
The Beginning

"Grandpa Grandpa Come Here Quickly

??? -Ok Ok Im Coming Im Coming Ryu

Ryu -Can You Buy Me That book

??? -What Book???

Ryu -The Legend Of The Mighty Hero Can You

Buy It Please Please Please.

??? -Ok Ok How Much Is It

Ryu -100 Yen

??? -Ok Lets Buy It

Walks To The Shop While Holding Ryu's hand

And Bought "The Legend Of The Mighty Hero"

Ryu -Thanks Grandpa..!

With A Big Smile On His Face

"Ryu And His Granpa Felix Went Home While

Ryu is So Exited So They Can Read""The

Legend Of The Mighty Hero"

Ryu -Granpa Can You Read The Book For Me

Grandpa - "Once Upon A Time There Where

A Child Born With A Majestic Power That Let

him Defeat All His Enemy Without Any Effort

He Was Called The Overlord But One Day He

Got Obsessed By His Power That He Used It

For Bad Things Then His Brother Justin

Defeated The Overlord With His Powerful

Moves Fast Movements That Even The

Overlord Can't Catch up Then He

Sealed Him By Using The Mythical Spell The

Seal Of The God's Then He Became The

Mighty Hero"

Ryu -Grandpa Granpa Can I Be The Mighty


Felix -You Can Be A Hero.

"Ryu Is So Happy That His Granpa Told Him

That He Can be A Hero"