navi was remembering the names of all these enemies, and was telling Link, in this case, the plants were called Baba Deku). Link killed them all and peered around the room. There was another door with bars and three torches, one lit as if it were from a temple and others not lit and normal. He used a Deku Stick to light the ones that weren't and the doors opened and Link continued into the next room.

The next room started with a corridor and was larger. At the end of the corridor there was a Skulltula already turned over, so Link hit him on the belly before he turned around. At first glance there was nothing new in the room, just an inactive Baba Deku on one side, a burning torch on another, a cobweb on another with an active Baba Deku behind and a stone wall behind and on another side, another corridor. Link went to the center of the room and then some very strange eggs fell. They were red in color with white and suddenly they opened showing some super strange monsters called Gohma Larvae with a single aquamarine eye, which turned red to attack.

It only took Link one blow to finish them off. He also eliminated the Babas Deku and, as he could not cross the stone block, which looked very strange, he went to the opposite corridor from which he came out and there was another cobweb. He used a Deku Stick to light it and burn the torch and noticed a tunnel behind it. He crossed it and came to the room from which he had fallen after breaking the cobweb on the main log, but this time he was on dry land that he could not reach.

Link took out the map and indeed, all the rooms he had traveled made him return to the main one but on the upper floor (he also noticed that behind the previous stone wall there was a room, but he did not take it into account). On that upper floor there was another cobweb on the floor, several torches in the corners and a block equal to the one in the room with water.

Since Link could not jump from higher as before due to the roof over the spider web, he could also burn it, but the torches were too high for Link to light a Deku stick, so he had an idea: he pushed the block towards the water, which fell without being completely covered by the water, he took a Deku Stick and lit it with the same torch that was lit when he activated the switch and, before it went off, he jumped to the block, went up to the upper floor and lit the cobweb on the floor and without further ado, he threw himself.

It fell into water again, but now it seemed pure clean and not draining. Upon reaching the mainland, Link saw three bushes and assumed that they were the ones the previous one had told him, so he made the same attack but in the order he had said: first to the middle, then to the right and to the Last the one on the left, who came out of his thicket terrified and said:

-¡ How did you know our secret ?! What rage! I'm so angry that I'm going to reveal Queen Gohma's secret to you! If you want to beat her, try hitting her eye with your sword while she's stunned. Oh no! Dear queen ... I'm so sorry! - and he left.

There was a barred gate between the first and second thickets, which opened.