
Bang Bang...

Guns, as of the last 30 years have become the only weapon the poor can effectively use to defend themselves from the growing threat of magic. 120 years ago a meteorite smashed into the Earth about 2 miles away from China, for the first 40 years after the crash nothing changed and the world as we know it continued to develop down the same old timeline, the first world war occurred and took the lives of an entire generation, leading up to the second world war was when things started changing from what we know.

*Start of tape*

In 1942, thousands of people around the world started vanishing, entire cities disappeared overnight, hell even some countries populations just up and disappeared. The disappearances were simply chalked up to war causalities and the world moved on ,three years later during the final push on Berlin, everyone who vanished reappeared however they were no longer the same as when they had left.

Some were now able to light things on fire with their minds while others were able to teleport through shadows, making them the perfect killers. Of all the people to return, the one simply known as Ares would draw the attention of a genetics research team from America, what made him special? The fact that he was the only one to return who seemingly remained normal. He had no 'magic' abilities as they were dubbed by the press and the team found this extraordinary as did some members of the US government who had him abducted on his return to the USA and experimented on in secret.

While Ares was being experimented on the world was going through drastic changes rapidly, Germany had been defeated like in our timeline however the punishments this time around were a lot less harsh as countries had to deal with the growing threat of Magic user uprisings in their own countries. These rebellions were calling for the 'chosen' to rule over the countries and help develop the world stage using their new found powers.

As time went on, countries as an idea began to crumble (this was mainly down to the influence and aggression of those with magic power) and the world fell back into powerful families ruling over territories and using magic as a way to keep each other in check. The weaker clans were either forcefully integrated into bigger clans or married into them for protection, the bigger clans selectively bred their family with other families in an attempt to keep the magic genes away from the masses that they now found themselves ruling over.

Don't get me wrong, poorer families were able to have children who had the ability to use magic but those children were often adopted into clans and the families paid well for this, this again was so the clans could keep the power for themselves. (This was effective up until a radical group of resistance fighters took up arms against the magic users, oops spoilers I guess.)

Anyway Ares was injected with the genes of may different magic users however none of them were able to be contained in his body for long before his anti-bodies killed them off (Interesting, Seems like I'm some sort of Magic Repellent), exposure to the conditions that were ripe for the genes to grow just made him fight them off quicker than before.

Results show that Ares is the perfect tool to fight the growing power of the clans, in hopes of creating the perfect soldier we have injected things like muscle memories of elite soldiers into his brain so that modern day fighting will come naturally once he is released from his chamber (They probably should have toned that done a bit, killed them all easily).

We have also done reverse experiments were we have placed Ares genes into other magic users, the tests have had vastly varying results. In the case of subject 117, the subject gained vastly increased strength and speed at the cost of becoming a glory hound. Subject 101 became obsessed with finding their father however they gained abilities that vastly surpassed the specs for pre-disappearance humans, basically becoming a Demi-God. Unfortunately subject 101 was lost during an accident with a nuclear reactor where a radiation resistant magic user refused to help the subject saying 'it was the subjects destiny not his.'

Ares seems to be waking up, this was not meant to happen yet, we have yet to make the right memories to make him loyal to us. Shit someone get security in here. Help me, he is going to....

*Error the rest of the informational video seems to be corrupted please eject the tape and call your

lab issued administrator*

Ares laughed and said"My lab issued administrator seems to be a little bit dead..." He then scanned the room around him for a weapon, he had caught the scientists here by surprise however security would be another story as they would be expecting him to attack them. On the far side of the room was an old pistol, Ares smiled, this was the gun he had used during the war beofre he disappeared. He walked towards the old pistol and picked it up, he then stealthy made his way up the floors of the lab and towards the entrance.

"As he pushed the doors open" A gun shot flew at the man telling the story by the campfire, he rose to his feet and said" Hey asshole, I'm trying to tell my origin story here. Tell the clan chief or whatever the fuck he is called to hold off, for two fucking seconds."

He then picked up his pistol from by his side and walked towards the man who shot at him. He gracefully moved out of the way of the bullet storm that flew at him as he closed the distance, when he arrived in front of the man unharmed, he kneed his attacker in the gut before putting a round in his head.

He then knelt down and looted the ammo of the dead man and returned to the camp were three shocked people were sitting, he sat down on his log and looked at the three of them and then said"Where was I up to again? Right the security blockade waiting for me outside the lab"

Hope you enjoy chapter one. There will be around three chapters a week of this novel. Have a good day and thanks for reading :)

Turtilingforsafetycreators' thoughts