
The Legend of the Green Hero

ntr netorare netorase

742894572 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Carrying my sword and saber, I used my lightness skill to speed through the forest. The sound of the wind rushing past my ears filled me with excitement. After so many years, I finally had martial arts skills again, and not just any skills, but the very best in the world.

Along the way, I encountered many fierce beasts, but their instincts kept them from approaching me. Seeing the fear in their eyes as they avoided me brought me immense satisfaction.

After running through the forest for over an hour, only a faint light remained in the sky. With my current strength, the night posed little challenge, so I decided to keep going. I knew my wife and family were very worried about me, and I wanted to reassure them as soon as possible.

As the night fully set in, I heard the clash of weapons in the distance while I was on the move. After frowning for a moment, I decided to investigate. Although I wanted to return home quickly, I didn't want to be someone who ignored others in need.

The hero who draws his sword to help the oppressed was a long-held aspiration of mine. Before, I didn't have the ability to do so, but now that I did, I would certainly help those in need.

After a few leaps, I finally arrived at the scene of the fight. When I saw who was fighting, I immediately decided which side to help. One side consisted of dozens of men led by three vicious-looking individuals, while the other side was a couple under siege.

The couple was a husband and wife; the woman, around forty years old, had a dignified and beautiful appearance with a graceful figure, comparable to my wife. The man was tall, strong, and had a resolute face.

I recognized both of them. The woman was Miao Yuyan, the head of the Qiushui Sword Sect, who had once been one of the top ten beauties in the martial world alongside my wife. The man was her husband, Jiang Chong. 

In fact, Miao Yuyan is already fifty years old this year, and Jiang Chong is fifty-five years old, but Gao Shen's behavior makes them look very young. With their top-notch skills, they can at least maintain this appearance for seventy or eighty years. 

Miao Yuyan and Jiang Chong can both be considered top-notch masters in the martial arts world, but at this moment they are in a very embarrassing situation. 

Miao Yuyan was better off, the wounds on her body were just superficial, and her plain blue shirt had a lot of tears, revealing a lot of her fair skin. 

Jiang Chong's condition was much worse. There was a deep bone-deep wound from his shoulder to his chest that was enough to kill him, and there were many bloody holes in other places. 

As soon as I saw his condition, I knew he would not live long. 

If Miao Yuyan hadn't tried her best to protect him, he would have died under the siege of the three murderous men. 

The reason why Miao Yuyan was able to hold on was only because the people besieging her did not want to harm her life. As for the reason, it was nothing more than enjoying Miao Yuyan's attractive body. 

Although I was wondering why Miao Yuyan and Jiang Chong were surrounded and killed here, and the situation was so tragic, I didn't have time to think about it and immediately decided to join the battle. 

After pulling out a purple-glowing Tang-style sword from my back, I immediately rushed into the battle circle. 

"You devil's bastard, prepare to die!" I shouted loudly, then charged into the attackers with my knife in hand. 

Through the fierce evil spirits of the besiegers when they attacked, I clearly knew their identities, so I attacked them without mercy, and used a decisive move. 

"A thousand cuts!" 

With a roar, thousands of sword qi slashed out, killing dozens of demonic disciples in one blow. Only the three leading thugs barely took the blow, but they were so scared that their faces turned pale. If my aura had not locked onto them, they would have definitely turned around and fled. 

"Who are you? I am the guardian of the Demonic Alliance!" one of them said in a timid tone. 

When I heard the words "Demonic Alliance", the anger in my chest immediately ignited, and then I shouted loudly: "Remember, the one who killed you is Lu Hao from Haoxia Villa! Ten swords break the limit!" 

After he gave his name, he immediately used a powerful move. Unlike the previous move that was aimed at everyone, this move was only aimed at the three of them. 

Facing the ten swords that broke their limits, they had no ability to resist. After the sword force penetrated their bodies, all their tendons and veins were broken. 

I will never give these evildoers a quick death. With their tendons and veins damaged, they will spend the last three hours of their lives in severe pain. 

After dealing with these people with two moves, I immediately came to Miao Yuyan and Jiang Chong. 

At this time, Miao Yuyan hugged Jiang Chong with a sad face, and whispered: "Husband, don't leave! Without you, what's the point of me living alone? Don't leave me alone!" 

Listening to Miao Yuyan's sad voice, I felt a sincere regret in my heart. If I had the cultivation of a semi-immortal now, I would be able to save Jiang Chong. 

A pair of lovers are about to face the separation of life and death. I am not in a good mood, and I don't even have the mood to appreciate Miao Yuyan's exposed skin. 

But I can still help Jiang Chong a little. At this moment, Jiang Chong doesn't even have the strength to say goodbye. I can use my power to give him the strength to speak. 

Thinking of this, I immediately pressed my hand on his Dantian and injected my powerful strength into him, temporarily restoring his vitality. 

"Master Lu, thank you so much... for saving my wife. Please escort her... back to Qiushui Sword Sect! She is now poisoned. Although we have tried our best to suppress it, it won't last long... We were ambushed and surrounded by the demonic path because we accidentally got the rare book "Samsara Sutra". Please keep this book properly, otherwise... there will be chaos in the world!" 

After he finished speaking, he handed me a package. 

I took the package and said to Miao Yuyan softly, "Master Miao, I'm going to leave for a while. Please talk to Brother Jiang if you have anything to say!" 

After I finished speaking, I walked more than ten feet away. The strength I left on Jiang Chong could keep him going for about half a quarter of an hour. 

During this time, I took out a book from the package. 

The book is not thick, but it is protected by a strong force. 

The person who wrote the book must be a peerless master, strong enough to leave a lasting force on the book. 

After I opened the book and read the introduction, I couldn't help but sigh at the author's talent. 

The "Samsara Sutra" is not a martial art, but its magical effect is enough to drive many people crazy - achieving immortality. 

The first level of the Samsara Sutra is to allow a person to reincarnate once. Before death, one can project his soul into the body of the nearest woman within a hundred feet. When the woman becomes pregnant, the child she gives birth to is his reincarnation. 

However, this kind of reincarnation can only be done once, and only before death. 

The second level is to speed up the recovery of the practitioner's body, so that general wounds will heal quickly. 

The third level is the regeneration of broken limbs, which allows people to recover as before even if they have suffered injuries such as broken limbs. 

The fourth level is immortality. As long as the soul is not extinguished, it can be restored infinitely, even if the head is cut off. 

However, it is very difficult to achieve the fourth level, and one must have the help of genius and treasure. 

Moreover, every time you master the Samsara Sutra, you will reincarnate one more time. 

After reading the introduction, I understand why the people from the Demonic Path came to rob it. 

If such a rare book is known, not to mention the evil ways, even the righteous ways will scramble to get it. 

After getting this book, my first thought was to never let anyone know the existence of this book. 

But he gave up immediately because the magic path already knew about it. 

I can imagine that after they knew they hadn't gotten the Samsara Sutra, they would definitely check where it was. 

I was the only person who had contact with Miao Yuyan. With the current reputation of Haoxia Villa, they only had two choices: one was to find a way to steal, and the other was to spread the news widely and let everyone in the world come to rob. 

After thinking about it, I immediately figured out how to deal with it - copy one copy and give the other to Feng Tianhao. 

Just when I was thinking about how to deal with it, Miao Yuyan had already buried Jiang Chong's body. 

Looking at the tears on Miao Yuyan's face and the reluctance in her eyes, I didn't know how to comfort her. 

Finally, I could only whisper to her: "Master Miao, I feel sorry for you!" 

"Yes! Thank you, Master Lu!" Miao Yuyan said softly, without the grief and sorrow in her tone that I had imagined. 

Miao Yuyan's tone startled me for a moment, and a thought suddenly came to my mind. I couldn't help but look at Miao Yuyan's graceful and attractive body: "Master Miao, let's find a quiet place, and I'll help you force the poison out!" 

After getting Miao Yuyan's approval, we immediately found a remote lake nearby and forced the poison out of her. 

Seeing her pale face, I let her lean against a tree not far away to rest, and I closed my eyes to rest. 

A few minutes later, I heard a rustling sound, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a mature and beautiful woman slowly taking off her clothes. 

In front of me, Miao Yuyan slowly took off her blue dress that was already quite torn and exposed her skin. After she took off her white undershirt and pants, she was left with only a red bellyband. 

Looking at her graceful body, which is comparable to my wife's, my breathing became a little rapid. 

I really wanted to press her down and fuck her, but when I thought of the cock between my legs, which was only the size of my little finger even when fully erect, I immediately backed off, and the lust in my eyes slowly calmed down. 

Seeing the calm lust in my eyes, Miao Yuyan's face immediately turned red: "Master Lu, I...I...I want to repay you for saving my life, so...so..." 

Looking at Miao Yuyan's shy expression and listening to her stuttering words due to nervousness, I smiled and pulled her into my arms, then whispered to her: "My penis is very small and cannot satisfy you. But if you don't mind, I can help you give birth to Brother Jiang's reincarnation." 

After I finished speaking, Miao Yuyan, who was lying stiffly in my arms, immediately looked at me in astonishment. 

Seeing her astonishment, I whispered, "I don't think a chaste and loving chivalrous woman like you would betray Brother Jiang. Unless it is to make Brother Jiang reincarnate, you will never seduce a man." 

After hearing what I said, Miao Yuyan's body relaxed after a short period of stiffness, and then she said softly: "Master Lu, I'm sorry! My husband and I took advantage of you." 

"This kind of use is good for any man. But... do you really not mind that I can't satisfy you?" I asked awkwardly. 

"That's great! I'm doing this for the sake of having a baby, not for... that!" Miao Yuyan said somewhat awkwardly, her face flushed. 

"What will you do after the birth? Will you raise him as a son? Or as a husband?" I said with a wicked smile, while caressing her smooth naked back, her long and plump legs, and her attractive buttocks. 

My touch made Miao Yuyan's body tremble a little. Her body, which had never been touched by any man except her husband, trembled slightly under my caress. 

After hearing what I said, she blushed with embarrassment, "I...I don't know!" 

Miao Yuyan said with a trembling voice. 

Her tone contained both the lust aroused by my caress and the fear of the future. 

"Then what is the relationship between our child and you? Mother and son, former husband and wife? What kind of relationship do you plan to have with him in the future? You are only about 40 years old now, and if nothing unexpected happens, you can live for a hundred years. How are you going to get along with him for such a long time?" 

While I was asking her questions, my hand had already reached her crotch, and her mature body instinctively released her sexual fluids under my teasing. 

"Don't ask, I... really don't know!" Miao Yuyan panted. 

Hearing her tone and feeling the wetness between her legs, I knew I didn't need to tease her anymore. I quickly took off all my clothes and appeared naked in front of her. 

When she saw my crotch, Miao Yuyan couldn't help but let out a chuckle, then touched my crotch and said, "Master Lu, you are so small down there! It's a pity for Lady Zhen to marry you." 

The small cock between my legs made Miao Yuyan completely relaxed, and she even started to tease me, her lifesaver. 

Although she was teasing, there was no contempt in her eyes, but rather tenderness. 

Seeing the pity in her eyes, I immediately became dissatisfied. 

I think any man would protest if he was looked at like this. 

My protest was to push her down on the grass and kiss her passionately on the lips. 

At this moment, Miao Yuyan had completely lost the obedience she had just shown in front of me. Any evil woman would become confident when facing a man who is not good at sex, even if this man is much stronger than her. 

Miao Yuyan's kissing skills are very good, not inferior to my experience in my previous life and this life. It is obviously Jiang Chong's credit, which makes me admire him a little. 

During the passionate kiss, my small cock accidentally slipped between Miao Yuyan's legs, and then penetrated her without any hindrance. 

After feeling the penetration between her legs, Miao Yuyan couldn't help but laugh. 

Hearing this laughter, I immediately spit out her tongue that was entangled with mine, "What are you laughing at! Be careful or I'll pull it out now and make you unable to give birth to a husband!" I said dissatisfiedly. 

"Oh? Then pull it out! There is a small town ahead. As long as I open my legs, there will be plenty of people who want to have children with me." Miao Yuyan said with a smile. 

Seeing Miao Yuyan smiling, I immediately wanted to increase my strength and let her experience my power. 

But when I was about to start fucking her up and down, I was immediately hit because as soon as I lifted my ass, my dick slipped out. 

What I couldn't stand even more was that Miao Yuyan didn't seem to notice anything. My plan to regain my manliness was immediately ruined. 

"What's wrong? Move a little... Did you ejaculate?" Miao Yuyan asked jokingly. 

Seeing her teasing expression, I sighed helplessly, hugged her and turned over, letting her sit on me, and then said depressedly: "You should do it! I will slip out as soon as I move." 

Sitting astride me, Miao Yuyan smiled softly, held my small penis and inserted it into her vagina, then twisted and rubbed it skillfully. 

The rumors about Miao Yuyan are that she is serious, upright, and cold as ice. 

But she looked so passionate and unrestrained while riding on me, even a little bit coquettish. 

This only proves that the rumored her was a false image for the people in the martial arts world, and that she at this moment was another side that no one knew about. 

Miao Yuyan, who was sitting on me, did not move up and down, but just kept twisting her buttocks and rubbing, because the result of moving up and down would be that my small cock would slip out again. 

After Miao Yuyan's buttocks had been shaking for less than half a minute, I held her buttocks tightly with both hands and ejaculated inside her. 

After feeling the semen pouring into her uterus, Miao Yuyan stopped twisting her buttocks, with unsatisfied hunger in her eyes, and then slowly lay on my chest. 

"Master Miao, you are very different from the rumors in the martial arts world! You don't look like a cold and frosty chivalrous woman at all, but more like an unsatisfied slut!" I said while caressing her naked back and plump buttocks. 

"Master Lu is different from the rumors! How can he be a taciturn, low-key, and selfless master? He is simply a pervert who speaks rudely and flirts with women!" 

After that, he pinched my dick jokingly and said, "You are a pervert with no capital!" 

"Well! This is what I really look like... Disappointing, right?" I said softly. 

"No! You make me feel close to you. Although we have just known each other for a short time, I don't regret giving you anything. I am very happy to have the next life with you." 

Miao Yuyan said with a blush. 

Seeing the shy look of the beautiful woman in my arms, I couldn't help but kiss her face gently, and then said: "Sister Yuyan, we will have children, marry me!" 

After hearing what I said, Miao Yuyan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then she said softly: "I'm sorry, I... haven't figured out what kind of life I will live in the future. If my husband and I really can't forget our past, then we will be a couple that the world cannot tolerate." 

"Then you should be with me. I will be the best cover for you to be together." I said gently. 

After hearing what I said, Miao Yuyan stared at me blankly for a long time, but she couldn't sense any falsehood in me. Her intuition as a top-notch master told her that I was serious. 

Although she had a crush on me and knew in her heart that I was not lying, she still couldn't make the decision to marry me, someone she had only known for less than a day. 

She can't be a woman who marries someone right after her husband dies, and I can't be a man who has an incestuous relationship with his wife and son. 

"Lü...Hao, I can't do that. I can't let you worry about that kind of reputation." Miao Yuyan said with moved eyes. 

"Can you please call me Lu Lang?" I said gently. 

"Lü Lang...Sister, you can't be so selfish. If you really choose to be with your husband, it will be unfair to both of you." 

"It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, I don't care. Ah, sister Yuyan, do you dislike my small penis? It doesn't matter, although my penis is not big, there are many men in the family. From your performance just now, I know that you are a shy and coquettish woman, and I don't mind being cuckolded!" 

I said with a smile. 

As soon as I finished speaking, Miao Yuyan pinched me hard, and then said coquettishly: "Who is being coquettish? You are the second man in my sister's life. I have never been so... so coquettish in front of you and your husband!" 

Looking at Sister Yuyan's coquettish look, I couldn't help but be fascinated by her. Her obsessed look made Miao Yuyan smile with some pride. 

"Oh? So, Sister Yuyan, your fucking skills were all taught by Brother Jiang? I really admire you! Tell me, how big is Brother Jiang's dick?" I asked curiously. 

Seeing my curious look, Sister Yuyan refused to answer at first, but she couldn't stand my questioning and finally told me. 

Ten inches long and two inches wide, that is, thirty centimeters long and six centimeters wide. 

After hearing the size, I couldn't help but curse in my heart: "Beast!" 

"Ah... No wonder sister looks down on brother. Compared with Brother Jiang, brother is just a eunuch! Alas... A man with a small penis like brother, how can he be qualified to enjoy sister? It is a great blessing to be intimate with a beauty like sister. Even if sister is willing to be cuckolded, sister is unwilling to marry." 

I said with a disappointed look on my face. 

At this time, I used my acting skills to the fullest, and fully portrayed the pain of a man with a small penis, which made Sister Yuyan feel very sorry for me. 

"Lu Lang, please don't be like this. I admit that I like you, even though we have only known each other for a short time. But you not only saved my life and my husband's life, but also made me feel at ease. But I can't marry you, it's too unfair to you. And... don't you already have a sister Zhen?" 

Sister Yuyan said in a panic. 

"But...I don't want to give up on you, sister! After what happened just now, I found that I really like you, sister. Sister, please marry me, okay? If you choose to be with Brother Jiang in the future, I can withdraw at any time. Please give me a chance, let me take care of you and our children, okay?" 

I said pleadingly. 

Looking at my sincere pleading eyes, Sister Yuyan nodded gently after struggling for a while. 

Seeing her nod, I hugged her tightly, stood up and turned around while shouting loudly: "My wife, I love you so much!" 

Hearing my cheerful laughter and happy face, Sister Yuyan couldn't help but chuckle as well. 

The 48-year-old man and the 50-year-old woman were playing like two young people. 

Moreover, both of them were naked... 

Looking at Miao Yuyan sleeping beside me, I felt a little sorry. 

To this woman, I can say that I took advantage of her misfortune and took advantage of her weakness, but I can be sure that I did it for her good. 

Jiang Chong's death made her sad, and the change of Jiang Chong's identity after reincarnation made her scared and confused. 

She didn't know how to face Jiang Chong, the child she gave birth to, and didn't know how to position their relationship. 

Mother and son? 


Neither is simple. 

But one thing is certain, no matter which kind of relationship they use, they will have regrets. 

In the former case, they must suppress the love in their hearts; in the latter case, they must face the exclusion of secular morality. 

My appearance gave Miao Yuyan a new choice: to live under my protection. 

No matter which identity they live in, they will not face the worst outcome. 

But after the truth is revealed, I will face the ridicule of others, being cuckolded, and my wife and son committing incest. 

If it were an ordinary person, such ridicule would probably drive him crazy, but it doesn't matter to me, because... 

Things that were despised by others had already happened to me. 

I admit that I proposed to Miao Yuyan not because I loved her. 

Although I have admiration, care, and desire in my heart, that is not love. 

Maybe I will fall in love with her after living together for a long time, but definitely not now. 

Looking at the beautiful woman sleeping naked in my arms, I kissed her forehead gently and then slowly fell asleep. 


In the bustling little town, Sister Yuyan and I walked slowly. 

She had changed into a simple dress, which I stole from a house when I passed through a small town. 

Before leaving, I put a silver ingot on the table. 

But this simple dress looks so beautiful on Sister Yuyan. 

But what makes me feel itchy is that she only has a bellyband under her dress. 

Thinking of the beauty under her skirt, I couldn't help but get excited, but thinking of the smallness of my crotch, I could only watch. 

Without Sister Yuyan's initiative, I would have been too embarrassed to show her my small penis. 

After entering the city, Sister Yuyan immediately returned to the way she was when I first saw her—serious and indifferent. 

After seeing Sister Yuyan, the people in the city automatically gave way to her. 

The reason is very simple. This city is called Qiushui City, and the Qiushui Sword Sect is located in a manor outside the city. This small city has been protected by the Qiushui Sword Sect for decades. 

The people in the city can almost be said to have reached the point where they only know the Qiushui Sword Sect and not the city lord, so Sister Yuyan has a lot of face here. 

We entered the city at noon, which was lunchtime, and there were not many people on the streets. 

Just when we were about to go into a restaurant to have some food and drinks, a drunk walked by us. As he staggered past us, he suddenly fell towards Sister Yuyan. 

Just as Sister Yuyan dodged slightly, a dagger with a green glow and obviously poisoned stabbed at Sister Yuyan who was within reach. 

If Sister Yuyan was in a normal state, she would have many options to choose from. She would have had enough time to block or dodge, and even to use her internal strength to resist. 

But she had just been poisoned and forced out yesterday, her body was very weak, and Jiang Chong's soul was temporarily attached to her, so her body was under great pressure, and she had no time to dodge. 

Just when the dagger was about to stab Sister Yuyan, she retreated quickly and the dagger missed. 

The assassin was surprised to see that he had returned empty-handed. 

Just when he didn't know what to do, I, who had just pulled Sister Yuyan away, pointed my finger into a sword and pointed it at his arm. 

After the sword energy entered his arm, it immediately began to damage his meridians. With a scream, his arm was completely disabled. 

After crippling the assassin's arm, I kicked his legs in rage, forcing him to kneel on the ground before running away. Then I shouted, "Who are you? Who sent you?" 

When I finished asking, I found that the assassin was kneeling on the ground, motionless. After turning his head, I found that he had bitten the poison sac in his mouth and committed suicide. 

After frowning, I turned to look at Sister Yuyan behind me. Just when I was about to speak, I immediately forgot what I was going to say in the beautiful scenery. 

Because Sister Yuyan was so sexy and attractive at that moment, the assassination did not kill her, but it tore her plain long skirt, exposing her long and beautiful legs. 

Just when I thought Sister Yuyan would be shy because of her exposed body, I found that she was looking at the restaurant with a serious face. 

Following her gaze, I immediately noticed something was wrong, because the guests on the first floor of the restaurant were all gangsters, and they were all staring at Sister Yuyan. 

Sister Yuyan's eyes told them that they no longer had the chance to launch a sneak attack. If they didn't launch a sneak attack, then they would just have to rob. 

A tall and strong man came out as a representative: "Miao Yuyan! Hand over the secret book, otherwise you will definitely die today. Your husband is dead, and you are poisoned, so you are definitely not our opponent. Don't blame us for being ruthless, even though you are a fucking cripple..." The man stopped talking before he could finish, because he could not say a word in this life, because my knife had already chopped off his head. 

"I thought there were no more survivors, but I didn't expect there were still so many. Can you tell me why you are here? If you don't, you will die miserably!" 

I said to these people with a smile on my face. 

"Who... who are you?" I struck them so cleanly and quickly that none of them could see the direction of the move. They were all very scared. If they hadn't relied on our numbers, they would have run away long ago. 

"Lü Hao!" I said two words calmly. 

After hearing this name, the Jianghu people were stunned for a while, and then someone shouted: "Who are you trying to scare? Master Lu is the best swordsman in the world, and you, a man holding a knife, are pretending to be Master Lu? Come on, don't be afraid!" 

After being reminded, they recovered from their shock immediately. 

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but sigh - sigh for their stupidity. 

Even if I'm not Ma Yingjie, can they handle it? 

A group of people who have never really practiced internal skills, a second-rate master can easily wipe them all out. 

I had no interest in teasing them, so I immediately decided to deal with them. I activated the Qiankun Wuji Gong, and its additional functions immediately appeared. 

The aura of the opponent in front of him immediately appeared in his perception, calm aura, manic aura, and vicious aura all appeared in his perception. 

The type of their energy also determines their fate. Before they can rush over, my sword strikes out again. 

To deal with opponents like them, I don't need to use any tricks, I just draw my sword as fast as possible. 

By the time I sheathed my sword, one third of them had already fallen, and the others had lost their fighting power and fell to the ground. 

The warriors on the ground who had lost their fighting power looked at me in amazement, and then I gestured to Sister Yuyan to ask her questions. 

"Who are you? Why are you ambushing me here?" Sister Yuyan asked angrily. 

With their lives at stake, none of them were interested in dying rather than surrendering. Someone immediately spoke up: "There was a rumor last night that Miss Miao and her husband got a unique secret book. After being ambushed by the evil sect, Mr. Jiang died in the battle and Miss Miao was injured..." Someone answered tremblingly. 

"So you planned this ambush?" Sister Yuyan said with a cold face. 

"No...it wasn't us. The one who planned the ambush was...the city lord!" someone else answered. 

"City Lord?" 

Miao Yuyan could never have imagined that the answer would be like this. 

She never expected that the coward who was always so timid in front of her and looked at her with lustful eyes from behind was that person. 

"Miao, the city lord took people to the Qiushui Sword Sect this morning..." 

Before she finished listening, Sister Yuyan rushed out. 

I immediately rushed to her side, and following her instructions, I held her slender waist and rushed towards the Qiushui Sword Sect. Only the martial artist who had lost his fighting ability and the shopkeeper who was sitting at the counter were left at the scene. 

"The person we met was the real Ma Ying-jeou, right?" 

"Nonsense, besides Master Lu, who else in the world has such high martial arts skills?" 

"Damn it! We fought with Lord Lu and still survived!" 

"Idiot, that means Master Lu didn't kill us?" 

"Yes, look at the dead people on the ground, aren't they all guys who usually do a lot of evil?" 

"This...I decided to be a good person from now on!"