
Prologue 1 (the bell)

On a planet far far away...

A young girl was running around leisurely with a happy smile, enjoying her day out with her parents to the fullest. But suddenly she came to a halt as she saw a scenery far away .

With widened eyes she started exclaiming to her parents " Dad ... Mom look.. look... such a big bell... wow... Dad move fast, lets get there quickly and ring the bell...."

Mom " go slow, mary..."

Dad " ha ha... let her be happy, darling..."

It took a long time for the family to reach the bell ,after the small girl saw the bell up close she couldn't close her mouth due to shock . The sheer size of the bell was much bigger than the biggest skyscraper she had ever seen, many tourists were walking under the bell and taking pictures like small ants.

Small girl " wow... Dad who can ring such a huge bell.. ?"

The dad who had a little knowledge of history replied " It's not a bell that is rung by people, kid , it's an ancient artifact from the long forgotten past.."

small girl " what is it used for..."

Dad " hmm.... How should I put it, it is an artifact that would warn everyone when someone would attack the planet..."

small girl " I get it like the warning given when, Nomad Empire attacks our Religare Empire right.."

Dad " Well not exactly... If this bell rang, then it means it's a warning to all the kingdoms and the Empire to unite to face a common enemy..."

The small girl was a little scared but at the same time excited " wow.. who is so powerful that the whole planet should unite .... to fight.."

The father as if reminiscing the old past replied " they were known by many names like the lawless devils, ruthless demons , the Buccaneers..... But the common people simply called them ..... The pirates.... hah "

Seeing that the child was a little scared, the father continued " But don't worry child the pirates are long dead... many powerful heroes came together and eradicated them for ever... see even this warning bell has become an old artifact that doesn't have any use or ring anymore... think about it, otherwise how would they use it as a tourist spot..."

The Small girl muttered " So that is how it is ...."

suddenly the mother called out " if both of you have finished your sightseeing and storytelling, let's go to a restaurant, I am really hungry..."

The small girl returned to her cheery self " I want vanilla ice cream.."

But as they were moving away from the bell...


The small girl suddenly turned back " Daddy did you hear that..."

Dad " what is it kid.."

the Small girl pointed at the bell with a little fear and said " It rang..."

Dad laughed and replied " ha ha... you probably heard some other sound... you see if the bell really rang, don't you think all these people would have heard it... look at them they are all enjoying themselves without any care...come here i will carry you on my shoulder..."

the Small girl got on her father's shoulder still confused and thought " but I really did hear a bell ring..."

The pirate captain "give up your your power stone or leave your life here "

Half_Blindcreators' thoughts
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