

its a normal world for normal people,but for the extraordinary people? A GAME A PLAYGROUND A HELL............. the world of not just power but mystery. phoenix.a school for extraordinary people.a mercenary school by Sooryanandha corporation.one of the leading companies in the world.mainly originated in India. headquarter in US. but the school in Europe.ther teaching is off course 'MAGIC'. now in this year 4 year training period of new batch finish. and moving for the 3 month trail period. and this year ther is going to be something new. something interesting and something DANGEROUS. Lets see how some bunch of student face it. and who will be the winner among themself when the phoenix have a lot to offer them this year.lets find the answer to what exactly happened 4 years back which make the 2 vice captains to have this much enmity between each other. answer for all this question are in this book.

darkness_loverr · Fantasy
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chapter 2: 'I have to save'

"Are you sure?" alan have a look of worry in his eyes

"Yes am."she replayed while looking at a particular place through the floor to ceiling window.without realising a faint smile appeared in her face.and her deep inside eye have an eagerness for something like a child.

"this is not just my wish but an order, order from the lord of death.

"b..but it is dangerous" alan said with anxiety. his black hoodie cover the half of his tattoo on his neck. after all this year he doesn't age a bit as handsome as always.he is always known for his ruthlessness all around the world. but looking at the girl his eye soften. the once little girl who was mischief and ran after him and calling him knight now grow up to a fine lady who rule the whole underworld. who is known as the future 'queen' really surprise him.

"it is. that is what make it interesting" she turn around from the window. "and it is my responsibility which i have to complete. its not just about me but the other 20 people who in it.whom anyhow i have to save"

"i understand. but you don't have to.i could after all in that 20 persons one is my daughter and....."

"i'll take care of myself. i grow up alan you don't have to worry about me and her." her eye contain determination. "be ready for the depart alan"

"yes my queen"