
Practical exam and First field exercise.

S.1204, 4.21, Wednesday,

The entire class VII including twins has assembled in the ground, where there is going to be a practical exam. The three were looking at the status window. Ever since the orienteering exercise, they have only ascended two levels.


Name: Bhargav Dev


HP: 11000/11000

MP: 14000/14000

STR: 70

AGI: 60

VIT: 80

INT: 59

LUCK: 45

Next Level up: 100000

Skills: Three eyed Trident art (Advanced), Gun Shooter (Advanced), Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced).

Abilities: Trap setting (Advance), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner).


Name: Ram Dev


HP: 10000/10000

MP: 20000/20000

STR: 55

AGI: 72

VIT: 74

INT: 95

LUCK: 75

Next Level up: 100000

Skills: Red Moon Axe Art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advance).

Abilities: Eavesdrop (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military strategy (Beginner).


Name: Girish Dev


HP: 10600/10600

MP: 17000/17000

STR: 65

AGI: 65

VIT: 80

INT: 85

LUCK: 55

Next level up: 100000

Skills: Serpent Fang Sword art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced),Earth Magic (Advanced),Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced).

Abilities: Rune Crafting (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced).

The stats have increased a bit, but this is not enough because compared to the mammoths in the empire, they are much weak. Their level is too low to face against the likes of Lance Maiden and Mc Burn.

"We need to fight stronger monsters, otherwise we will be a target bullied by those powerful people" said Ram.

"You are right. Looks like opening the special activities club is the right thing to do, since we can go to different locations. But we are going to need a teleportation skill to cover those distances in an instant" said Girish.

"The stronger the monster, the more we can level up" said Bhargav with a grin.

Ram and Girish got used to this mentality, so it was not surprising.

Sara came and stood in front of them.

"Okay! Let's get your practical exam started, shall we?"

"To be completely clear from the outset, this exam is about more than physical strength and stamina."

"It's designed to hone in on how capable you are of making strategic combat decisions on the fly."

"Defeating your opponent is a good thing, certainly.. but it won't be enough to score you high marks here!"

"Hmph. Interesting." said Jusis.

"So we're going to have to use our heads for this one huh?" said Alisa.

"Heh, You'll see. Anyway let's get this month's exam started shall we?

"Rean, Elliot, Gaius. You're up first. Please step forward."

"Right" said Rean and stepped forward.

"Uh..oh" said Elliot stepping forward.

"Got it" said Gaius and stepped forward.

"Heh. All right then"

Sara flicked her finger then a puppet appeared.

Everyone except twins were startled.

"What's that?" asked Rean.

"A-A monster?" asked Elliot.

"No... I am not sensing any life coming from it" said Gaius.

Sara explained it as a moving scarecrow.

Bhargav spilled "A combat shell huh. It has been a while".

Sara was surprised the most because very few people know about combat shells.

"How did you know about them?" asked Alisa.

"When we were 14 years of age, we encountered one near the mountains in North West Erebonia, where we went to hunt monsters" said Bhargav.

Sara knew that these guys are abnormal but not to this level.

"You three will be having a separate test. This combat shell can't stand your attack" said Sara.

"No problem. We need tough opponents to get strong." said Ram.

"Yeah, anything mediocre is not up to our level" said Girish.

The others sweat dropped including Sara.

Sara explained how combat links can help them defeat the shell.

The three fought with help of combat links and succeeded after sometime.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." said Sara.

"Excellent use of combat links too. Seems like the practice you got in the old schoolhouse really paid off".

"Haha.. It just may have." said Rean.

"Oh...?" said Laura.

"...Have those three been training in secret?" said Machias.

"Alright, on to the second group. Laura,Emma, Jusis. Come forward." said Sara.

The groups continued until the triplets turn came.

"You three will be facing me, rather than a combat shell." said Sara.

"Not a problem. I definitely need to win against one of the legends" said Bhargav.

"Yeah. It is time we face against human weapons" said Ram.

"Finally, we have a worthy opponent" said Girish.

Sara became cautious on seeing their smiling expressions.

The members of Class VII sweat dropped, because other two are also acting like Bhargav.

Bhargav took out his Trident. Ram took out his Great Axe and Girish took out his Great Sword.

Sara took out her sword and orbal gun.

She released the purple aura to intimidate the three. The three weren't even phased by the aura.

It felt as if it didn't even matter to those three.

"Alright, let us begin." said Sara.

The other class VII except Fie were stunned by the aura of Sara.

"Hey Bhargav, just hold back because if you get serious she will be killed." said Ram.

The word brought whispers among Class VII.

"Understood." said Bhargav.

Sara used her Lightning charge and her strength and speed increased by 50%.

"Ram, Girish use the tiger claw" said Bhargav.

The others including Sara were confused.

Sara used the thundering roar on three of them, but the three of them jumped away from getting hit.

"Red Moon Axe art first form "Phantom cross Axe" shouted Ram and released the cross. The cross was inches away when Sara evaded by moving left."

Sara suddenly felt a dread and jumped forward without thinking anything. When she looked back she saw Girish's sword at her position.

Girish shouted "Serpent Fang art first form "Poisonous thrust" and released the wave. Sara used the guns and blasted the wave.

She was feeling something ominous because, she did not see Bhargav in her sight. When she looked up, she saw Bhargav with an excited smile jumping onto her with Trident.

"You battle maniac." shouted Sara and released a wave of energy from her blade, but Bhargav spinned in air and landed the trident on her.

She blocked the trident by inches using both her blade and gun.

She jumped away and Bhargav brought his Trident back.

"Now I understand, why you have called it Tiger claw." said Sara.

"While you let me attack first and jumped away in three directions. When Ram used his attack, I evaded it, but if I had not jumped forward I would have been hit by left claw of tiger which is Girish.

You did not attack me until then because you wanted to cause confusion for not attacking. You jumped on me from air to represent the right claw moving from up to down" said Sara panting.

"Well, you are not an instructor for nothing. But we wish to win so..." said Girish.

The three of them disappeared and no one could see where they went including Sara.

When everyone looked up they saw all three of them holding Orbal guns.

Bhargav released a Fire Bomb, Ram released a Lightning bomb and Girish released a Wind blast.

Sara could not react in time and she got blasted away .

She stood up again and stormed at them.

"Girish, Ram use the combat links" said Bhargav.

They used the combat links and used the first form of the weapon arts. Sara used "Flash" to escape so the arts disappeared into thin air.

"Sorry, I am your teacher. It is foolish of you to underestimate me" said Sara.

She used the S-Craft Plasma Storm.

"So she is getting serious. Good." said Bhargav.

Bhargav took the brunt of the attack but not even an inch of health disappeared.

"Now it's my turn" said Bhargav and used Magma blast.

That hit Sara hard and she fell a few feet away panting for air.

She was defeated too easily by those three. They held back a lot to not harm her.

The other Class VII members looked at the battle intensely and were astonished.

"So Instructor, let us top here because if our attacks increase your death is imminent" said Girish.

Sara stood up staggering and said "Agreed".

The other Class VII were stunned on hearing those words.

"You three are too powerful for your age. In a few years, you three will surpass the strongest weapon masters" said Sara.

The words brought intense shock to other Class VII members. Especially Laura and Rean were determined to get much strong.

They could see the huge gap between the triplets and them.

Jusis and Machias were especially shocked because these three hurt their egos much harder with their display.

Fie who is always sleepy was also surprised by those three. Emma seeing their display understood that these three are not ordinary. They had extraordinary powers which could change the future.

Gaius did not show any reaction. But inside he had appreciation for all three of them because those three always sat with him and made jokes to make him feel welcome. Elliot could not believe what he saw because it was like a battle between titans.

"Maybe, but our immediate goal is to get stronger to fight the dark storm that is going to envelop this nation." said Bhargav.

Sara was confused and asked 'What are you talking about?"

"Don't act ignorant instructor. The cold war between two factions is at a breakthrough and there is a possibility that it might become a civil war" said Girish.

Sara was surprised to hear those words including other members except Jusis.

"They are right. The normal populace do not know this but tensions between Chancellors reformist faction and our Noble faction are at an all time high." said Jusis.

"So how do you guys think you can deal such a storm?" asked Rean.

"We students need not associate with either faction, because the both sides is filled with absolute crooks." said Ram.

"No offence Jusis." said Bhargav.

"No offence taken, because what you said is the truth." said Jusis.

"You guys are not good at hiding your discontent towards those higher ups huh?" asked Elliot.

"Well, they drag people unaffiliated with their battles into it and make their life hell so I will definitely badmouth them." said Bhargav.

"Okay, Okay enough with your banter." said Sara.

The three of them went and stood at the back.

"As you all may recall, there is another big announcement."

"It is a special part of Class VII's curriculum."

Sara made them think.

The three decided to keep quiet because it was getting boring.

"Well, I'll come clean".

"The special task you're about to be assigned is none other than.."

"...a field study."

They thought while triplets whistled as if they are bored.

"You three are too laid back. Did you know about it?" asked Fie teasing them.

"Nah. We definitely know that it is going to be something bothersome since it is Sara. So we decided to act laid back to let her lay out the details." said Bhargav boringly.

"Hey...." shouted Sara.

"I don't like the sound of this one bit" said Machias.

"Erm.. We have just got to the academy and we are already being sent somewhere else?" asked Elliot.

The questions continued until Sara asked them to take papers of field study details.

[Field Study: April]

Group A: Rean, Alisa, Laura, Elliot, Bhargav, Ram.

(Study Location: Celdic, the Market town)

Group B: Emma, Machias, Jusis, Fie, Gaius, Girish.

(Study Location: Parm, the spinning town)

"Wha...?" said Rean.

"Whaat?" shouted Alisa.

"Well, these are certainly some interesting groupings." said Laura.

"Celdic and Parm... Are they both in Erebonia?" asked Gaius.

The others took turns to explain the locations.

"I'm less worried about where we are going than utter lack of sense that went into these groupings." said Machias.

"Unbelievable..." said Jusis.

"Good luck, man" said Bhargav patting Girish.

"You are right. I am definitely going to need it." said Girish dejected.

Sara explained further about when they are leaving and how they are leaving.

Everyone got back to classes and went back to dormitory in the evening.

Next chapter