
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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67 Chs

Chapter Forty One - Inner Demon (1)

"Halt your actions demon!" Geng Huan's voice was heard from afar, jolting Xiao Long to his senses. Had he attacked Yue Chen in the city of humans then the treaty would have fallen through before it even started!

"You aren't a complete fool then" Yue Chen chuckled at the helpless Xiao Long and proceeded to his destination. As he was preparing to leave the area where Yue Chen and Xiao Long had first met, Yue Feng appeared from the void.

"We accept your proposal" Yue Feng coughed and looked away.

Huh? did he just look away? Yue Chen was confused about why Yue Feng was suddenly so sheepish but he didn't let it bother him. Maybe he was just overthinking it, there was no way Yue Feng would do anything worth suspicion, besides while they weren't close Yue Chen had not done anything worth causing Yue Feng to bear a grudge. He wasn't even planning on staying in the city much longer, after he was gone whatever relationship he had with the branch Yue family would become vague with time do there was no use pondering over small matters.

"So you've agreed to our terms then, which lucky companion have you chosen to accompany our lord?" Xiao Long had regained his bearing and cool composure with his arms at his back.

"Ahem..... let us discuss this at another time the important thing is we have agreed to your request and the treaty is now active" Yue Feng looked at Yue Chen and shook his head.

There was less than two weeks until the transportation formation was ready to take Yue Chen to the next city. Through inquiring Yue Feng he had found that there was a another young master from one of the Great Families in a situation similar to his own that returned to the family the past year and was supposedly the family head's only heir.

Yue Chen furrowed his brows "Someone else from outside the Blood World?"

"Yes, while the sinner's brand is unique to the Yue family there are other forms of the blood world's intrinsic qi, take the Qiyuan family for example. All of the main families' descendants are born with unique colored hair that cannot be dyed nor cut before a set age they become an adult, once you get to the main family there will be a lot more warriors around your age from various family, be careful not to offend anyone on the other side"

Yue Chen nodded absentmindedly with slightly furrowed brows.

The evening sun had already drawn a veil of pale yellow light over the city at this time and solemn atmosphere from the demon beast invasion had been replaced by familiar laughters and the the streets were once again crowded.

Unable to handle the foreboding sense of displeasure he had been feeling recently Yue Chen returned to closed door cultivation for the following two weeks.

Two days later

The entire training room was shrouded in icy mist almost that grew thicker with each passing moment. At the center of the mist was a slender silhouette with his bare upper body covered in a layer of frost. With every breath puffs of fog escaped his mouth. This silhouette was none other than Yue Chen.

The technique he was practicing was the Frozen Immortal Body, a body tempering method from the Frozen Phoenix manual he had left behind in the Xuan Empire. Even without the manual in his possession Yue Chen was able to remember everything inside the manual clearly. He had often spent his time studying each page and had missed a number of classes in this manner. The Frozen Immortal Body's description was vague and had no accompanying imagery to assist in training this technique. It was already a shocking feat that Yue Chen had managed to train to the third Mortal stage.

The Frozen Immortal Body could be broken down into six stages. Mortal,Secondary, Middle, Upper and Transcendence. Each stage were made up of three smaller stages. Yue Chen had previously given up on the method as it was too demanding and straining to his spiritual and physical bodies as the backlash when training was too severe not to mention the conditions to train in this method were too difficult to meet. After observing the formation surrounding Khaggurin City he decided to give it another shot.

Small bits of icy true energy formed streams of cold energy and poured out Yue Chen's pores. With each wave of true energy a thin layer of ice further enveloped Yue Chen's body. Yue Chen took a deep breath and paced his true energy. If one were to compare Yue Chen's rhythm to the Mantle Strengthening formation one would be able to see that both rhythms we're almost identical. Yue Chen was unable to produce true energy of his own like the formation around the city and instead relied on the true energy in the surroundings by releasing a fixed amount of true energy and taking in a similar quantity. If it hadn't been for the dense true energy contained in the blood world Yue Chen would never had dared to attempt such a feat in case there was a backlash. Fortunately the dense true energy had not only assisted him with body tempering but had already allowed him to skip a few stages in a short period of time.

In the blink of an eye a week had gone by and the awaited day of departure drew close.

A hollow knocking sound rang out from the entrance of the training room followed by Geng Huan's gentle voice."Young Master Chen, everyone else have already gathered at the transportation array" Geng Huan stood behind the door patiently anticipating Yue Chen's reply.

After a minute of no response Geng Huan knocked against the door with even more rapport. Still there was no reply.

Unable to stay still any longer Geng Huan attempted to shove the door open but was left in confusion the next instant.Despite her efforts to force it open the door wouldn't budge!

Geng Huan knocked once more as she called out to Yue Chen. Soon the knocks had become more forceful and banging sounds could be heard from outside the Yue family.

Wind energy coalesced around Geng Huan's body as she stepped away from the door. In the next moment Geng Huan struck the door with a blinding palm strike which caused the entire building to tremble yet the door was still standing. Geng Huan frowned as she looked at the door. There was about 40% of her full power in the palm strike but not even a scratch was left. Breaking this door was beyond her capabilities.

In fact the Yue family training rooms had been specially built to keep out foreign distractions and we're forged from mysterious materials that were almost indestructible. Unless the door was opened from the inside there were no ways to get inside.

"Yue Chen!"

A faint voice travelled to Yue Chen's ears but received no reaction. Yue Chen was in a daze with his head facing the ceiling of the training room. The metallic taste of blood in his mouth rusted his throat as he breathed in. His usually clear eyes shone a faint crimson light as they struggled to maintain clarity.

A scene he had long forgotten surfaced in his mind as his eyes grew unclear and confused