
A New Birth

I felt my body rise up and a warm sensation filled every nook and cranny in me. I opened my eyes and found myself lying in the middle of a yellow field, the smell of wet grass filled my nose.

[New System Activated. Host identified.]

[Registering new data…Registering complete.]

[Welcome to Arandore.]

Suddenly, blue panels showed themselves right in front of my eyes. Another one popped up soon after.

[New skill unlocked!]

[Demon Eyes: You are able to peer into a person's desires and be able to manipulate them to a certain degree.]

[Proficiency: 0/100]

[New skill unlocked!]

[Demon Body: Your body is several times tougher than an average human. You also have wings and claws at your disposal.]

[Proficiency: 0/100]

[New Skill Unlocked!]

[Demon Soul: Your soul is several times more refined and tougher than an average human.]

I jolted my body and quickly stood up on the dirt and wheat I was lying on.

'What are these panels? Where am I?! What are these skills?!'

As I was freaking out, I suddenly felt an intense hunger overthrow my entire body. I swiftly tuned my neck and saw a middle-aged man with a long, unkempt beard look at my direction.

'He seems to be a farmer, is this his field?'

As I looked at him, my mouth started to salivate.

'Why… why does he look so tasty?'

My body started to take tiny steps in his direction.

He had a plow on his right hand, and his left hand was holding a broom that seemed to radiate some sort of energy. His clothes were plain and dirtied from his farm work.

He stepped back when he noticed I was heading in his direction. He raised his plow and yelled in his gruffly voice.

" You there! What are you doing in my field?!"

I suppressed my hunger and asked.

"What is this place?"

He looked at me strangely and then nodded with an understanding expression.

"Another one of these stinking drunkards. I've told them not to step on my field after they've drank a whole bottle of those mellows!"

He whispered in a deprecating tone. However, I heard every word clearly. Mind you, we're approximately 30 feet away from each other and it is quite windy.

I furrowed my brows and asked again.

"Old man…you better tell me where the hell I am."

At that point, my eyes started glowing red unknowingly and the man's did too. He dropped his plow and broom and answered in an emotionless tone.

"You're in Jerove Territory, sir."