
The Legend Of The Forgotten Mercenary

He was just a legendary mercenary that was lost in history. But what they did not know is that he is lost but he is still making his history just in a, different world? different dimension? He doesn't know but what he does know is that this is going to be a difficult world to strive in and he never backs down from a challenge.

SlyHope · Fantasy
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4 Chs


He got up to start following the wolf, but what he saw when he left the room made him think of a log cabin. It was really nice inside the house, there was a medium sized fireplace a table made of 3 different kinds of wood. And Alex's personal favorite a wood bench that had a design of dragons and hero fighting. He started to think about how long it took to just do that piece alone because it was a meter high and 3 meters long. He kept walking while looking at the walls they also had a design of heros and villains fighting and it looked very impressive.

"Okay young man pull up a chair you could sit next to me and we could try to see if anything in your head leads to any memories." Said the old man with a smile that looked bright and kind. "Okay, thank you for all your help. But I would like to ask some questions as well sir." Said Alex in a calm tone.

" Have I been forgotten or something grandpa Lin or are you just ignoring me because I skipped on training!?!" said Lindsay in a kind of whiny tone. " Hehehe why can't I get my revenge once in a while now shush while I help Alex." said the old man quite shamelessly. Lindsay pouted puffing her cheeks then thought of something " Okay grandpa I'm sorry for skipping practice I will make tea for you and Alex then." Said Lindsay in an apologetic tone. " Okay thank you Lindsay." Said the old man thinking he was a little too harsh on her. She got up did a little bow and left.

"Okay young man come here and I could see if there I anything in your memory" said the grandpa Lin. Alex nodded and went forward until he was standing in front of the old man. Then the old man put his hand on Alex's head and closed his eyes, Alex didn't know what to do so he just stood there looking a little dumbfounded for some reason he started to get a warm feeling throughout his body. Just then the old man stopped and took his hand off of Alex's head, the old man looked solem.

"I'm sorry Alex I couldn't find anything, but there is deep hatred and sadness in your heart."

" Its okay Grandpa Lin I didn't expect anything but thank you for trying."

said Alex to the old man, but when the old man heard what Alex called him he put on a bright smile and patted Alex's shoulders.

"I may have not found anything but dont worry! You could start your memories here."

When Alex heard this at first he was confused. Then he started too catch on, he looked at the old man and didn't know how too react.

"Are you sure Grandpa Lin?"

Asked Alex in a calm but questioning voice.

"Eh, your right I dont want you as a guest here."

said Grandpa Lin in a cold voice, then he continued.

"I want you as a member of the family. I may be getting old but these bones have knowledge and patience too teach."

Said the Grandpa Lin in a warm voice with a chuckle at the end. Alex didn't know what to say so he just went up to the old man and hugged him, but at the same time Lindsay came back.

"Grandpa Lin, Alex, I got the tea."

She said in a loud voice while she was standing in the doorway really feeling as if she had been forgotten. The old man seen the look on her face and laughed. When she saw this she couldn't help but smile.

She gave one teacup to Alex making sure their hands touched for a second. Then she turned to Grandpa Lin and bowed a little bit and handed the teacup to him. He smiled and took the cup and sipped a little bit of it, but after a second of tasting the tea he spit it out, but to the misfortune of Alex the old man was looking at him while he did this. Alex hand his mouth open from shock of the noise only for some of the water to land in his mouth. For a couple seconds he didn't know what happened but once he realized he ran out of the house and spit it onto the ground violently.

He was stuck dry heaving for a while before he finally felt he got it out. Then he look at the direction of the little girl that was laughing as if she had seen the best thing in the world. And the old man trying to hold back the laughter but failed once he saw the look of horror on Alex's face when he look at the cup again.

Once they were done he sat Alex down and said in a serious tone.

" There are many paths of cultivation, Dark, Light, Wind, Unique, Ground, Fire, and all weapons have a path aswell."

" But your a special case you have all the heaven grade spirits except 2, Light, And Ground your paths are many but yet few."

"What do you mean Grandpa Lin?"

" You can choose any path you want but you need to make sure never to expose all of your spirits otherwise people will see you as a great ally or a great foe. And let me say neither are good because it they see you as a ally they will make you their favorite pawn the. use you till you die without any chance to voice out your opinions. But If they see you as a enemy they will do everything they can without letting you grow."

When Alex heard this he knew that he was unlucky and lucky at the same time. They want me too be their favorite pawn so they are going to nurture me but they will also make sure i never leave. Being an enemy doesn't have any benefits, but I cant be a ally to everyone otherwise what is the use of an ally?

"Okay Grandpa Lin thank you I will listen too you and make sure I dont show more then 1 at a time."

"Nonono, you got it all wrong. You have 5 of the heaven grade spirits! 5! And you have a unique spirit that allows you to learn one you don't have. Show some off but no more then 3."

Said the old man again extremely shamelessly, when Alex and Lindsay heard this they couldnt help but stare at him with wide eyes and then start laughing.

"Now let's eat and tomorrow is the start of your training and cultivation. We have 7 months to make you the best fighter we can then you will have too join the anual fight for people under 15 too show your rank in the 4 cardinal villages."

When Alex heard this he was confused, 'I'm going to fight people in seven months?' He decided to ask Grandpa Lin about this.

"Do I have too fight people in 7 months?"

"Yes sadly it a tradition and since your my student you will have too participate. Not even the village chief could help you."

When Lindsay heard him she knew he was lying but she didn't say anything because she also wanted to see what Alex was capable of in a short span of time. After that they finished the meal and bid each other a good night.

'Well looks like I will have too train seriously for the next 7 months, I hope my baby and wife are having a great time wherever they are.' He thought as he laid in bed and went to sleep.