
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Record #14: Reunion

Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 11. (7:41 AM)

◇ Astra's POV ◇

As we walked, I exchanged a bunch of small talks with Isabelle. I asked a few questions about my current situation, and here's what I found out:

About my situation:

Apparently, I had been unconscious for a day and two nights. She didn't know the reason for why I suddenly passed out, but she said it might be related to the laboratory's acknowledgement of me as master.

She also said I was a bit in danger due to sudden tremendous rise in metabolism, so she had injected my body with nourishing nanomachines that increased my basic body parameters, thus leading to the changes in my body. Neat.

About the place I was in:

I found out that this place was an Autonomous Ark Lab. that researched Arks, and was governed by an Super AI that has complete authority in the place other than the owner. Also, believe it or not, this place was name; Grand AM Research Lab. I was now starting to know more about the previous owner of this lab.

And about my companions:

I was informed that Lady Reyshia and Lillia was confined in a two person room that has all they need for sustenance. It seems that Isabelle also left an assistant drone in order to help then adapt to the differences in technology. I felt like it made sense as this entire place reeked of the description 'Sci-fi'. It was different from the manor's magical technology things.

And that basically summarizes things.

Sure, things seems a bit light, because it was. In the first place, we found Lady Reyshia, and confirmed her safety. So this trip could be considered as a success. Also, if there was someone who gained a lot on this trip, it was me. After all, I suddenly gained an entire research facility just by coming. Perhaps this may be my destined cheat, hehe.

Ahem!... in any case, I was thinking it was time for us to leave. Or to be precise, I needed for Lady Reyshia and Lillia to leave so that I could see what this place could do. After all, I was informed by Isabelle that Lady Reyshia had plans to concede this lab to the Emperor. And as an entertainment connoisseur in my past life, emperors are all wicked guys. Well, not all, but they're all shit.

"We're almost there." Isabelle informed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Isabelle," I called out, "can you keep the fact that I'm the highest command of this place from them?"

She raised a brow at my request. "Would it not be more helpful if you told them?"

"No. Perhaps it would, as I trust they can keep a secret." I said. "However, if this fact leaks to the emperor, they'll be in danger."

"Then, you can just destroy the empire of that happens." She stated as a matter of fact.

My chest raced at that, as I couldn't help but ask. "This place is that awesome?"

"Well, we have Grand AM Units after all. If I last remember, weren't they using Arks? Those 2 meter armours that boosted its user's physical prowess?" She stated, but seemed unsure as she conveyed in the form of a question.

I shook my head. "No. The Arks they have are practically no different from Grand AM Units. Even though the Grand AM Units have higher adaptability, it is no match for specialized Arks—..."

Huh? Wait, why do I know this? I don't remember learning about the Gundam knockoffs. Weird...

"Is anything wrong, Master?" Isabelle's voice once again snapped me out of daze.

I shook my head in a hurry. "No, I'm fine. Just a bit unsettled by what's happening."

Leaving it at that, we went on as we finally walked in silence as if scared that anyone would overhear us. Though Isabella mentioned that she was the only intelligent AI in the lab other than the Quanta—the Super AI— and the other people that came with me, I somehow found myself wanting for some silence. Or maybe I was just plain tired.

We continued on walking as I listened to the tapping of her boots on the metallic ground, and the occasional buzzes and whirring noises from passing drones. Until we finally stopped in front of a sliding hatch that was as Sci-fi as it could get.

I raised a brow at the somehow familiar design. "Is this it?"


She then placed a hand at the hatch, and the part where she put her hands on lit up with glowing patterns similar to a circuit board's, and then it opened. Looks like touchscreen was everywhere in this place.

The room opened—surprisingly silent— and the sight of Lillia trying to wake up Lady Reyshia entered my vision.

"Lady Reyshia! You must not let the temptation get to you!"

"Ah...I'm done for, Lillia. I don't think I can leave this couch anymore."

"Lady Reyshia!"

I watched as the stoic Lady of mine was somehow having trouble resisting the comforts of the supersoft couch. It was something I honestly couldn't blame her as I myself are fond of soft couches.

So as the considerate slave that I was, I just watched the two continue on with their humorous exchange, as even Isabelle was pretty silent. It seems she gets my intentions.

The scene continued on for about 3 minutes until Lillia finally noticed our presence—specifically mine, as she looked to my direction.

"Hello. Having fun?"

She flushed at my words as she forcibly pulled Lady Reyshia out of the couch, who then fell into the hard ground. Honestly, I was wondering if it's okay for servants to treat their masters roughly in this world.


Lady Reyshia who suddenly experience the fluffy heaven to the instant gates of stiff hell woke up with a yelp, and glared at the perpetrator.

"Hey! What was that for."

Lillia ignored Lady Reyshia's protests as she looked at our direction with a hostile gaze. I think she maybe mistaking me for being an enemy—which I totally was as I was now the owner of this place.

"Do you have something to say for yourself, Traitor?" she asked in a cold tone. It looks like she didn't even need evidence as she directly jumped conclusions.

Lady Reyshia finally sobered up, and then looked at our direction, and she too shifted into a cold look. Was this bandwagon?

I raised both my arms as I made a wry smile. I need to show them that I am harmless, and this was usually the best way.

However, Isabella suddenly raised a brow at my actions. "Hm? Why are you suddenly declaring war? You got something against them?"

Although I was a bit surprised she wasn't using formal language, that was beside point...

"W-Wait, declaring war?!"

I hurriedly put down my arms but that was another mistake. Isabella smirked as she added.

"AaAh...You've up and done it. You actually lowered your hands like that. That's equivalent to confirming your intentions, you know?"

"Eh?! H-How does that work?!"

"Actually, the Sky Empire is the sky—or as they call it. Raising your hand means trying to usurp their territory. And suddenly bringing it down, means you're trying to take down the skies."

"Wait, what?!" I paled at the realization of my actions. Her smirk then went a bit deeper, as she then spoke.

"Of course, that was just bullshit I made up just now."

"Screw you!!" I cursed as I was seriously thinking how a Droid could even make a joke.

Lady Reyshia and Lillia watched our exchange as their expressions were...hm...I can't describe it. Let's just say they looked dumbfounded.

I sighed as I ignored the still smirking RoboGirl and scratch my head as I face them. "Um..."

Lillia seemed to get what I wanted to convey, or at least had an inkling. As such, she crossed her arms and asked. "So? Which side are you on?"

I seriously was amazed at this maid. She was even more overbearing than her master, which was still dumbfounded right now.

However, I still needed to make myself clear so, I'll just say it in a not-lying manner. "I'm on your side."

Yep. I wasn't an enemy. I was the entirety of this side, so if I say I was on their side, the entirety of the conflict would render pointless. Easy.

And just as I had expected, she really had lie detection capabilities as she frowned at my answer, a bit unsure probably, but then her expression loosened.

However, she then shifted her gaze to Isabelle.

"What about her?" she asked with a bit of wariness. "We can not be sure whether she is coercing you."

Isabelle shrugged in a carefree manner. "Sorry but, I'm not one of you conniving nobles. We've had a deal. The smartwatch for your safety. And I plan on keeping my promise on the condition you stay silent on this matter."

Wow. Seriously, this Bot's quite good at making bullshit. Maybe I should ask her to prepare a secret identity for me later. You know, power in the shadows kind of thing.

Lillia's eyes widened. Perhaps she never expected that type of answer from Isabelle, and perhaps she was misunderstanding something from how I never mentioned it.

She sighed, and then faced me. "Alright. I'll believe you." She said in a resigned manner. She then turned to Lady Reyshia. "How about you, Lady Reyshia?"

"E-Eh?...U-Uhmm...Y-yes. No problem." She seemed surprised, as she stuttered in her answer.

Isabelle nodded at the reconciliation. "Now that you've all made up, can you leave this place now?" She said in a rude manner of tone.

No matter how I see it, this damn literal steel-brain is enjoying the situation—even though she's suppose to be a robot!

I sighed. I don't wanna keep them here anymore. I glanced at the two, "I guess I can just explain things later," I then gave a wry smile. "for now, we can just leave this place. I miss the outside already."

Lady Reyshia turned her gaze to me. She then glanced towards Lillia, and nodded. "Alright."

Isabelle clapped her hand , as she tilted her head with a smile on her face. "Okay. Now that you've decided, I'll lend you this drone." After she spoke, a small ball (about 2 inches in diameter) flew inside the room, "This one will lead you to the exit. Now go on! Shoo! And don't come back!"

The drone then started to leave the room, and so did Isabelle. But before she left, she said: "Don't even think of using it as an excuse to conveniently 'get lost'. I'm warning you, this entire facility is riddled with security."

And so, after she left, we hurriedly followed the drone.