
Living my horror

An explosion could be seen. As we could see a giant white beast that looked like a wolf with glowing golden eyes and white and silver cloak around his body. "You really think you can defeat me. Destroyer of dimensions". The creature with a dark and chaotic aura surrounding the monster. The monster had razor-sharp claws; purple gas came from the side of his mouth that had blood running down from the side as the gas. The giant creature opened its gas, bloody mouth and started to form a red, black energy ball that's the size of a multiverse planet. The same thing could be said with the wolf. As the beast it started to gather energy around its surroundings. But instead of it being black and red the attack was a bright blue energy with white light sparks surrounding it.


The two energy attacks radiate so much energy. That half of the infinite dimension was being destroyed just by these two powers. "This is the end of the line Destroyer of all the white wolf said looking at the dark beast who also was ready to launch his own attack at his direction". The two powerful creatures stood across from each other for about 3 minutes. Their energy was so great that it started to destroy reality itself. The two lunch there attack each other. The two attacks hit each other causing a giant crack that broke 400 realities. A white and dark light compose the surrounding area.




We would see a young black boy who was laying his head on some stack of straws. The boy looked to be 6 years old. His eyes were closed telling us that he was sleeping. In the boy's dream he was looking at 6 people. 3 girls and 3 boys. The 6 of them were looking at him with a smile on their face while saying something." Kurog...Kurog.Kurogane! A voice could be heard waking the boy up from his slumber. The voice belongs to a man who had black hair who was wearing a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up already showing his fair muscle. The man's face showed that of annoyance his eyes were an emerald that showed that of rage." KUROGANE! YOUR 3 MINUTE BREAK WAS OVER 4 MINUTES AGO GET BACK TO WORK OR I WILL HAVE TO REPORT YOU TO THE MASTER!" The man walked away, closing the wooden door. The boy now known as Kurogane was looking in the direction where the man stood. Wiping the drool off his face Kurogane stood up and started to head to the door where the man came from.


Kurogane started to walk down the stone-cold hallway. There was vine on some parts of the walls. The place almost looked like a bunker. Some parts of the place had iron doors and some wood, but each door had guards that seemed like they were protecting something inside. "Another 3-minute break would be lovely to take if the people here were nice to us" Kurogane said in his mind not letting some of the guards hear him. Once Kurogane made it to the exit he opened the door and saw the sunlight shining on his face. Kurogane covered his eyes, not letting the light blind him. Moving away from the light Kurogane opens his eyes to see a giant mansion with 7 floors with nice clear windows right in front of him with some people working by it or just passing it. These people were the caretaker of the place, some did wash somewhere building a construction of what seemed to be a crystal ball that radiated an energy called aura.


Aura is the power source of this world. There are people who use these power sources. Knight, Protectors, Saviours, these 3 are the protectors of this world against the apocalypse beast. The beast are monster destroyers of worlds they travelled to different dimensions and start destroying it. Different worlds fell to these creatures as nothing could stop them, not until different worlds worked together and found the power to defeat the beast. Which was called Cosmo aura, a power that grants the user an unknown almost unlimited amount of power. That they can control the elements of the universe. With this kind of power, the people came and fought the beast and took back their home. Over time the power was spread around the world, after that people all over the world could use the power of aura. Well, some People. People who couldn't use the power of aura were called rats, people who were a disgrace to society. They were treated as fealty and worthless trash. Kurogane falls into this category; he was a nobody, a boy who had only his mother.


Kurogane started walking around the mansion with a heavy box that had a crest on it that looked to be a dragon head. About 38 minutes of walking Kurogane found what looked to be a large shed with two stone statues of a man and a woman holding their sword around their waist. Kurgane opens the door to put the heavy box in the corner of the room. After Kurogane was finished he started heading the way back where he came from but immediately stopped where he saw a lovely site of a small lake with beautiful flowers and some animals around it. But in the centre of the lake was a beautiful girl with short white hair wearing what seemed to be royale training gear made for kids. The girl looked to be 1 year older than Kuragone. Her eyes were closed; she was breathing slowly as the water that was surrounding her started to float. Small water ball came flying out of the water with fast speed. But it didn't stop there the wind came and formed what seemed to be a small tornado with a spark of lighting coming from it.


Kurogane was impressed looking at the girl who was controlling the elements herself. "Wow lady violet is amazing controlling 2 of the 6 elements" The girl now known as violet started opening her eyes to see a beautiful violet colour mix with a shade of pink at the bottom. What's next shocked Kourgane. Moving her hand to the side she released a powerful explosion that almost sent Kurogane flying but enough to leave him blinded for a few seconds. The aftermath left half of the tree to be destroyed. Once Korurgane regain his vision he saw the place where lady violet was standing was obliterated. Smoke and fire were see coming from the place where violet was at.


Kurogane looked in awe at the display of power. He looked around to see Lady Violet anyway, but he didn't. "What do you think you're doing?" an unknown voice said. Kurogane looked to his left to see a woman standing about 3 feet from him. "You're not allowed to be here this is lady violet training ground if she see you here you in trouble with the masters." She said with a cold tone that sent shiver up Kurogane's spine. Picking himself up he ran from the scenes afraid of what was going to happen to him.


3 hours later


we see Kurogane Infront of a door. The door was huge with beautiful rose design that covered the whole door from head to toe. This was the master's room where the family would come together and relax and were the servant would get paid. Taking a deep breath Kurogane opened the door and a cold breeze could be felt as he looked straight ahead to see 5 people right In Front of he they all looked at Kurogane with no expression on their face. One was a tall man hand leaning with one hand on his face while the other one was tapping his finger on his arm of his chair. He had short black hair that was neatly tidy, he had a cold look on his face. His name was lord Garrett. While the one next him was a beautiful woman. She had long white hair that stop around her waist. She had a green dress that has a white rose vine from the bottom going halfway to the ankle. She was not paying attention. She was holding two needles with red treads that was tie to the needle, she looked up with her purple eyes to see Kurogane for a short second only to go back to her knitting.





Moving on to the 3 people left. One was a tall boy who looked like lord Garrett but with a calm look on his face he was reading a book. Kurogane couldn't tell what book he was reading but it looks old. The boy didn't look up at the people who were standing right in front of him, he just continued to just read. His name was Sir James. The last 2 were almost the same, they both had white hair, but one had the colour black blend from the bottom, the two of them have the same violet colour mixed with a shade of pink at the bottom. One had an arrogant look on her face while one had a cold look. Their names were Amber and Violet. Violet was the second oldest while Amber was the last.


Lord Garrett didn't say anything, he just motioned a wave with his hand and a servant came around the corner. He was a small old frail man who looked like he hadn't eaten in days; his body was covered in cuts and bruises. In his hand he held a small black bag with a red rose ribbon tie from the top. Once the old man was standing next to lord Garrett. Garrett nodded his head to Kurogane while not looking at him. The old man nodded, and he started walking towards Kurogane, once the old man stood about 1 foot away from him. He handed Kurogane the bag and started walking his way toward the family. But as he was walking a pair of vines shape off a hand grab the old man's leg as he fell over. He tumbled right on top of lady Maria leg who at the time was only focusing on het knitting but now she was looking at the old man who was now laying on top of her leg. "Lady Maria, please am sorry it was an accident!" the old man cried out. Lady Maria smiled standing up from her throne that she was sitting on.


The old man sigh of relief but immediately his head was caved into the ground. The man head was completely destroyed. The powerful step on the man head left a massive shock wave that push Kurogane to the wall. The attack was so powerful that left the room completely crack. Blood could be seen all over the place. Somehow the blood managed to reach over to Kuroagne who was all the way at the end of the room. Lady Maria leg started to glow a bright green colour her leg was standing in the place where the man head was crush. The rest of the body started to turn into purple light as he was completely gone. Kurogane looked in horrid as he just saw the most unholy thing he could see. The rest of the family stood their unfazed like this was natural for them. "Mother that was a bit instream don't you think" prince James would say as he wiped off the blood that got on his glass.


Queen Maria looked at her leg where she just obliterated the poor old man. Steam started surrounding her leg as Maria sat back down on her throne picking up her knitting kit, she just went back doing what she did before that servant came and violated her. She looked up to see Kurogane just staring at her in fear. "You're still here, I didn't know you were interested in becoming my foot stool monkey" she said in a sweet tone that made Kurogane's whole body cold. Picking himself up he quickly apologised and left the room as fast as he could.




Kurogane was walking around the town looking in his hands at the small black bag that the old man gave him before he was completely crushed by queen Maria aura kick. Opening the bag Kurogane saw 9 copper coins and one silver. Kurogane continued to walk as he heard a random man yelling to another guy that he wanted to buy a horse for 68 coppers. But the other guy who was selling it just shook his head in disapproval. Not too far from here just around the corner he saw a man in black Armour pinning a woman up the wall as he started to unbulky his pants and started holding her from be hide her back. The look on her face showed that of joy not wanting this feeling to end. A yelling Noise could be heard as a girl with blond hair started to be dragged by two guys, they grabbed her hand and placed it on a rusty anvil. One guy took out his sword from his back and cut off the woman's left hand. The woman cried out in pain as everyone just stared.


Kurogane just put his hands in his pocket and just continued to walk home. "Same old same old, he said like this was normal for him." Once Kurogane made it home what seem to be a rundown house I mean it was no surprize he was a rat who come from the slums. Opening the door, he was greeted warm smell that of honey and lime. Walking down the house Kurogane made his way to the kitchen candle was lit around the place a pot was on the table steam coming from it showing him that it was just made not to long ago. But sitting at the table was a woman with beautiful long black Curly hair that went to her butt. She was wearing a brown gown that was covered in dirt. There was some hole in theme. She looked up, showing Kurogane her beautiful tired green eyes, she was Kurogane mother Yuki.

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