
Part 2: The Fight for their Freedom

Narrator: before King Richard and his warrior's head at their journey to the werewolf tribe, he first gather all of his army and had his final speech.

king Richard: Friends, Warriors, Everyone I've gather all of you because this will be the battle of our lives to protect the kingdom of Dawnlight, I know this is hard to tell but we need to sacrifice our lives to protect the people, and i will be in this fight too, i will not left you all being slash and bleed our own bloods being defeated by this werewolves, and now we are here at our final battle, thank you all for being brave, and not give up to be a warrior of the town, i will now have this sword as the symbol of our fight from the werewolves.

Narrator: as the kings last speech, he strikes his sword at the ground as a symbol of him and his army's fight from the wolves, as king Richard waiting for his army to say goodbye for their love one's

King Richard: *rides at the horse* *shout* EVERYONE READY


Narrator: after king Richard and his Knight and warriors left the town they headed and find the werewolf's mountain, they have been traveling for days, until one night the guard notice the night sky.

Guard 1: You're highness please look at the night sky?

King Richard: what do you-......oh no

Narrator: As king Richard look at the night he notice it was full moon that he was shock that he saw the moon with a red moon on the other half, and they saw something coming from the other side.

king Richard: stop....be quite something is incoming!

Narrator: and they saw 2 werewolves just came out, the first werewolf had a bag full of raw meat, and the other had a glowing bottle of water, and they form back as a human.

Leo The Beta werewolf: let's go now, i am sure you're father and the others are waiting for us, and we must bring the moonlight water till the moonlight hits the shrine and-

*Werewolf sigh*

Leo: Are you ok?

Werewolf: Yeah, It's just....i cannot do anything to make my father proud, what can i even do? I am just a pup, and i can't even impress my father, No matter how hard i try.

Leo: I understand how you feel, Before i became a werewolf, my father didn't know me as well, He only remembers me as a human, everyday i explain him that i was the werewolf he saw that night, but he banished me being....-

Werewolf: You don't need to think about that, the only thing it matters is being you.

Leo: Thanks

*stick was step by a archer*

Werewolf: wait did you hear that?

Leo: nah....that must be a baby bear that we kill his family earlier *Laugh*

*The two werewolves goes back at their tribe*

king Richard: shrine, moonlight water, god?

Narrator: king Richard was so confuse what he heard about the wolves conversation, and they just follow the wolves at their wolf shrine.

King Richard: leave the horses here, we will ambush their leader so they will stop disturbing our kingdom, you know what to do.

Warrior: Ofcourse you're highness.

Narrator: after they form their position, the leader of the wolves appear.

*The Alpha werewolf came*

Werewolf: Father, Here is the meat, and the moonlight water-

Alpha werewolf: get out of here you weakling!!

*steps back*

Alpha werewolf: wolves, pups, warriors we have been waiting to wake our god, where is my moonlight water *the wolf give the moonlight water* the final piece, thank you.

Narrator: before the Alpha pours the moonlight water at the shirne, king Richard suddenly charge's towards the Alpha, the alpha got his sword and hit king Richard's sword in a split second.

Alpha werewolf: King Richard Light, son of Christian Light?

king Richard: You don't have any rights to say fathers name!!

*Warriors, archers, knights suddenly charge*

Narrator: King Richard's army charges at the werewolves and trying to kill them, while King Richard is fighting the alpha werewolf.

Alpha werewolf: Being smart doesn't give you strenght, give up now, you can't protect anyone!!

King Richard: I won't give up, As long as i stand at this groud, I will protect anyone.

Alpha werewolf: *takes the archer as a hostage* now let's see, if you can still protect them?

Archer: No, kill him my king, forget about me.

King Richard: *sigh* *drops his sword* Alright let him go.

Alpha werewolf: *laughs* After killing all my pups, do you think i will listen to you?

King Richard: if you won't, then i will *grabs his sword*

Alpha werewolf's mind: Heh, how stupid, he doesn't think that he will meet his doom.

Alpha werewolf: *put his axe at his back to slash at king Richard* think again twice!!!

*The Alpha werewolf sweep his axe directly at King Richard*

*King Richard dodges his slash*

King Richard: Now it's my turn AAAAAAGH!!

*king Richard slashes his sword at the alpha werewolf's neck and cutting his head*

King Richard: This is for my father!!

*king Richard was scratch at the back being ambush by a Gamma werewolf *

Werewolf: RETREAT!!!!!

*The werewolf's Retreat*

Archer: Did.......we won?

Warriors: WE WON THE WAR!!!

Narrator: The kingdom of Dawnlight has won the war, But they saw a dark-red particles appearing at the wolf shrine and fly up to the sky, and they saw King Richard dying.

King Richard: Protect the kingdom, i will not live for too long, Find the right man who will be on my throne, That who will protect our kingdom, As long as there is no king of the kingdom, protect it who will threat to sit on my throne, *coughs of blood*, thank you for fighting and sacrificing you're life to protect your love one's and protecting the peopl.....the people.....thank you all.....*Dies*

Narrator: the war brought blood, fire, ashes to the sky after the King's death, the warrior and Knights carries their king back to the kingdom of dawnlight, the people were shock that their king was dead, the kingdom of dawnlight turned into a darklight, waiting for someone who will be on the throne that will protect the kingdom, the people against the werewolves, the guards stood the statue of King Richard symbol of sacrificing his life to protect the kingdom, and protecting everyone.

3 weeks later after the kings death, there was a lady going back at the her house, but she notice something behind the tree, a man that is bleeding because he was slash by a swprd

*Derick cough*

Rachel: hey wake up mister, mister!!

Derick: AAAAGHHH...who are you? where am i?

Rachel: my name is Rachel.

Derick: ...Derick, my name is derick.

To be continued.......