
The Legend of Mingyue

“In these two lifetimes or for the enternity, my love for you remain unchanged.” “This is heaven’s will, and it’s a fate that God allowed us to meet again in this lifetime.” ___ This is the story of the little genius from a powerful family in the 21st century who died in a car accident and transmigrated into the body of the good-for-nothing Second Young Miss of the Feng Family, Feng Mingyue. They both had the same name and similar appearance, yet their fates were completely opposite. However, since the day she took over the body, Feng Mingyue completely changed everyone's impression of the original host. She possessed an unparalleled beauty! She is extremely rich! She is too powerful! No one dare to mess with her! Just everyone waited and see how she use the intelligence of her past life as the 21st-century transmigrator to changed the whole continent! ___ Notes: -This is an original story. -The cover is an AI image.

itsmokaa · History
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121 Chs

Chapter 1: New World.

Feng Mingyue tried to open her eyes as much as she could. However, there seemed to be a strong force that made her eyelids numb, while her head hurt so much that it was about to split into two. Every corner of her body was burning and itching, it was so painful that it became senseless.

Even if her body was in pain, Feng Mingyue still hadn't yet forgotten about what had happened earlier. As far as she remembered, she got into a car accident and died. Halfway through her thought, Feng Mingyue suddenly heard a voice, it wasn't too loud nor too low. The voice seemed to be in the distance, and she could only hear it vaguely.

Once again, Feng Mingyue struggled to open her eyes. Then, a white curtain emerged in her field of vision. Her eyes became blank for a moment before it turned into focus.

Right now she was lying on the bed, the white curtain dropped down blocking the outside view. Feng Mingyue struggled hard in an attempt to get up, however, her current body was too weak, so she fell back heavily onto the bed.

"Second Young Miss! You're awake!" A young female voice could be heard from the outside. The white curtain was lifted, revealing a seventeen-year-old young girl.

Feng Mingyue stared at the girl for a moment. Then, a memory that didn't belong to her suddenly crashed wildly into her mind. It turned out that after the car accident, she wasn't dead. Yet, she was transmigrated into the Second Young Miss of the Marquis of Ushi's body.

The host was also named Feng Mingyue. But, she was really different from her, the original owner's life could be counted as tragic because she was not a genius, nor was she good at anything.

The original host's body was fine, she had spiritual energy. However, she couldn't learn martial arts, thus she couldn't become a spiritual martial artist. Furthermore, she couldn't even learn how to dance, couldn't play the guqin, couldn't draw, couldn't ride a horse, and she even couldn't become a good archer.

Last year, on the Crown Prince's birthday. Feng Mingyue had made a fool of herself because of her sisters. They asked her to dance while praising that she could dance beautifully. The original Feng Mingyue was tempted by those words, so she decided to dance. But, she clearly knew that she couldn't do it, yet she resisted doing so, therefore she ended up as the laughing stock in the entire Shing Capital.

Everyone always called her a good-for-nothing, but they didn't have the guts to treat the original owner harshly because the original host's mother was a divine doctor, and her martial arts skills were also high, which could be counted as an expert. Still, if the original host was alone or her mother wasn't by her side, there would be her stepsisters who came and bullied her.

And why did they have the courage to do that?

Wasn't it because the original host just stood still on the spot and let them curse? What's more, the original host didn't dare to even open her mouth and tell her mother about what had happened, so those sisters began to bully her more and more.

Nevertheless, not all the siblings in the family did that to her. Most sisters who dared to act like this toward the original Feng Mingyue were her first and third sisters. It could be said that, after the death of her mother, their mother became the madam in the manor.

And those two sisters came to be more and more violent. They slapped her, framed her, kicked her, and sometimes, those two didn't even let the servants serve her food.

She was the good-for-nothing Second Young Miss without her mother as a backer while the two sisters who harmed her every time had their mother, the current madam, as the backer. Therefore, even though the courtyard was her authority, the servants who were clever enough would, without a doubt, obey the two sisters.

Regardless of what had happened to the original host. Feng Zhongshan, as the father didn't even bat his eyelids. He simply turned a blind eye to everything that had occurred to his second daughter. Since she was good for nothing, why waste time caring about her?

As the day went by, the original host lived a life that was tantamount to hell. Because she had been tormented so many times, her body gradually weakened, plus her mental state was also about to collapse, the original Feng Mingyue became ill. First, she didn't want her maids to notify her father about this matter.

However, the illness in her body began to become more and more severe. In the end, Feng Mingyue decided to let her father know. But, what was the result?

Feng Zhongshan turned deaf, he tossed this second daughter aside, ignoring her existence. He didn't even invite any doctor to check on her. Only at that time, did the original host realize how naive she was.

Before her death, the original Feng Mingyue hoped that someone could take revenge for her, and could make those who used to hurt her die a thousand times more miserable than her.

As if god heard her wish, the soul of the current Feng Mingyue who had just died in the car accident came to reside in her body.


After going through all these memories of the original host, Feng Mingyue sighed inwardly. They had the same name, yet their fate was truly different, just like heaven and earth.

In her past life, she was the Young Miss of the Feng Family, a business family that could be counted as the most powerful and rich. In the whole country, the Feng Family was equal foot to the Long Family, and these two families also had a really good relationship, they regarded each other as a sworn brother and sister.

Since god gave her a second chance to live, Feng Mingyue would cherish this life, and she would also take revenge on behalf of the original host, as a repayment that the host allowed her to live in this body.

This is my first story, I hope everyone will enjoy it^^ You guys can also encourage me by voting, it will be very much appreciated!

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