
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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67 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six - Don't kill the messenger! (1)

The fleeing figure suddenly felt Yue Chen's presence halt and became confused that he stopped so suddenly. Despite the confusion the figure did not stop to find out and continued to escape to the outskirts of the city.

A smile formed on Yue Chen's face as a thin black line wrapped around his finger. [Shadow Trace] was a Dark element skill used for tracking targets that Yue Chen had picked up from his memories and had surprisingly come in handy.

As if he had lost interest in the chase Yue Chen went back to the store. The name of the store was Carving Phoenix Weaponry. It must be somehow related to the Carving Phoenix Inn to have taken on such a name. Perhaps they were owned by the same group?

Yue Chen pondered as he pushed the door open and peered in. Seated around a large round table was a scraggy middle aged man downing a bottle of alcohol with no reservations whatsoever.

Yue Chen politely greeted the man and asked "Are you the one in charge?"

"Do you see anyone else here kid? Pick up a weapon and get lost, you're disturbing my break" the clerk spat and proceeded to drink.

Yue Chen wasn't offended by the clerk's behavior and he moved towards a section that said Daggers.

The clerk raised a brow at Yue Chen's calm demeanor and his tone lightened "The weapons in that section are relics that haven't accepted any new masters since their original masters perished, buying those are still an option but I don't recommend it.

"Oh" Yue Chen nodded at the clerk's warning and but didn't plan on leaving, there was a something that led him to this isle. Opening a small wooden box covered in dust Yue Chen reached out for a thin blade with a completely dark body that was roughly half arm's length. Carved into the blade were characters Yue Chen had never seen before, near the hilt was another character but even less vivid than the other.

"Don't randomly touch the weapons!" the clerk shouted causing a gust of air to sweep over Yue Chen from a distance.

Completely ignorant of the clerk's warning Yue Chen reached into the wooden box and pulled out an almost identical dagger except this one was an azure color. Looking closer Yue Chen spotted carvings on the second dagger as well but the characters were different.

"Didn't you hear me!? Those aren't being sold!" the clerk rushed over to Yue Chen angrily and was ready to snatch the daggers from his hands.

"It's mine now, can I pay with this?" Yue Chen pulled out a sky blue card and presented it to the clerk indifferently.

"That's!" the card in Yue Chen's palm caused a change in the clerk's expression as he received the card obediently "You're with the pavilion?"

Yue Chen remained silent but he had already put away both daggers and received the card from the clerk. Though he didn't actually intend to join the pavilion there was no reason for the clerk to know.

Seeing as how Yue Chen did not reply the clerk came to the conclusion Yue Chen had remained silent due to his arrogance but this time the clerk was not upset and instead felt it was normal for him to be prideful.

"I apologise for my impudent behavior earlier hehe, this is my business card, send me a letter if you ever need anything little brother" the clerk passed a blank card to Yue Chen with a smile, hoping to gain favor.

Wanting to hang onto me? Yue Chen laughed to himself yet didn't disapprove of the clerk's actions. A person moves up while water runs down*

Pocketing the card Yue Chen waltzed out of the store, feeling his journey was smoother than he had expected. Wrapped around his finger was a crooked black line that winded around like a thin rope.

As if enticed by his thoughts a playful smile surfaced from Yue Chen as he headed into the city. After some time Yue Chen came across a small restaurant read Tai Tai's Delicacy. It was the same restaurant where he had met Tang Wen a few days ago. The bells of the door chimed as it was pushed open followed by a composed Yue Chen strutting in.

"A glass of water" Yue Chen ordered as he sat down.

Tang Wen nodded naturally without turning around" A glass of water okay...bro-brother Chen!" as if he suddenly realized something Tang Wen turned immediately in a flustered manner, struggling to get himself together.

"What am I that hideous?" Yue Chen joked with a slight smile and shrugged.

"I heard everything from brother Fei Luo, you have to leave Archen Empire now!" Tang Wen slammed his hands on the table and gestured at the door. "My father is looking for you, if he catches you-"

"There's no need to hide from your old man" Yue Chen smiled and shook his head, unconcerned about the threat of the legendary figure that could kill dragons.

"Brother Chen I'm not kidding, this concerns your life, how can you be so calm!?" Tang Wen was almost screaming at the top of his lungs by the time he finished but all he received was a smile from Yue Chen.

"Are you trying to help your father find me?" Yue Chen covered his ears in a sarcastic manner "My ears are going to implode if you shout any louder"

"I can't let my father kill you brother Chen after all it's my fault you ended up at the Tang family household and encountered my brother" Tang Wen lowered his head in defeat, he couldn't guess what was going on inside Yue Chen's brain but he wouldn't allow him to throw away his life because of a mess he got him in.

"Why is it so hard to get a glass of water?" Yue Chen looked up at Tang Wen then at the entrance of the restaurant and couldn't contain his smile.

Unable to convince Yue Chen, Tang Wen soon returned from the counter with a glass of water and set it down before him.

Lifting his glass Yue Chen drank almost half the contents in a few gulps before setting it down again "Is there a restroom here?" Yue Chen suddenly asked

"Restroom?" Tang Wen felt Yue Chen was acting strange but decided it was best not to ask too much.

"Nature is calling" Yue Chen frowned and tapped the table, occasionally glancing at the door.

Tang Wen followed Yue Chen's gaze and suddenly understood "The restroom is at the end of the hall"

Yue Chen stood up and nodded, taking large strides he arrived at the bathroom.

After 10 minutes Yue Chen waltzed out of the restroom at a leisurely pace and returned to his table.

Tang Wen had left to receive other customers so Yue Chen decided not to call him out again.

Lifting his unfinished glass of water to his lips Yue Chen drank the reminder of water in a few gulps and stood up to leave.

After a few minutes Yue Chen found Tang Wen and bade farewell " This is farewell brother Tang Wen"

Tang Wen smiled and nodded at Yue Chen "Leave the city soon and take care of yourself" as he finished his farewell Tang Wen returned to his work.

Yue Chen left Tai Tai's Delicacy unhurried, pacing himself while thinking of the Xuan Empire. The image of Bo Yang's murder was still fresh in his mind and his thirst for Xuan Empire's blood would never cease until Bo Yang was avenged.

Suddenly Yue Chen felt his body was a lot heavier than normal. It was as if lead had been inserted in his every fiber and his steps grew shorter and more haggard.

"That's strange.....i feel I haven't slept enough last night"


Before he could finish Yue Chen collapsed onto the street.