
The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter Release Rate = 14 - 21 Chapters Weekly... ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Author's Note] = A Must Read******** Due to some irreversible technical issues, this novel has been remade as a new novel titled; Ji Min : The Omni-Being. Search for it on Webnovel App to continue reading; we await your participation in Min Hong's new adventure!!! Thank You -------------------- Hailing from the Min Family that was created by a banished Min Clan member, who seeks to one day be recognized and rejoin the same Clan who casted him away in the first place... Our MC (Min Hong) who was born with an extremely feeble body with no hope of cultivation, began his adventurous journey in a world where respect could only be earned by possessing absolute strength... A world where rules don't apply to the strong, and the weak are trampled upon by the strong. A world where experts battle Qilins, Dragons and Phoenixes with impunity... Min Hong with nothing other than a desperate grandfather, a heartbroken mother and a sick family, was driven by a deep desire to obtain enough strength to protect his family... But, as life has a separate plan for man, asides from the menial ones he makes, what was meant to be Min Hong's day of weeping became his first step to obtaining unrivaled power... The kind of power that instills deference into all life.... Dragons bow, Phoenixes cry in fear, praise and servitude... Armed with nothing but willpower and desperation, even Lady Luck had to feel for this youth. She blessed him extraordinarily, pushing him to the point where he stumbled upon an extremely Ancient Primordial Treasure; 'The Eye of the Myriad Universe'. ------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I comprehend the Dao of Oblivion? Min Hong asked. To comprehend the Dao of Oblivion, you have to know how it came to be... The Ancient Heavenly Monkey replied. What does Oblivion mean to you? The monkey asked. Oblivion is emptiness... a state of nothingness... it is an endless entity that was never there but always present... it existed before any other entity came to be... even the Chaos itself was birthed by Oblivion... it is the progenitor of all Universal Daos and lords over all things... Oblivion created the Chaos out of boredom... created the Dao of Will to control the Chaos when the Chaos began to rebel... ------------------------------------------------------------------ I am open to critics... This is my first novel and it is an original... So please, when you notice the slightest error, be sure to pinpoint it... I promise to consider my readers first before any other thing... I am here to serve you, so kindly do your best to support my efforts... Do not forget to drown me in your power stones. Buy Privileges and send me gifts , that way i would be inspired to better my work and please you all. Thanks... Our Journey to over 2000 chapters begins now... DRUMROLL.....

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Min Hong read through the entire page and pointed to the last pill formula. "That one."

"What? Are you sure?"

That person's expression became a bit strange. That pill formula was for the Qi Eruption Pill; it was an exceptionally domineering pill formula.

"Yes, I pick that one," Min Hong calmly replied. He didn't seem to bother at all with the anticipation in that person's eyes, all he was concerned with was to check his capability for refining pills.

Adept Sun Yi smiled slightly; he got a child messenger to go and get three sets of medicinal herbs. This was the rule; you would only have three portions and as long as you succeeded once, it would be considered passing.

Once all the herbs were placed neatly in front of Min Hong, he didn't feel the need for any excess preparation or hesitation.

Taking out his cauldron, a wisp of purple flames suddenly whisked into existence, dancing joyfully over his index fingers; it was almost as if it was happy to be finally out after a long time of being kept away.

In a single breath's time, Min Hong had adjusted the intensity of the wisp's heat energy to a level where he could maintain absolute control over it, should in case something unforeseen happened with the herbs during the refinement process.

Firstly, he began to warm up the cauldron, taking a bit longer than normal; after all, the potion absorption sequence was a unique skill he wanted to keep to himself alone. The next step was starting the cauldron; after heating it up, he had to use Spiritual Strength to urge the Pill Flame to enter into the cauldron.

The benefits from doing this were that it allowed for the entire cauldron to enter the correct state and reduced the chance of a cauldron explosion.

Long Chen actually had higher quality methods, but he had no choice but to use the alchemist guild's most basic techniques.

He didn't want himself to appear too shocking to others. That would not be of benefit to him in the future. If someone were to secretly turn against him, that person could cause a lot of trouble for him.

The people present originally considered Long Chen to be beneath them, but seeing his very practiced and skilled movements, the contempt on everyone's faces faded by quite a bit.

Once all the preparations were complete, Long Chen didn't hesitate before throwing in an Iron Thread Grass to refine.

This action of his caused everyone, who had just started to become interested in him, to immediately think he was stupid.

The Iron Thread Grass required an extremely long time to refine. It was usually done later when the medicinal cauldron had completely heated up.

Only grandmaster Yun Qi's eyes flashed with a strange light as he secretly nodded.

What astonished everyone was that as soon as the Iron Thread Grass entered the refinement, before it even turned to powder, it was ejected from Long Chen's cauldron and placed to the side as he started refining a different medicinal ingredient.

Once he finished with the sixth ingredient, Long Chen started refining the Iron Thread Grass once more, but he didn't complete its refinement before starting to refine a different herb.

This action was something none of them understood, but seeing grandmaster Yun Qi's eyes filled with admiration, they all couldn't help being startled. Could this youth's techniques really have some kind of secret behind them?

Long Chen refined the Iron Thread Grass a total of thirteen times before completely refining it. At this stage, all of the twenty-something medicinal ingredients had been refined.

Under normal circumstances, a Pill Apprentice would normally take this chance to take a breath and calm their nerves.

But Long Chen didn't waste even that slightest bit of time. After refining all of them into powders, he directly started refining the pill. He started throwing in powder after powder into the pill furnace.

What none of them could understand was why Long Chen waited until the end to put the Iron Thread Grass' essence powder into the cauldron.

With the circulation of his Spiritual Strength, the Pill Flame quickly shot up, and ripples from the heat appeared as Long Chen truly began his pill refinement.

"What a powerful Spiritual Strength!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked. But at the same time, they also shook their heads. If he started wasting his Spiritual Strength to increase the flame's strength now, how could he condense the pill later? It appeared that young people really were too impatient.

Grandmaster Yun Qi was completely engrossed with his actions. In this place, only he understood what Long Chen's intention was. At the same time, he also started to like Long Chen more and more; with such a powerful soul and the ability to work hard, it was definitely possible for him to have great achievements in life.

What caused disbelief in everyone was that even after an hour, Long Chen's Spiritual Strength didn't show any signs of weakening, but was actually becoming stronger and stronger.


The medicinal cauldron started to gently shake, and a powerful undulation came from it. Everyone's gaze focused; they all knew that this was the most critical moment.

With the medicinal cauldron continuously shaking, most alchemists would lower the Pill Flame's power to stabilize the cauldron.

But Long Chen didn't do that at all; on the contrary, he fed in even more Spiritual Strength and the Pill Flame became even hotter. The sounds and shaking from the cauldron became even more intense.

"What is he doing?"

All of their expressions changed. This wasn't refining pills; this was causing a cauldron explosion! He was clearly doing it on purpose!


The medicinal cauldron jumped and Long Chen suddenly used one hand to tightly press down on the cauldron's lid. A sudden burst of powerful Spiritual Strength completely exploded out.


The near-exploding pill furnace immediately stopped and returned to calm.

What a messy method! It's such a waste of energy. Long Chen wiped away his sweat. Using this method to refine pills really was exhausting. But it was important that he didn't reveal his true strength. He could only display this basic, bitter method.

Gently lifting the cauldron lid, a dense pill fragrance immediately filled the air. Everyone was completely shocked.

"He actually succeeded!"

Everyone present could be considered experts, so without even needing to look inside the cauldron and relying just on the pill fragrance, they knew that he had succeeded. Most of their expressions were filled with astonishment.

"Excellent. At the very least it should be a middle grade medicinal pill."

Grandmaster Yun Qi was looking at Long Chen in admiration. Long Chen had definitely far surpassed his expectations.

He had known that with Long Chen's Spiritual Strength, it would not be difficult to successfully refine a pill. But he had wanted to see how good Long Chen's foundation was.

But today he saw that Long Chen's foundational techniques were incomparably sturdy and not at all inferior to Pill Apprentices who had trained for many years.

The most remarkable thing was Long Chen's deep understanding of medicinal essence. He knew that the Iron Thread Grass was extremely fierce in nature and required multiple refinements to curb that violent nature. Doing so would allow the pill's energy to increase and at the same time, increase the chance of a successful refinement.

Such a refining method was something no one within the alchemist guild knew about. But within the guild was a secret warehouse of rare tomes. A couple seniors had made recordings there.

The writings were unfortunately very vague, but it did have this theory: by refining the Iron Thread Grass multiple times, it should be possible to reduce its violent nature.

But those recordings only mentioned extremely ordinary techniques or incomplete ideas. When it came to alchemists, who would be so kind as to just give away their blood, sweat, and tears?

Let alone the others, even grandmaster Yun Qi, who knew about this recording, had never mentioned this method of refining the Iron Thread Grass.

One reason was that he had no obligation to go and teach others, and the other was that alchemists who weren't capable of innovation would not have any great achievements anyways.

When the others heard grandmaster Yun Qi say that it was a middle grade medicinal pill, they were all in complete disbelief.

Looking at the gazes all focused on him, Long Chen smiled slightly. With a wave of his hand, his spiritual energy pulled out five fully round medicinal pills.

Along two of the pills were some shocking eye-attracting veins—pill lines. This was a characteristic of middle grade pills.

For a moment, the entire room was silent. Other than grandmaster Yun Qi, everyone's eyes were filled with shock, admiration, and of course, a trace of jealousy.

Seeing the five pills in his hands, Long Chen finally relaxed. Grandmaster Yun Qi took this moment to announce, "Long Chen has succeeded in refining a pill. I reward him a second class credit."

Everyone's expressions changed at that. A second class credit was a privilege that allowed you to buy second-tier medicinal pill ingredients. This caused everyone's eyes to turn red with envy.

In front of everyone's complicated gazes, Long Chen followed grandmaster Yun Qi out of the room. However, once they were out, Yun Qi suddenly turned to Long Chen and gravely said the following:

"Long Chen, be wary of that woman."