
The Legend of Beland

Live or die, reborn or sink, conquer or be enslaved? War is the inevitable choice on the path of racial survival! A human boy from the orc camp unintentionally unravels the mystery of a 10,000 year old racial war. Magic and fighting spirit competition, dragons and beasts and dance, the human race and the orcs continued for ten thousand years of grudges, elegant elves, berserk dwarves, the mysterious sea tribe, the disappearance of the giants have debut, Beland continent once again storm clouds stirring ......

Rumngsuy · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: The World of Mercenaries

 Cairns and Randall sat side by side at the top of the mercenary group's council hall.

 Randall was full of rage, while Cairns had a mysterious smile on his face.

 Aedryn, Tony, Angus, and the elf Ilaya sat to the left and right, of the few only Ilaya had a faint smile on her face, Aedryn was expressionless, and Tony and Angus both had their heads bowed.

 Arthur stood behind Adeline, using the cover of Adeline's body like a little mouse, his eyes peeking back and forth over several people.

 "Tony, did you start this one again?" Randall's anger was directed at Tony first.

 "Tristie and I just had a few verbal confrontations, and it was this Arthur kid who really stirred things up."

 In the face of Randall's anger, Tony, who had previously claimed to have Arthur covered in all things, immediately and very unrighteously pushed him out.

 Adeline gave Tony a hard stare, and even Angus deliberately pulled his chair aside to keep his distance.

 Randall sneered, "Don't think I don't know what happened? If it wasn't for you, would Tristie have clashed with a child? Half of your commission from your last mission will be deducted, and you're not allowed to set foot outside the mercenary group's gates for a month."

 Tony jumped up from his chair at once and cried out with a sobbing voice, "I'm innocent! I really didn't start it, Angus can prove it for me!"

 "I was already too drunk to know anything." Angus spread his hands.

 "Angus you bastard, you're so not righteous enough!" Tony was about to lunge at Angus, when he saw Randall's ferocious gaze he backed away resentfully.

 "Arthur, stand up for yourself." Randall's next anger was directed at Arthur, "I really underestimated you! How dare you go and challenge Tristie, there are many ways for you to die, don't drag in the mercenary corps! Remember, you're not part of the Mercenary Corps, I can kick you out anytime I want!"

 Arthur kept his head down and didn't say a word.

 "I'm docking your pay for three months, and you're not allowed to take a step away from headquarters without my permission for three months. Now get out." Randall impatiently waved his hand at Arthur as if he didn't want to see him for a minute.

 That's it? The kid gets paid three silver coins for three months? Is this punishment or protection? Everyone in the room was looking at Randall with surprised eyes.

 "Thank you, Uncle Randall." Arthur bowed deeply and darted out.

 Cairns looked at Arthur's back with a hint of a smile, "Old buddy, you recognize now that he's the biggest gain of my trip, don't you?"

 "Boss, should I stop withholding my pay this time?" Tony came over with a cheeky grin.

 "Get out!" Cairns and Randall yelled at the same time.


 Arthur officially stayed in the Blue Leprechauns mercenary group from this day onward, and a new and strange mercenary world opened its doors to him.

 The continent of Beland has never been a peaceful and fertile land, where various races stand side by side and wars of various sizes continue; the mountains and wilderness are infested with magical beasts, which have become a forbidden area for intelligent creatures; and gangs of thieves run rampant in the countryside, looting and killing occur from time to time.

 Since the armies of each race can only guard large towns and cities, mercenary groups, which are the main armed force outside of the army, have become very popular. As long as they are paid accordingly, mercenaries accept all kinds of commissions, from escorting and guarding to searching and hunting, and in times of war, they even accept commissions from kingdoms to participate in wars.

 But mercenaries are not for the sake of profit can be unprincipled, unscrupulous group, mercenaries also have their own honor and code, guardianship, trust and courage are mercenaries respected three major qualities.

 Guarding is the responsibility of mercenaries, as long as they accept a commissioned mission, they are sacrificing their lives to protect the safety of their employer and goods.

 Trust is the life of a mercenary, one must trust their teammates, that is, to die in battle to shield their brothers from attacks from behind.

 Courage is the guts of a mercenary, it's a high-risk profession where lives are exchanged for pay, and cowards never become good mercenaries.

 Bellande continent mercenary corps level from the lowest level G to the highest S level is divided into eight levels, legend has it that above the super mercenary corps S level, there is also the existence of X level God level mercenary corps. Corresponding to the level of mercenary corps, mercenaries are also divided into eight levels from G to S. Legend has it that there are also X-level God's mercenaries, who accept God's commissions and are God's warriors!

 As a B-class mercenary group, the Blue Leprechauns only had over a hundred mercenaries, the smallest number among the three major mercenary groups in Hua Aores City. However, the Blue Goblin's strength was the strongest amongst the three mercenary corps, level 1 and level 2 fighters were almost the mainstay of most of the mercenary corps in Hua Ores City, but in the Blue Goblin, level 3 fighters were the minimum standard to become a member of a mercenary corps.

 Regiment Commander Cairns was also one of only two strong Class 8 Battle Schools in the city of Juarez. The other was Quinto, the division commander of the city's garrison, but he rarely got involved in disputes outside of military affairs. This was also the main reason why Tristi didn't dare to come to his door to provoke even after being humiliated so much.

 The two deputy leaders of the Blue Goblins were Adeline and Randall, and Adeline was a level six fire magician. Randall was a warrior, but because of a broken arm, rank could no longer be a measure of his battle prowess.

 The three of them, Thief Tony, Hunter Angus and Archer Ilaya, were the core of the mercenary group, all of them were rank five war lieutenants, and some ordinary missions were led by a few of them in turn.

 Randall, the deputy head of the mercenary group, is a special existence, and the mercenaries sometimes talk privately that Randall is the head of the Blue Goblin, because in addition to accepting and assigning tasks, everything from finance to logistics are under Randall's control. Randall's short temper makes him even more dangerous to be messed with in the mercenary group, and even the head of the group, Cairns, has to use a consultative tone to communicate with Randall.

 As Randall's assistant, over time Arthur realized that while Randall seemed grumpy, he was actually very nice.

 Randall had never treated Arthur as a servant, including doing things like cleaning his room and sanitizing himself; the first thing he had Arthur do was teach him to read, and then have him help organize the coffers.

 Arthur was a smart kid who learned very quickly about what Randall taught him, and he cherished the opportunity to stay in the mercenary group, taking the initiative to help Randall and the other mercenaries with a lot of things.

 Before Randall woke up, the washing water had already been beaten and placed in the hall. When Randall pushed open the door of the house, the whole yard had already been cleaned. A month later, Arthur was already able to quickly and accurately locate every item in the mercenary group's ponderous storehouse; two months later, Randall found himself calling out to Arthur more and more frequently; three months later, as soon as Randall opened his mouth, Arthur had already laid out what he wanted in front of him.

 Even the mercenaries have gradually discovered the new changes in the mercenary group, first of all, Randall seldom loses his temper, that fat face sometimes even hangs a smile; the other is that all the weapons and armor are spotless and shiny as new no matter when you take them. Some trivial chores within the mercenary group, looking for that little guy called Arthur, he can always give you a solution.

 Soon everyone in the mercenary corps began to like the little guy, and Arthur's good times were just beginning ...