
First hunt

Nero had just named Sherra and participated in a howling session with the rest of their pack. Following that, a tragedy was happening in a not so far place. With an unknown cause there's no telling when or where it could happen again.

POV Third person

"Man howling is not made for bunny's, I can't even get a good scream out." Said Nero while pouting

After everyone stopped howling they all came to surround Nero. At first Nero didn't know what they were doing. 'Were they going to hurt me, how could they, I'm their leader, NO stay away, how could you hurt such a small cute bunny like me!' Thought Nero as he began to pretend to be scared

" Leader? Now that the pack has acknowledged you, it's time to make some rules. Even though we already have our set rules, they were set by me so they now hold no weight." Said Cerberus as he walked up to Nero and explained what Nero now had to do

"Oh, hehe, ok so what were your rules before, if there is nothing wrong with them then I see no reason to change em!" Exclaimed Nero as they were sad that they couldn't immediately start to play

"Well, the only rule was to find enough food for everyone to eat, that's why the alpha you murde- I mean defeated was able to be so rude to the rest of the pack, there were no rules that stopped him from doing so." Said Sherra in a nervous tone.

"Ahh I see, that's a no, what are we raising here huh, cubs! Now that I'm the leader we will be better, a well oiled machine even. Give me some time, I'll have the rules set by tomorrow" exclaimed Nero who was surprised at the simplicity of the rules.

"Leader, we also need to hunt for food for the rest of the weaker pack, the injured, and the children, they were not able to acquire their food when they were out hunting, this was the reason Cerberus left in the first place." Explained Sherra.

"Ahh yes, I can see that, ok I can tell that there are only a few that need food, Me and Sherra shall go out to hunt! Cerberus you stay here and settle everyone down, we'll be back soon, LETS GOOOOO!!" Exlaimed Nero who was screaming for some reason.

"Ughhh, why me." Whispered Sherra

Nero and Sherra went out to hunt for the rest of the pack while Cerberus was left to watch the pack as he was chuckling at Sherra's situation.

POV First person

I jumped on Sherra's head excited for my first hunt, I've had so much fun fighting Cerberus and that other one, so I can't wait to fight again. Before we left I was curious as to how we would find our prey so I asked Sherra.

"We'll usually we have to go outside our territory, and then we sniff out any nearby prey, it's usually more difficult and dangerous at night so that's why usually only the leader or the alphas go out at night" Explained Sherra who started running away from the cave

"I see, I've never hunted before I'm sure it'll be fun!" I exclaimed

I was especially excited to command Sherra in battle, since I've mastered this Unique ability [Pack Leader], I know some stuff that could even be considered a hidden ability. Obviously the main ability of this skill is to lead to members of your pack, through that it gives me abilities that allow me to lead the pack in a more efficient way, for example assigning roles such as alpha, beta, and omega. The most important ability that this unique skill gives actually isn't that, it is that it allows the user to order your members in the greatest way. This is important because that means my commands or my words have a level of control over them, meaning that if I command my members and word things in the right way, I could cause quite and interesting action. That's why I was so surprised that Cerberus only used 1 simple rule instead of a multitude to create a well functioning system, I also think I could used this ability to fix the "weakling" problem. All in all this ability is super fun, hehe.

After we walked for quite some time, I could sense that we were out of our territory through the [Pack Leader] skill. Now it was time to find some prey

"Leader I advised that we get quite serious." Said Sherra as she offered her advise to me as I was thinking of the best way to command Sherra, oh I've got an idea.

"Good idea Sherra, now I'm going to give you a few commands as the leader of the pack, try to not question it and follow it a best you could." I said

"Oh, y-yes leader, I will do my best to follow your command" said Sherra who seemed nervous.

"I command you to perfectly find and kill your prey, do it gracefully and do it in tune with the forrest that give you strength and allows you to live" I commanded, I used [Pack Leader] when I commanded her with the intention for her to follow the words of my command.

With the command set and unknown force came through me as I felt it enter her, she closed her eyes and…


*New* E [Command ] (passive)- Command those who are willing and become in sync with those who you command

A very interesting skill that will only make commanding my pack even better, when Sherra opened her eyes I felt a clear connection, and through that connection I could feel the command. She didn't say anything and only continued to walk, I could feel that she was focused and I was excited to see how she will hunt.

Guided by the instinctual whispers of the night, Sherra prowled with a graceful stride through the enchanted forest. Every step she took was deliberate, her keen eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of prey. The air was thick with the earthy fragrance of moss and the tantalizing scent of distant flowers, but it was the aroma of potential prey that sent a thrill racing through our beings. We ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, where the trees leaned inwards, their gnarled branches intertwining to create a mystical canopy overhead. Moonbeams danced through the gaps, casting enchanting patterns upon the forest floor. It was here that the secrets of the night were whispered to those willing to listen. I whispered softly into Sherra's ears, urging her forward with a blend of caution and excitement. Together, we moved in perfect harmony, a seamless fusion of predator and strategist. The night seemed to amplify our senses, heightening the rustling of leaves and the whispers of nocturnal creatures.

Suddenly, a faint rustle, almost imperceptible to most, caught my attention. Ears twitching, I whispered my findings to Sherra, she had already noticed, our silent communication revealing the location of our potential prey. A surge of anticipation coursed through us as we focused on the source of the sound, both predator and prey poised for the imminent chase. Sherra's muscles coiled like a tightly wound spring, her body poised for the exhilarating burst of speed that would soon follow. With a flick of her tail, she launched herself forward, weaving effortlessly through the underbrush, her lithe form a blur of silver against the night. I clung to her head, the wind rushing through my fur as we pursued our quarry. The chase was a symphony of grace and power, a dance between predator and prey. Sherra's agile strides closed the gap, her fangs glistening in the moonlight, as the prey darted through the moonlit shadows. Each turn, each maneuver was matched with precision and determination, as if the forest itself had conspired to test our abilities. Finally, as if guided by an unseen hand, Sherra executed a daring leap, her muscular frame soaring through the air. Time seemed to suspend, the world holding its breath as the predator and prey reached their pinnacle. And then, with a triumphant pounce, Sherra's powerful jaws closed around the elusive prey. She had caught a red furred fox, as she unclenched her jaw I felt the connection sever as the command was complete. Sherra eyes widened as she seemed surprised, she seemed to have been in some daze when I commanded her, a show as to how willing she was to follow my command. Happy at our catch I jumped high into the trees using my leap skill, Sherra seemed confused but happy, she bowed her head at the seemingly weak innocent baby bunny as she thought that I was truly a worthy leader. After I celebrated our little victory, she picked up the dead fox as we made our way back to the cave, back home.


[Name]- Nero

[Species]- Baby bunny

[Title]- [The Leader Of The Pack], [Mercy]

{Curses}- Innocent Playfulness

[Rank]- G






F [Critical Hit 10/10] E [Power Kick 15/15]

Passive: E [Command 15/15]

Technique: D [Flash Step 15/15]

Resistance: A [Poison Immunity]

Racial: G [Leap 10/10] G [Escape 10/10]

F [Sneak 10/10]

Unique: [Instant Mastery], [Pack Leader]

Pack Members: 69


Got this out a bit late but I still got it out🤭, so proud of myself!!

Got this out a bit late but I still got it out, so proud of myself!!

Silver_Wolf_4307creators' thoughts