
Chapter 8: The Invitation

After Zi Long change his cloth, he went out from the moderate house as Fei Ya has a battle in the afternoon. Before he goes out from the room, he wrote a note and put it on the table near the bed.

On his way to home, he saw a girl are crying on the park. First time, he ignore. Then he though of something. But, suddenly he stops halfway and turned back after a person he know get her. It is Alucard.

"What a waste I go after that girl, even I'm a known hero, there are still nobody who wanted to get close to me like Fei Ya." His face suddenly turned red and his tone was down when he say the person name.

"What has gotten to me? She just helping me and there is nothing at all, maybe ever her one day will leave me when he got know who I really are." Zi Long thought to himself and start remember the time he got rejected by the most beautiful hero in front of everyone in the middle of his training field.

After a few minutes, he arrived to his house and the sky started become dark. "It might be raining today and maybe she will never make it." Zi Long though himself as he remembered the notes that he wrote to Fei Ya. Then, he smile by himself despite he sad on the inside.

It is near 5 p.m. when he finished prepared the dinner. Then, he smiled when he heard a voice from outside of his house calling for his name.

"It is just to returned the favor as she has helped me when I'm unconscious last time. And, this invitation is just to thanks her." Zi Long remind himself as he hurried to the door to let the one who outside his house in.

There are so many things to do, I'm very sory for my late update again. By the way, in this chapter it discuss about how this two hero making up their relationship.

Enjoy it and even it is short, but I know the message is there.

In addition, I wanted to thank all the reader as you all willing to read untill this far and patiently waiting for the updated chapter. It is my honour to thanks all of you. Thank you once again.

Littleman2134creators' thoughts