
Tristan Goes Berserk

Last on Legend of Quardianknight Tristan was about to be hit by a massive fire ball, While trying to protect a little girl but just when it was about 47 meters away from Tristan a blue light appeared from him. Tristan was in complete agony very loudly. As merlin saw the blue light in the sky he knew exactly what was happening at the moment. When Tristan finally stopped screaming in pure agony, everyone in the area was staring at Tristan with pure fear. Tristan's body and clothes has changed completely his long white hair turns into blue air that is mysteriously in the sky his body has completely matured. As Prince Percival is staring at Tristan with fear saying unbelievable is body completely matured. This exactly what he would look like what years and years of endless training not to mention he has a crazy amount of magic power. King Percival adding on to that saying not 5o mention he is wearing some kind of Silver armor that only the elite knights can carry with a huge sword he is wielding. As Tristan is admiring his new form, he takes a look at the army that interrupted the Quardianknight Ceremony he immediately starts to boil of with rage again then mercilessly Wiped them all out with a single magic spell with it Desctruction Snap. The only 11 people on earth who were able to do that spell is merlin and the former Quardianknight's. Although Tristan wiped out the entire army of Knights and mage's he must one, Drake. As Drake watches Tristan Wiped out entire fleet of Soldiers exactly for him of course he Says to him spell oh boy that was too close for comfort if I used that teleportation spell even a mili-second late he would of been Wiped out. As Drake Starts to realize what kind of Power he is dealing with, he Quickly tries to escape Babylon but as soon as Tristan sensed his presence he used the very same teleportation magic to be right in front of him. Drake felt incredible fear from just sight of that one person, he quickly teleports to the forbidden forest. As Tristan knew he teleported to some place, he them screams how how dear you run away from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! The Scream was so loud every one and every thingg in the area was exploding except for merlin.