
Chapter One



Lights up on a view of the Triforce glittering in the darkness. From left to right, POWER, WISDOM, and COURAGE, glowing red, blue, and green respectively. 



NARRATOR (in an ambiguous voice): 

Long ago, when there was nothing but chaos, three goddesses came forth to shape the world.



DIN fades in, holding the Triforce of POWER. It casts shadows over her dark skin and red hair.




Din, goddess of Power, formed the land itself.



NAYRU fades in, holding the Triforce of WISDOM. It illuminates her calm smile.




Nayru, goddess of Wisdom, gifted the land laws and meaning.



FARORE fades in, holding the Triforce of COURAGE. It's reflection dances in her emerald eyes.




And finally, Farore, goddess of Courage, made life that would follow said laws. As the goddesses returned to the heavens, they left behind remnants of their power in the form of the mighty Triforce.



THE GODDESSES fade, leaving behind the Triforce pieces.




It is said whoever claims all three pieces for themselves will rule the land of Hyrule forever.



POWER floats up, away from the other pieces and into the outstretched hand of GANON. He has the head of a boar with an evil snarl and hungry red eyes.




The Triforce of Power fell into the clutches of an evil sorcerer named Ganon. He used its powers to command and resurrect armies of horrid monsters.



The camera pans right, to WISDOM glowing in the cupped hands of PRINCESS ZELDA. She gazes down at it solemnly, while the KING places a firm hand on her shoulder, his expression blank but hard.




The Triforce of Wisdom, conversely, has been kept safe by the Royal Family of Hyrule for generations, blessing the kingdom and the inhabitants with its magic. The opposing sides remain locked in conflict to this day, each desperate to claim the others piece and grow one step closer to an eternal reign.



The screen goes dark.




As for the Triforce of Courage…



Lights come up on the Triforce of COURAGE sitting on a pedestal in the middle of a ruined forest temple, shining in the sunlight streaming through a hole in the roof. 



COURAGE (v/o, same voice as NARRATOR):

…I had been hidden away, for I am not like the others. 



The camera slowly pans out.



COURAGE (v/o):

As no worthy soul had come to claim me, I remained lost, knowing nothing of the war consuming the kingdom. But a fortnight ago, everything changed…



Cut to the doorway of the chamber. A grunting sound is heard as it's slowly pushed open. As the two doors part, we see a young man, no more than a teenager, dressed in a raggedy tunic, pants, and patched boots, with a belt pouch to match. A beaten sword rests in said belt and his face is streaked with dirt, eyes screwed shut with effort. 



COURAGE (v/o):

…yes, everything changed when Link found me.



LINK opens his eyes, which widen upon seeing the Triforce piece.



COURAGE (v/o):

As his gaze fell upon me, I saw him. I saw his soul. 



LINK stands up a little straighter, light green eyes still fixated on the Triforce of COURAGE.



COURAGE (v/o):

A hearty sense of adventure, the fortitude that has undoubtably weathered many trials, and above all, a kindness that has managed to bloom against all odds.



LINK slowly approaches the pedestal, muttering to himself.




The legends were true…there really is treasure here.



COURAGE (v/o):

Treasure, he called me. If only he knew…



LINK is now right in front of the "treasure". With shaking hands, he reaches out…then hesitates. Steeling his resolve, he finally picks up the Triforce with both hands…and the resulting bright light forcing him to shut his eyes. 







The light gets brighter and brighter, until it fills the screen with white. The Zelda theme starts playing softly on piano, as the title card appears.



The Legend of Zelda: Courage Edition



The music and the title fade to black.








Lights up on a forest. Birds are chirping, squirrels are scurrying, and the creek is bubbling. Truly, a perfectly peaceful sce-







A scream pierces the quiet, causes all the forest creatures to perk up their heads. The camera turns to show the entrance to a decrepit old temple covered in vines. Out of it comes running the same young man from before, scrambling as if death is after him. He darts down the path and ducks behind a particularly large tree, panting heavily and white as a sheet.




This isn't happening, this isn't happening…it's all just a bad dream. Yeah, a bad dream.



LINK takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, calming himself.




Any moment now, I'll wake up in my bedroll and laugh about this. I just need to wake up. Come on, wake up. 



Everything is still for a few moments, with nothing but LINK's racing heartbeat. One of his eyes peek open. Upon seeing he hasn't woken from any kind of dream, he groans and throws his hands over his eyes. 




Are you done freaking out yet?



LINK's hands dig deeper into face, almost as if trying to tear it off.




Oh no, not the voice again…




For the last time, I'm not just a voice! Look, just check your bag.




*sigh* And now I'm listening to the voice. Congratulations Link, you finally lost it.



He was already lifting the flap though. He doesn't know why he's bothering; his homemade pouch was too small to really fit anyth-




What the-?!



To his bewilderment, LINK lifted out the Triforce of COURAGE. It felt heavier in the temple, but now it practically floated. Actually, it WAS floating.




What…what are you?



The Triforce of COURAGE speaks, glowing as the words left non-existent lips.




Finally asking the right question. Link, was it?



LINK slowly nods, unsure.




Link, I am the Triforce of Courage. I was created by my lady, the goddess Farore. I have been shut away in that temple for many years, and you are the one I have been waiting for.




Wait, Triforce of…Courage? I thought there was only Wisdom and Power?




Well, that's obvious. It's called the TRI-force! As in three! Why would anyone think there were just two?



LINK (mumbling):

Well I did…




*sigh* Moving on, I was hidden away because I function a little differently than the other pieces. I need a wielder to use my powers. I hate to admit it, but I'm rather useless on my own. So if I find someone worthy of my abilities, they become my chosen!



LINK narrows his eyes.




And you want me…to be your chosen?



COURAGE (excitedly):

Yes, exactly!



LINK (in doubt):

Uh-huh. And what if I say no?




Well, you can't.



LINK's face suddenly splits into a grin.




Wanna bet?



LINK suddenly grabs the triforce with both hands and pivots on his heels, marching back to the temple.




Wait! What do you think you're doing?!



LINK lifts the Triforce piece above his head…




I'm saying NO!



…and hurls it with all his strength back into the temple.







LINK brushes his hands in satisfaction and turns to leave. But before he can…




I hope you realize just how pointless that little exercise was.



LINK freezes. He opens his pouch again and once more finds the Triforce of COURAGE, which floats out of the bag.




H-how?! How are you back?!




I've enchanted your little pouch. No matter how you try to escape from me, I'll always end up right back here. That's why I said you can't say no, we've already been bonded.



LINK (growing frustrated):

Well, unbind us then! I am not signing up for whatever your deal is!



COURAGE (angry tone):

Sorry, but I'm afraid I really cannot.




Y'know, for a supposed holy relic, you're bad at lying.




Am I now? You already saw I'm telling the truth about enchanting your pouch. Not only that, but it will also carry anything you can imagine. It will never run out of space, and it will never break, no matter what happens. This is but a sliver of my power.



LINK rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.




Now I know you're full of it. You can probably do some sort of teleporting and self-shrink/grow spell, but you can't change the magical properties of items that had none to begin with. Even I know that much.




Oh? Care to prove me wrong then?




You know what? I think I will.



LINK unsheathes his sword and unclips his pouch. 




I say my sword will plunge through my pouch and tear it apart. Which is a shame, because fixing it will take forever.




And I say it'll fit rather nicely inside.




Yeah right.



LINK takes careful aim before slowly lowering the blade into the bags opening…and his mouth drops upon seeing the sword glow pink and shrink into the bag. Flabbergasted, LINK looks into the bag and see's his sword, but the inside of the bag looked…bigger. He looks up at the floating Triforce piece.




You- it- why-…how do I get it back?!




*chuckle* Just grab it again. That's how bags work, no?



LINK frowns but reaches inside anyway. This time, pink light shines from the bag and materializes the sword, just the same as it was a few moments before. LINK is left in stunned silence.




Well? Believe me now?




…you said that was just a sliver. What else can you do?



COURAGE (mischievously):

I'd be happy to show you, you are my chosen after all. But you'll never know if you don't accept me. Admit it…you're curious.



LINK is silent, eyes fixed on his sword.




I know you better than you think I do Link. I know you crave adventure and excitement. And being in the company of a magical talking artifact of the goddesses, complete with the power that comes with it? Isn't that just inviting the adventure of a lifetime? 



Silence once again permeates the air, until LINK finally speaks.




Well, I can't really deny what you say…even if it freaks me out you know all that. You're right. I have no friends, no family, so all I do is wander, hoping to find something to fill the void in my life. Something to make all the survival worth it.



LINK lifts his head with a small smile. 




Maybe…maybe I've finally found it. 




If that's the role you wish me to play, then I'd be honored Link. I'm assuming you're accepting my offer?



LINK (growing excited):

Yeah…yeah, let's do this!



LINK points his sword and strikes a pose, smiling wide.




Look out Hyrule! Here I come!



COURAGE (laughing):

You know you look rather ridiculous right now, don't you?




Quiet you! This is MY adventure I'll and start it however I please!



LINK laughs along with COURAGE anyway though. The camera slowly pulls up above the treetops as the laughter fades, and day turns to night.