
Record #33: Behold the Emperor!


Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 18. (9:55 AM)


(Astra's POV)


The Warship continued on as it went on course as shown on the monitor. The assisting crew in charge of various live sensor feeds and various other things diligently did their job, not seeing anything strange.


After all, the numbers didn't show anything strange…


I grinned, as I waited for them to reach their destination. Not long after, one of the crew reported.


"We've arrived, My Lord!"


The Commander grinned. I don't know what he was thinking, but I'm sure he was on cloud nine. He raised his arm forward.  "Land the Warship! We'll meet with the Tindalerose on the ground."


Well, it's natural they'd meet them. After all, if someone barges into your house with a fully armed armoured car, you'd feel threatened. And any lifeforms that carries basic survival instincts would do either or both of two options; run, and/or confront it.


And as the Tindalerose Family had their own people to worry about, the option of running is unavailable unless the people had gone first, or if they act like a total dick and run on their own. Honestly, I can't imagine them doing the latter.


Which means they have to confront whoever was barging in.


I silently scoffed, and muttered, "Blackmail, huh?"


Well, from the Commander's point of view, he must be thinking that the Tindalerose had the secret to my technology, and was willing to risk it all. I can't blame him.


However. . .


" Finally. . ." the Commander muttered to himself as he stood in the opening shutter of the Warship.


. . . but instead of a town. . .


A vast forest of green entered his vision.


( Third Person POV )


In the secluded High Elven Sanctuary, the High Elven Queen, Minerva was doing the same as she did yesterday. For the past 500 years, it had become her beloved hobby, and ever since she was introduce into such world by a dear friend.


She never though such a wonderful thing could exist, and she knew the draconians, the races of dragons who turn into human forms, shares her view and empathizes with her feelings. After all, they too were very long lived.


She sat on a couch, as tears dropped from the corner of her eyes.


" Romeo, Romeo, why hath thee fucked thy dog?! Doth thou not love me no more?" A girl with a sword spoke as she pointed to a beastwoman. A dog-eared one.


" O Juliet, thy family art sick in thy heads! I quit!" shouted Romeo as he held a sword too.


" Fuck thee!" snapped Juliet, " And thy mother!"


"I only fucked her once!" Romeo snapped back, " And we art none blood related!"


" Depraved!" Juliet shouted, as she rushed towards Romeo with her sword. "Die degenerate Weeb!! Saranghae!!"


Romeo too, rushed with his sword in hand. " Die! Brain-dead Kpopper!!"


And so, their swords went against each other's flesh, stabbing through their torsos, and passing through their backs.


THE END ... such large letters filled the panel as it signalled the end of the movie.


That's right. The High Elven Queen was watching a movie.


Every single day...


For the past 500 years.


She slumped back in her soft couch, which was also given by the same friend, and heaved out a sigh. "Haaah... That was a good movie."


Her assistant, who was watching with her by her side, had a blank expression, as she thought. 'No, Your Majesty. It was actually worse than the worst movie I've ever seen. It's shit.'


However, she didn't say it. After all, she knew better than that.


"Your Majesty, you've watched your movie of the day. Please do your work now." Minerva's assistant, Vera spoke.


However, Minerva looked at with rotten eyes, " Work?" she spoke with a ridiculing tone, "The Great Sage, Hikigaya Hachiman said; Those who work, are the losers in life."


"Your Majesty! It's been 500 years since you last went out!! Some are even doubting you still exist!" Vera snapped, " And who exactly is Higigaya Hachiman?! Wasn't he just a fictional character?! Even Lord Reus said so!"


Minerva smirked at Vera. " Not bad Vera. Your tsukkomis are getting better." She said with a thumbs up.


Vera face-palmed. " Your Majesty..." she spoke in grave tone. "You were the one who wrote the script for the movie just now weren't you?"


"Oh! Not bad, Vera. How did you know?"


Vera made a resigned sigh. " Your Majesty. You realize nobody understands the terms: "weeb" and "Kpopper" other than you, right?.. No. On second thoughts, I doubt you realized," she then sighed once again, " And what's with the "tsukkomi" thing? Another imitation Ja.. Japa.. Japanois..?"


" You're wrong, Vera. Very wrong." Minerva corrected, "The real term is: Nihongo."


". . ." Vera was speechless at how deep she was in the dar side.


For the umpteenth time today, Vera sighed. She opened her mouth to try and bring her beloved Queen back, but before she could. . .


"Your Majesty!" A sudden loud call rang out, as the door barged open.


Vera frowned, but recognized who came.


" Defence Army General..." Vera spoke in cold tone. "Is there anything you need?"


With urgency in his voice, the Defence Army General spoke. " Warships, Your Majesty! Imperial Warships have come fully armed!!"


Minerva's eyes narrowed, as her gaze sharpened.


"Darwin," Minverva called out, " How many of them are there?" she asked in all seriousness.


" Six, Your Majesty." Darwin replied.


" I see.." Minerva muttered as she lowered her gaze, and began to ponder.


Vera smiled witnessing her expression. Her mind was filled with glee, as her heart skipped a beat.


This is it!.. She thought. This is the High Elven Queen of the Sanctuary! Is she truly back!


It was well known that crises leads to many awakening, but unfortunately, reawakening wasn't too common.


Minerva made an arrogant grin. " Finally. It's my time to shine."


Vera face-palmed. She just had to say it...


•  •  •  •  •


Fahren watched in dumbfound, as for some reason, he was standing above a wide forest of green.


W-What happened..?


How did I get here?


He was confused, but before he could ask anything from his subordinates, a hand suddenly held his shoulder.


"Wha..!?" Fahren was shocked. He instinctively turned to where the hand came from, and his mind blank.


"Thanks for giving the ride. I'm quite rather fond of hitchhiking, after all." The man who held his shoulder spoke. He was casual in his every action, but the aura he exuded was nothing like he's ever felt before.


And most of all, he had seen that face before.


With a choked voice, he muttered his name. " E,E..Em...Emperor... Astra..eus...?"


That's right. For some reason, the most infamous Emperor in history, was right beside him.


His every instinct screamed of danger, as he smelled something pungent from nearby. He didn't need to look in order to know what happened. He already knew where that came from, and why.


The Emperor smiled a casual smile, and let go of his shoulder. He then spoke. "Well then, I'll be going on ahead."


He then walked to the hatch which had opened, but before he left, he spoke in a soft voice, without even turning back.


"...not that you can follow, though."


He then jumped from the ships which was about 700 meters above the ground, leaving behind a crowd of people. Scared witless.


Silence took over for an instant, and the next. . .




A series of ear-splitting explosions shook the world, as six Imperial Warships Exploded, and reduced to mere atomic particles.