
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Another failure!

In Lyon city, inside Zi Han's house,

Zi Han was currently in front of his parents and his sister.

"Brother you look too pale. Are you sure you are alright?"His sister asked him clearly worried about him.

"Don't worry Liling. I am fine." He assured his sister.

"What did the city lord say? You should go back to your sect, you will be safe there son." his mother said.

"Don't worry , with the city lord protecting me nothing will happen to me here."

"Enemy attack!!"

"Block them!!"

Suddenly they heard shouts from outside.

Zi Han's parents became frightened.

"Son quickly ask help from your master. You said your master is in the Void realm. Surely he can help."his dad quickly said.

"Yeah I have sent a message. Let me see who it is. Wait here. Don't move out."Zi Han quickly sent a message to his master and was preparing to go out.

"Where are you going? You said your assasins were in Soul Refinement Realm! Stay here !!" His mother yelled at him.

Before he could reply the door of the house was blasted open.

Wearing a mask, Su Chenyu immediately rushed at Zi Han planning to cut him in two.

"You masked guys again. I am the personal disciple of a core elder in Flying Sword sect! Stop!!" he said while backing off , avoiding Su Chenyu's strike.

He tried to move outside the house when he suddenly saw the masked man's speed become even faster.

Su Chenyu used misty steps and punch at him.

The Star Fist!!

Zi Han was flown backwards. He was sent crashing into the walls. Even the walls broke down by Su Chenyu's punch.

'No choice I have to use the teleportation treasure. Hope my family holds on long enough so that I can come back with reinforcements from the sect.'

Before Su Chenyu could strike him again, red light shown around Zi Han and he disappeared. Teleportation!

"Uncle Zixin I have to trouble you." He immediately asked for help.

"Leave it to me. I will catch him." Su Zixin's reply came to his ears.

Hu Ming entered the room from the broken wall.

"We have taken care of everyone outside young master. "

'Indeed the guards of the Su family are extraordinary.'

"Let's wait till uncle brings him back." he replied.


"How dare you cause trouble in my city?!" A high pitched voice was heard.

Everyone could feel themselves being pressed down.

An old man descended from the sky.

'Essence Realm cultivator.' Su Chenyu thought to himself. 'This must be the city lord.'

When cultivators reached the Essence Realm, they could fly on air! It was basically controlling the air element surrounding them.

"This is Su family's affairs , you should stay put if you know what's good for you." Su Chenyu replied without a shread of nervousness.

He was already determined to kill Zi Han even if he had to make an enemy out of the Flying Sword sect so he immediately used his family's name.

He was that desperate to kill Zi Han!

"Who are you?" Liu Rashen asked suspiciously. He obviously knew the ancient Su family. However he felt suspiciously as to why they would suddenly go after a Core Formation realm cultivator.

"Our young master is the eldest son of the Pariah, Su Chenyu!" Hu Ming proudly replied showing the Su family's medallion.

The medallion was made to show outsiders proof that they belonged to the Su family. Only Su family members had the medallion.

Su Chenyu had given it to Hu Ming.

"Young master Su , is there any misunderstanding between you and Zi Han? He's the personal disciple of one of the core elders of Flying Sword sect. His master had asked me to protect him so I came."

Knowing that someone from the Su family was trying to kill Zi Han, he didn't want to meddle in there. Why would be become enemies with an ancient family?

He had wanted to help Zi Han only because his master had asked him to protect him.

"There's no misunderstanding. I have my reasons for wanting to kill him. You should mind your own business. "

"In that case I will go back young master Su." saying so the city lord immediately flew away , not wanting to be involved in it any further.

Soon he saw his uncle ,Su Zixin , appearing near him. However Zi Han was not with him.

Su Chenyu's heart sank. He had a bad feeling.

"Nephew I have disappointed you. His teleportation treasure seemed to be extraordinary. Even i could not pin point his location!"

Su Chenyu's face was extremely ugly now.

'Bastard, he got so many things in just a month!! Damn it!'

'No matter what , he needs to be killed. '

"Nephew do you want to kill him that badly?"seeing Su Chenyu's face he asked.

"Uncle I have my reasons."

"Fine then let's tell the family. We can seach everywhere for him. But your image in the family will degrade because you are using the family just to kill a Core formation realm. Think about it Nephew. "

"No matter what, I have reasons to kill him."

"Alright I will inform the family and release a wanted notice in the entire Grand Tai Dynasty."

"Yes uncle. Hu Ming, capture his family and imprisoned them in the family estate."

' There's a chance he will take the bait and come to rescue his family. '

Zi Liling and her parent's face became pale on hearing him.

They were forcefully dragged away by the servants.

"Uncle can you come to the Flying Sword sect with me?

Zi Han's master may know his location. We can pressure him."

"Sure let's go."


Near the Flying Sword sect,

Larry Browne, Zi Han's master was on his way to Lyon city when he received a message that he had to escape using teleportation again.

He frowned. He had asked his disciple if he knew who tried to assassinate him but he said he had no idea.

He received another message from his disciple,

" Master the only person with whom I have grievances who can hire Soul Refinement Realm to assassinate me is Su Feng."

Larry Browne's expression became extremely ugly.

Personally he didn't want his disciple to die. He knew his disciple had a huge fortunate encounter and since then he had been rising very quickly.

Even the sect Master said that he had high hopes from Zi Han. He had the potential to become a Skyscraping Realm or even an Empyrean!!

"I have to talk to the sect master immediately!"

He immediately prepared to rush back to the sect.

However soon he received another message in his communication token. It was from the city lord of Lyon city.

Upon seeing the message his expression became even more ugly.

"Things are even more worse than I thought! Damn it!"

Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible.

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I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

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