
The Legend Of The Forgotten Mercenary

He was just a legendary mercenary that was lost in history. But what they did not know is that he is lost but he is still making his history just in a, different world? different dimension? He doesn't know but what he does know is that this is going to be a difficult world to strive in and he never backs down from a challenge.

SlyHope · Fantasy
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4 Chs


He was sitting propped against a tree for support. His vision was blurry as if he has just woken from a deep sleep. His throat was dry and he was in a different body in a land he didn't know. But he was very confused because he should be dead, he just went on the most dangerous mission in his career.

The mission was to kill the opposing SS ranked mercenary, but it didnt turn out the way he planned. His good friend under the alias "wolf". Was bought by the opposing SS rank mercenary and while he was fighting the SS ranked mercenary his "friend" stabbed him in the back. And they proceeded to torture "Lion"(him), for three days to get information out of him about a plethora of things so that they could find out who is coming so they could set up a trap.

Wolf: "Listen we use to be friend right buddy just tell us what we want to know and if it is accurate I will tell you about your wife's murder case"

Wave ( the opposing rank SS mercenary) : "Yes, just tell us and we will give you what you want to know and a quick death easy and painless, what about it friend."

wolf knew that lions sensitive spot was his wife's murder case. He seen lion work on the case from day to night because she was his one true love. She was a small 171 cm brunette with a fiery temper and she was very quick witted, because of this lion loved her and persued her for a year. When she finally accepted lion threw a huge party and had all his close friends there she was the light of his life and they had been together for 5 years and had a child.

But all good things have to come to an end, he returned from his mission that gave him the rank of a SS mercenary. He was ecstatic this one mission was very dangerous so it gave a equally great reward of $20 million RMB. When he completed it and got his reward he rushed home so he could tell his wife the great news. only to see the sence that would make him cry even though he was a seasoned veteran of the battlefield. He saw his wife dead with her throat slit and his 3 year old baby girl was no where to be seen. From that day on he always stayed up to try to find the f***** that did that to his wife and baby girl, he sent a police report called all his friends and even went far enough to blow all his money to find a single clue as too who did it.

But he one day ran out of money and went back to the life of a merc to get some more so he could continue to search but he didn't know the day he picked the highest reward mission "Kill the SS ranked mercenary named WAVE" that would be his last mission.

Lion: "fine! just tell me who did it too my wife and who took my baby girl!"

Wolf: " seems like you really loved her. too bad you couldn't save her!"

At that lion gritted his teeth and said in a low vicious voice " Who did it" at this wolf seemed delighted as he smirked and broke into a laughter and said.

wolf: " Your so naive, It was me I raped then killed your wife because you had the perfect life! you didn't deserve it I deserved it not you, Me! So since your going to die anyway I will tell you about your daughter. I sold her."

At this lion didn't know how to react he wanted to rip this guy in front of him into pieces to feed him to some dogs. but he was bound to a chair in the middle of a dense forest so all he could do was say a 2 word sentence that shook both wave and wolf.

Lion: "Kill me"

When he said that, both Wave and wolf where shocked because they thought he would fight back or retort. But he did none of the sorts he just said "kill me" wolf didn't like this so he put his knife to lion's leg and sliced a piece of skin off. But there was no reaction from the victim he just sat there looking at wolf. He said again "kill me" in a emotionless voice.

He refuses to live if he couldn't have his baby girl and his wife, he refused to entertain this world without his rays of sunshine. HE REFUSED.

The look in his eyes were what you would see in a dead person and his tone of voice was someone who has lost it all. He didn't have anything to protect he didn't have his family to live for. He had nothing he was nothing so he said it once more in a yell "KILL ME F*** KILL ME HURRY UP KILL ME" the last part was a little louder than a whisper and it also had his voice choked a little bit. His eyes were bloodshot but he wasn't crying it was bloodshot from fury. Endless fury that could kill just by looking for too long, Wave and Wolf where shocked but the next second the recovered and they again looked at his pitiful state. Then wolf stood up and stabbed just under his should blade and a little to the left of his ribs. They left him there to bleed out they walked to the hut Wave lived in and watched as lion took his last breath after he was dead Wave and Wolf walked over and started a fire under lion's now dead body.

This is my first time writing and I hope people will like this if you have any suggestions of the plot and if you have any concerns about development just ask

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