
The new pack leader is so cute!!

Nero had just finished the fight for being the leader of the pack, and is now jumping up and down on the body of his victi- I mean opponent… Now that Nero has won the battle the wolf pack was bowing to Nero in awe and fear of their new adorable leader.

POV First person

After all the wolves bowed, the amount in my pack went from just 1 to 69… hehe, 69, I don't know why but this number makes me giggle. Anyway I also gained a new title, one that fit me pretty well, essentially my enemies fear me, which only makes it more fun, and my ally's love me all the more, yayyy!! Looking around, the wolves are still bowing, they're so cute, I just want to pet them, and kick them… and jump on them!!! Well I guess I should probably say something

POV Third person

"You all may lift your heads, as since you are all under me I will lead you, all you have do is promise to play with me when ask!" Exclaimed Nero in a very dignified position, on top of the corpse's head

After bowing all the wolves looked up at a blood soaked Nero standing with his chest pumped out on the carcass of their now previous alpha, the first to move out of their stupor was actually alpha 1. She had been horrified from watching what she thought to be pray, easily defeat the other alpha, who was her equal. She jumped down, landing in front of Nero, as Nero glanced at her she flinched. She was just considered an enemy so the title effect must still be affected her, otherwise how could she be afraid of a cute baby bunny.

"L-Leader, I have acknowledged you, I will serve as your right hand from now on" said alpha 1 in a shaky voice, she seemed to be trying to get her self out of this fear, but she was just to shocked at the fact a day old bunny could beat her.

"My right hand, mmm no. Cerberus is already my right hand, you can be my left, you can call me Nero, what's yours Ms. Wolf?" said Nero in happy tone at finding a new close playmate.

"I have no name but I know you named Cerberus, I would be honored to be named by you" Said the alpha pushing down the excitement of gaining a name.

"Oh right… looks like I forgot you don't have names." said Nero in a embarrassed voice. How could he have forgot, especially when it comes to names. Mr. Rob seemed so excited about naming Nero, he thought that naming must be done in the same manner.

"Ok, I the leader of the pack, Nero, shall name you… uhhh… shi… ummm, maybe kyl-… Noo!" Said Nero as they tried to come up with a name.

"Aha, I shall name thy, Sherra!! Yes that seems fitting, hehe get it she- rawr… like a wolf!" Said Nero in a vein attempt to explain his naming reasoning.

"I see, Sherra, I like this name, from now on I will be known as SHERRA!! AWOOOOOO!" Sherra howled in acceptance of her new name, and in acceptance of her new leader.

Like any group of wolves, they all joined in on the howl, celebrating the arrival of a new adorable leader, even Nero tried to join in on the howl session, only letting out a silent scream in his attempt to howl. The howl could be heard through out the forest and beyond, causing future ally's and enemies to turn their heads.

As the newly formed wolf pack was howling something unusual was happening in a nearby city

As people were walking on the ground, driving cars, riding mounts, and some were even flying, an alarm started to play through out the city.

""BEEP! BEEP! EVACUATE THE AREA NOW, A NEW DUNGEON IS DESCENDING! REPEAT A NEW DUNGEON IS DESCENDING!"" This robotic message was repeated through the speakers across the city.

People began to run to the nearest safest spot as their gazes were drawn towards a peculiar disturbance in the heart of the metropolis. A low, ominous hum filled the air, gradually growing in intensity, as if a great power were awakening.

The noise swelled, vibrating through the buildings and reverberating in the hearts of onlookers. It carried an otherworldly quality, a blend of ethereal whispers and deep, resonating echoes that sent shivers down their spines. The city's ambient sounds seemed to fade into insignificance, eclipsed by this unsettling symphony. Amidst the growing cacophony, an indistinct distortion manifested a subtle shimmering haze that seemed to warp the very fabric of reality. From within this swirling mist, a colossal gate emerged, imposing its presence upon the urban landscape. Towering stories high, the gate appeared as a massive archway, forged from a fusion of ancient stones and pulsating energy.

Its surface was etched with intricate runes, which glowed with an eerie, pulsing light. The gate seemed to pulse in sync with the hum, as if it possessed a heartbeat of its own. Arcane symbols danced across its threshold, radiating a powerful aura that resonated with primal forces. As the gate solidified, the surrounding environment was not left unscathed. The air grew heavy and charged with energy, crackling with unseen power. Streetlights flickered, their illumination struggling against the encroaching darkness, while cars parked nearby sputtered and stalled, their engines overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the gate's presence.

Buildings in close proximity trembled under the weight of this supernatural event. Glass windows rattled, and loose objects danced on shelves, as if caught in an invisible tempest. Pedestrians stumbled and grasped at nearby structures for support, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer force emanating from the gate. Within the vicinity of the gate, the natural order of things seemed to twist. Plants withered, their leaves turning a sickly shade of brown as life was drained from them. Birds, startled by the intrusion of this alien energy, took flight in panicked disarray, their melodious songs silenced by the cacophony.

The gate's appearance marked the intrusion of a different realm, a world filled with peril and untold treasures. It stood as a gateway to the unknown, a harbinger of impending danger and the potential for great rewards. The city would never be the same, forever bearing the scars of this encounter, and its inhabitants would soon face the trials of the dungeons, something ROB had told Nero, you could even say it was the reason Nero was brought here, and he will deal with a dungeon of his own.


[Name]- Nero

[Species]- Baby bunny

[Title]- [The Leader Of The Pack], [Mercy]

{Curses}- Innocent Playfulness

[Rank]- G






F [Critical Hit 10/10] E [Power Kick 15/15]

Technique: D [Flash Step 15/15]

Resistance: A [Poison Immunity]

Racial: G [Leap 10/10] G [Escape 10/10]

F [Sneak 10/10]

Unique: [Instant Mastery], [Pack Leader]

Pack Members: 69


I'm back😋, sry for being away so long, but now I actually have a plan, expect daily chapter post, I may not be the most be the most consistent, but with my full proof plan the story will continue!!!

I’m back, sry for being away so long, but now I actually have a plan, expect daily chapter post, I may not be the most be the most consistent, but with my full proof plan the story will continue!!!

Silver_Wolf_4307creators' thoughts
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