
The Legend of Yi si tie

It is a story of a Princess who has a tremendous dark force inside her that can be controlled by others. What would she do if she found out the truth about her past? Let's see what will be her decisions.

InaraRiver · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Past: Longwei 

After killing Fu, Xiexie ordered the men to throw her in the river without hesitation. "What are we going to do now your highness? Both the Prince and the Princess are now missing." General Ryo asked probingly.

"Search everywhere! Prioritize on the search for the Princess! Whoever manages finds her shall be rewarded thousand taels of Golds!"

Xiexie returned to the Palace. He was destroying everything in his sight. "Everyone out!" the servants quickly withdrew from the study trembling in fear while they did so. "Ahhhh!!!" Xiexie roared in anger.

Princess Yǐ sī tiē continued walking, fatigued. Her throat was parched, and she didn't know where to go. AS soon as she closes her eyes, she remembers Fu every night. Then she cries in anguish at how she got killed. Without even knowing, she ended up in the desert. She didn't know where she was heading or her bearings. But she still continued walking.

With the accumulated fatigue and hunger, she finally dropped to the ground and just before she passed out, she saw the silhouette of a person approaching her. Before fainting, she softly whispered her Master's name, "Master Tai…yang…"

After a what felt like a time period of 2 or so hours in the tunnel, Master Lü and Prince Taiyang reached the end of it. After exiting, they arrived at what appeared to be a port with a sailboat ready to head out. Taiyang followed Master Lü and boarded the boat. As soon as they boarded, the boat set sails seawards.

Taiyang stood at the stern of the boat as he looked at land which was slowly getting further and further. But his sentiments for the Princess weren't ready to fade away. His mind kept on wandering toward her, thinking if she's fine or how's she doing at the moment. "This is all my fault. I was an idiot to believe those elders."

Master Lü also joined him on the stern, "Do you know why the Sun rises after the Moon sets and the Moon rises after the Sun sets?"


"Because they don't belong together."

"What do you mean?"

"With time you will understand why."

They sailed for five days and four nights before reaching the Land of Northern Seas. The Land of Northern Seas acted as the gateway to enter Mount Penglai. They continued travelling inland toward center of the land and from there, they had to fly across the foggy sea and mountains by stepping on Master Lü's flying sword. After travelling pass several mountains, Prince Taiyang finally saw the beautiful Mount Penglai of the legends.

AS soon as they landed, Master Lü was warmly welcomed by his disciples. "Welcome back Master!"

Prince Taiyang looked around the land, amazed at what he was seeing. Just breathing the surrounding air alone was enough to calm him down and put body and mind at ease and tranquility. A young disciple approached Prince Taiyang and presented him with a flower.

"Welcome to Mount Penglai, your Highness." the young disciple said, smiling warmly as he did so.

"So, this is where Lilia's being training at?"

"Yes, your highness and this is also the place where Princess Yǐ sī tiē was born."

After hearing Master Lü's words, Prince Taiyang was baffled and asked, "What do you mean was born? You mean she was born here at Mount Penglai?"

"Yes, your highness. Princess Yǐ sī tiē was born here. Because of the dark force inside her, her parents had to seek help from us. Her birthparents where once disciples of here and also, Princess Yǐ sī tiē came to this world along with her twin brother."

"Twin brother?"

Longwei was the name of Princess Yǐ sī tiē's father. He was a famous person in the world of Dao. His cultivation was in a whole another realm from the others. He was at the stage of Nirvana Tribulation, which is the last stage of the Mortal Realm before stepping into the Human Immortal stage. He was one of the candidates to be the next Sect Master of Penglai sect.

To become the Sect Master of Penglai Sect, there was a number of necessary qualifications. The most important qualification of all was: He or She must not fall in love under any circumstances.

It was also that exact same qualification that Longwei failed to meet. It all started seventeen years ago,

"Longwei! Longwei! Where are you!?" A disciple shouted while looking for his closest friend.

"I'm up here Jiao-Long." Replied a lazy voice from top of a tree nearby.

"What are you doing up there?!"

"I was just taking a nap."

"Come down here, we need to practice for the upcoming tournament."

Longwei jumped off the tree and patted Jiao-Long's shoulder. "Don't worry, both of us will get selected. We're the best Core Disciples of our sect, remember?"

"Yeah… Yeah… let's go. Sect Master Rongrong will be furious if he finds out that we're slacking instead of training."

Longwei and Jiao-Long returned to the training ground to join the other Core Disciples. Sect Master Rongrong visited them before long to check on their progress.

"Greetings Sect Master!"

"Hmm, continue on your training."

"Yes, Master!"

The Core Disciples resumed their training. All of them were good enough to be the candidate for next Sect Master. But, even among them, it was visible at a glance that the talent of Jiao-Long and Longwei pair the highest. Both of them were always at the top of rankings, they were both qualified to be the next Sect Master but, Sect Master Rongrong was completely focused on Longwei.

At Sect Master's Hall, Sect Master Rongrong and an Elder named Po were discussing the progress of Longwei and Jiao-Long.

"It seems like, both of them are progressing pretty good Master."

"Yes, I agree and I'm proud of both of them. I just hope they pass the final stage of the tournament."

"Ahh yes, the Probing of Truth. It is where they'd have to enter the time accelerated illusion formation to experience of their heart's deepest desire."

"They only have one more day before the tournament begins. Sect Leaders from all the prominent sects are already on their way with their disciples. They should get themselves ready."