
The Legend OF Sword Queen Zariel

Zariel, daughter of Emperor Magnus Enverius Tetranimus, a ruler who has conquered 25 kingdoms. Zariel is a prodigy in sword fighting, and she excels under the tutelage of her trainer, surpassing even her father when he was her age. Zariel's life takes a dark turn when she is forced into a marriage with her fiancé to prevent a war. Unable to bear the thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage, Zariel takes matters into her own hands and kills her fiancé before the altar. She was banished from her own home and now hunted down. This was the start to her new path in life.

Denis_Dragoescu · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Bloody wedding.

A year and a half passed, Zariel woke up in her own room. Her room was filled with sword wilder articles. A leather Armour, books, clean rags to clean her swords, swords of every kind there exists, stands where the weapons sat. In a corner was her dresser. Zariel get out of bed, walks up the dresser and opens it. She grabs a fancy navy-blue dress, walks up the bed and lays it there. She undressed herself of her night clothes, she hears someone coming at her door. *Knock* *Knock.* "Zariel darling, your father asked for you." That was he mother. "I'll get ready!"

She hears footsteps walking away from her door. She put on her dress, let's the night clothes on the bed and leaves open the closest. She walks out the door, and goes straight for the throne room. Het father was sitting in his throne, the throne was made out of dragon scales and claws. On the top of the throne was the head of Baladur the worse, the biggest dragon seen in the Empire. She moves forward, bows and looks at her father.

"You asked for me Lord Emperor?"

"Zariel, you know you can call me father in public."

"I do, father dearest"

*cough* "As of tomorrow you'll be considered a woman, not a girl." Zariel's expression changed from smiling into frowning.

"You're gonna get engaged, my daughter"

She looks at her father and runs away, she runs towards her room. She locks the door. Tears are flowing from her eyes, she sits in her bed, clearing up the tears, but more of them come, and keep coming. "Listen I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!" her father said. "Hell with it!" She cried, she lays in her bed knowing her fate was decided by others. "Little flower, please open the door..."

"DIE!" The word hit him like a giant stomping him. "I~ Know how you feel, but the Empire..."

"Hell with the Empire! I haven't heard them care about us, why shall I be the sacrifice for their wellbeing?" "Zariel! I'll knock this door down" "And I'll cut down anyone staying in my way!" she clears her tears, she takes some deep breaths. She gets closer to the door. "Who is he?" "Emperor Radovic's son..." She opens the door. "Get in!" Magnus enters ready for hell fire. Zariel close the door behind them.

"You're weak!" Zariel said, her father's head was looking at the floor.

"You didn't even ask me. Why?"

"I wanted the easy way out."

She sakes her head. Zariel grabs her favourite sword. "Don't expect me saying yes at the altar."

"Will you kill him?"

She nods looking at her sword.

"Will you forgive me?"

"For selling me? Never, as you will never forgive me"

"I will always forgive you, anything you'll do I'll always love you"

The wedding preparations start, envois from both empires come to develop the best fitting wedding of the decade.

They chosen what dress she will be wearing. Flowers were blooming at the capital. and we're going down to the venue. The venue was at the borders of both empires. Giant armies were present. The guests keep coming from far away. The musicians from all around the empires come together for this moment. The best cooks in the empires made a pact to left their grudge aside and cook together. Zariel didn't even knew who she'll get as a husband. Her mind wasn't on who is he or how powerful is he is, she didn't care, all she cared about was to how efficiently she can move to kill him and run for her life.

Days pass and her will to run only increases. She gets dressed in her beautiful white and long wedding dress. They get her in a carriage and go towards the venue. Her teacher was with her: "So, little sword master, how are you gonna proceed?" she brings out a small dagger from the bouquet, "Gentle..."

"If this is the path, that should be it..."

The carriage moved fast and 14 hours later they arrived. The people were dancing and listening to outstanding music.

Shet gets out of the carriage helped by her teacher. The dagger was hidden in the large bouquet. Emperor Radovic greet his future dauther in law.

"Zariel! Glad finally seeing you. My son wanted to see you in flesh not only in paintings."

"He'll be feeling well when we will state or vows."

"The vows yes... We need to officiate the wedding in front of the Gods." They move swiftly. Zariel seen different races she only heard in stories. They were celebrating like there is no tomorrow. Her 'future' husband was waiting for her at the altar. Her father grasp her arm. "From here you decide what woman you want to be." He whispers. Zariel and him walk up the alley, it was filled with flowers and wine stains. She arrived at the altar and some sort of priest procedes starting the ceremony.

"Aligad, Varihad, Evederis, Asverin. May the souls the body and the hearts be loving like the steel blade being made without mold. Aligad, Varihad, Evederis, Asverin. May you Gods of love, grains, metal and war be forever with this souls. Aligad, Varihad, Everderis, Aserin. May you Zariel Everinus marry Jovelin Redigson."

"I *stutter* I DO NOT!" She stabs Jovelin in the neck. The priest was shocked. He gets stabbed too. She jumps over the altar and rips of a good part of her dress.

Radovic was shocked as everyone else. "What is the meaning of this, after her!" He looks at Zariel's father. "What the hell?" He shrugs, gets his army and other guards and leaves, leaving his child alone.

She now hides in a closet. She sees a soldier, waits for him to pass and puts a stab in his neck. She undressed him and left the wedding dress now ripped off on top of his corps. "This sword is now mine."

Now her only thing on her mind is how to escape.