
The Legend Of The Shadow Emperor

"I am not resigned to fate, the prejudice of the people warrant my demise and incite my rage!" Yue Chen is the adopted son of a lower noble family that watches over the royal family. Plagued by a cursed sigil at birth, this is the story of how the Shadow Emperor was born. Follow Yue Chen as he unravels the truth behind his past life as well as his origins. N.B = The Plot Will NOT be rushed, this novel is not suitable for persons that wish to see instant character development.

TheSleepingGeneral · Eastern
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67 Chs

Chapter Forty Four-Poisonous Blood Ties Long Forgotten

Yue Tu grinned from ear to ear and let out a strange laugh. "Seeing you have been brought directly to my abode you must have only recently arrived"

"yes, I came here in search of my parents, the ones that left this storage ring in my possession" ah he said this Yue Chen retrieved a chain with the storage ring from around his neck.

"It's only been a few years and you're already approaching the peak of the Nirvana realm, indeed the son of a genius can only be a genius" Yue Tu nodded to himself and turned away. "your arrival is perfect, the family is lacking a prodigy such as yourself"

Yue Chen clasped his fist in the palm of his hand and saluted politely. There were many questions he wanted to ask Master Tu and amid the countless questions Yue Chen looked up at Master Tu "Are my parents doing well?"

Yue Tu frowned. Letting out a puff of smoke he nodded "your parent's are doing well, just recently they were in the family grounds. Unfortunately they recently departed or the three of you would have already been reunited!"

Yue Tu reached out and placed an arm on Yue Chen's shoulder with a comforting look when a violent opposing force repelled his hand. "Oh?"

By now Yue Chen had already summoned both his daggers by side and his indifferent expression had turned to a frown.

Feeling the sudden chill in the air Geng Huan gaped at Yue Chen's brazenness. This was the courtyard of the Yue family's acting head Yue Tu, leader of one of the Nine Great Families! If the two really did get into a fight choosing a side would come eventually and her next action would decide whether she lived or died.

Yue Chen flashed his blade forward only to be clasped by Yue Tu's bare hand. Even with all his power the dagger wouldn't budge. It was as if it had been frozen in a ten thousand year old block of ice.

Yue Chen released the daggers from his grip and retreated a few steps, escaping Yue Tu's strike.

With a slight pinch of his hands both daggers fractured into a million pieces, glimmering shards like ice hovered in the air around Yue Tu. swoosh! Before Yue Chen could escape his range hundreds of shards tore through the air aiming to rip him to shreds.

Without the option to take cover Yue Chen could only forcefully receive the onslaught.

A cold, stabbing pain travelled through his arms followed by a numbing sensation. Even with his True energy reinforcing his body it would be impossible to stop the oncoming attack.

"The eyes can see nothing worthwhile all around, Yue Tu do you not see this young miss present?" Yuyan asked in a condescending tone. With a single wave of her hand the projectiles in the surroundings all turned to dust and scattered in the wind. She had initially followed Yue Chen out of curiosity and had no intention of mixing family affairs. She had only prompted Yue Chen of Yue Tu's dishonesty using heart waves but did not expect to be implicated in to the crossfire.

"Rash and aggressive,the type to rush into a losing battle blindly and will not take no as an answer, just like your father" Yue Tu did not answer Yuyan but shook his head at Yue Chen. "willful and honest. I always envied that about your father"

Yuyan whom had erupted with the power of a peak Nirvana realm warrior realized she had been completely ignored by Yue Tu. If not for the fact that she couldn't beat him in a fight without releasing her restraints she would have already stomped this man to death.

"What do you know about my parents?!" Yue Chen condensed claws of ice at his fingertips, dashing towards Yue Tu at full speed.

Yue Tu raised his brow in surprise. Any normal person hit with his true energy would find themselves void of energy themselves yet not only was Yue Chen fine after withstanding a strike but was even able to condense his ice natured true energy.

Yue Chen swiped forward at Yue Tu's throat with the intent to kill. Yue Tu did not dodge Yue Chen's strike but instead parried with a strike of his own.

'Crack!' the sounds of countless bones being broken could be heard from the Yue family's courtyard followed by Yue Chen's muffled grunts.

Yue Chen's fingers had been twisted abnormally in such a manner that it seemed impossible to heal.

"Do you know what I dislike more than your father, Yue SoRan?" a cruel smile crossed his lips as he grabbed Yue Chen by the throat. "Yue Chen the son of my deplorable brother, I utterly despise you"

klangg! Geng Huan's flying sword collided against Yue Tu's arm and rebounded as a result.

"It seems I have been too kind to you in the past now a mere dog dares to raise it's fangs against it's master" with a flick of his wrists a pale icy energy shot out from Yue Tu's arm, and slammed into Geng Huan, sending her flying.

At that moment a bizarre aura erupted from Yue Chen's body. His pupils shone a crimson red while his teeth had grown into fangs.


Yue Chen had forcefully escaped Yue Tu's grasp with his throat being twisted in the process. As if he was numb to the pain a devilish grin spread across his lips.

Crack! Crack!

It was as if the bones that had become warped were completely fixed in an instant. Momentarily Yue Chen's figure faded and reappeared before Yue Tu, his fingers arched with each nail as sharp as blades.

Yue Tu attempted to parry Yue Chen's strike but struck the air instead. A stabbing pain assaulted him as he retreated two steps.

Yue Chen wore a sinister grin as he lifted his hand above his head, fresh blood was dripping from each finger into a small puddle at his feet.

"Your temper is as rotten as ever, Third Brother" a cold, emotionless voice said. "I'll take this boy under my care don't bother looking for him in the future" as the voice said this an icy fog enveloped Yue Chen and his group.

"Tch! Second Brother are you going against me?!" Yue Tu threw out palm strike into the fog and the sound of the grounds crumbling under the force echoed in the courtyard.

When the fog had subsided Yue Chen and the others could no longer be found and the emotionless voice of the 'Second Brother' had faded.

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