
The Legend of Yi si tie

It is a story of a Princess who has a tremendous dark force inside her that can be controlled by others. What would she do if she found out the truth about her past? Let's see what will be her decisions.

InaraRiver · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The General named Zhao 

At night, Lilia and many of her subordinates gathered for a secret meeting in an abandoned house located in the depth of forest which was known to only she and her subordinates. They continued discussing on how to escape without Xiexie catching a wind of it.

"There are too many guards roaming around the Kingdom, how are we supposed to escape Lady Lilia?" the most obvious question came from one of the subordinates.

As Lilia continued looking at the Map and thinking of possible escape routes, she remembered an incident that occurred during her childhood. Lilia and Prince Taiyang were playing in the Buddhist Temple where they accidentally opened a pathway leading to a tunnel and they wanted to see where it leads. However, they abandoned the idea of exploring it because it was dark and just like any other children they got scared because of the darkness. All they felt was a cold breeze flowing from inside and hitting their faces.

"But my lady, we don't have any evidence that the tunnel is safe. What if there are demons along the path or Xiexie's guards are already guarding it?"

"It's the only way. We won't know what's inside that tunnel unless we enter it." Lilia said while reanalyzing the escape plan. She asked, "By the way, did the falcon came back from Penglai?" everyone shook their heads in response.

"Sigh, I hope the falcon reached Penglai safely. We're all dead if Xiexie found out about the falcon."

At the court, Xiexie is discussing some important matters with the Ministers, about the mines and lands that he wanted to conquer until, a guard reported something,

"Your highness, a troop of soldiers are looking for you."


"The leader said his name is…"

Then, someone unceremoniously opened the court door with an evil laugh and walked towards Xiexie. He kneeled before him and laughed, "Haha! My oh my, it's been a long time your Highness." Xiexie stood up and walked towards the soldier and raised him up. "Welcome back, uncle." Xiexie said while warmly hugging him.

"Everyone, this is my uncle. He is the general of the Zhao who are camping outside the borders of the kingdom."

"Zhao Hwa Ryo?!" Minister Yu exclaimed in shock.

"Greetings minister Yu, I did not expect you to be still alive and well."

Minister Yu shivered in fear, "How's it possible? You're supposed to be dead! I saw the King killing you that day with my own eyes!"

"Seems like someone here is eager to go meet the goddess of death and ask how I survived?"

"Ahh! Stop! Please stop!" Minister Yu shouted in fear as General Zhao Hwa Ryo tortured him in relish, and finally cut his tongue before releasing him.

"You don't have to do that uncle; I still need minister Yu in the court."

"He still has his hands to write down what he wanted to say."


"I almost forgot; I have something to ask you privately."

The servants and guards took Xiexie's hint and left the court. "Where is the Princess?"

"She's in her bedchamber, taking a rest."

"Are you sure about her? You know, if the Princess conquered her darkness, you won't be able to control her anymore and the worst thing of all, she might even kill you."

"I know that but, the Chains of demons are not that easy to break."

"Suit yourself, just don't crawl to me crying if the Princess manage to do it. Remember, she holds the power need to conquer the lands."

"Yes uncle, I will do everything in my power to make sure she won't break through."

After that, General Hwa Ryo left the court and Xiexie went back to the Princess's bedchamber to check on her. Upon entering, he saw the Princess sitting with sadness in her eyes. Xiexie sat in front of her and the Princess asked feebly, "Why?"

"I'm just taking back what's mine."

"You took only what's yours? By killing everyone that opposed you!?"

Xiexie knocked down everything on the table and declared, "You know nothing of how I feel! The feeling of losing everything! The feeling of being betrayed!"

"Oh please. I definitely know how that feel! From the moment you started controlling me had me kill everyone in sight including my family! You even had me poke out my mother's eyes!"

"I'm doing this for both of us Princess!"

"I want to see my family. I want to see the King and Queen right now!"

Xiexie took Yǐ sī tiē to see her parents in the Prison. There, she saw her father the King lying unconsciously, she wept while holding his hand. Then she heard a woman's voice, "Yǐ sī tiē, is that you?"

"Mother?" She ran towards the Queen and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry mother, I can't control the power inside me, Xiexie made a contract with the demons."

"Shh, I know that in your heart there's still light. You can overcome that darkness and breakthrough the Moon's energy."

"How mother? I already killed everyone. I even killed my brothers. I'm sorry mother. I shouldn't have been born."

"Shh, don't say that. Remember, I am proud that you're my daughter."

Yǐ sī tiē remembered something, a memory that Taiyang being called the youngest son of the King and Queen by Xiexie.

"Mother, is it true that Taiyang is your youngest son?"

"Who is Taiyang?"

"Taiyang is my Master, mother. You don't remember him?"

After hearing those words, the Queen turned restless. "Yǐ sī tiē, you have to escape with him. Find Taiyang! You have to master your power."

"Huh? What do you mean mother?"

Xiexie grabbed Yǐ sī tiē and took her out of the prison before the Queen could say anything helpful to the Princess.

"Let me go! You! You won't get away with this. I will make sure that you will rot in hell!"

The Princess returned to her bedchamber in anger and Xiexie felt that someone is observing him. But after looked around he found nothing out of place. He returned to the court room while thinking maybe he was imagining things. He told his uncle that the Queen told the Princess to look for Prince Taiyang along with their complete conversation.