
The Legacy System

What would happen if someday, someone gave humans the opportunity to have the power of the legends? Total Chaos! That's the answer to that, people started killing, r*ping, extorting and torturing, to become the strongest. In such a world, a nerd like Eric became one of the strongest. With the resolve of a better life for his family, his loved ones, he managed to flip his destiny around, and become the strongest, and built his Empire. He went so far, that he was close to ascending to the Immortal World, that world of dreams. His story looks like one of a fairytale, but a fairytale it's not. Just as he was about to ascend, he was betrayed and killed, by his closest friends, and his half-brother. At the death's door, he learned about his brother's atrocities, but his time had finished. If only he had another chance! If only he could have another shot at life! He would definitely live differently! But could he!? . . . At that moment his soul was transferred into a black space!

crazy_immortal · Fantasy
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780 Chs

Chapter 72: A party crasher

It was only when Kaito started to introduce the girls to him that Eric thought that the atmosphere would get a bit weird.

The girl that Kaito was hugging and feeling all this time was Ito Yui, while the girl that had been staring at Eric all this time was Ito Akiha, the girl he berated in front of his restaurant.

When Kaito introduced Eric as his friend, Ito Akiha just let an unsatisfied harrumph while looking the other way.

Seeing her conduct Kaito seemed a bit surprised as he asked,

Kaito:" Is there something wrong Akiha-chan? What happened?"

Before she could answer though, Eric got in front of her and said,

Eric:" It's just a misunderstanding Kaito, two days ago I and Ito-san had a fated encounter and I was a bit rude to her.

For that, I will take this opportunity to apologize to her. I am really sorry Miss Akira, I was rude to you please don't take it to heart.

Let me make it up to you, you can come to the 'Fragrance Hall' whenever you want, and I will personally host you in my private box."

His words stupefied the three people around him, Kaito, Akiha, and Yui. Kaito didn't know that Eric was a rich guy who owned 'Fragrance Hall', he felt like he had hit jackpot right now.

Yui was the same, in first glance Eric seemed just like a normal middle-class guy. Not to mention that he was Kaito's friend, so at most she thought he was a gigolo.

While Akiha couldn't believe his words, she had been somewhat humiliated that night, but the food there was so good that she couldn't give up.

After tasting the food there, everything else she ate was tasteless, she was some kind of addicted to that food.

Now Eric was telling her she could go there and eat anytime she wanted there, he would personally host for her, this was enough for her to forget everything and say happily,

Ito Akiha:" Really!? Then everything is forgotten Eric, and please call me Akiha!"

Eric didn't think that only these few words would be enough to change her attitude, but the food at the restaurant was really something amazing to these people.

He was quite happy with that, especially with the new atmosphere created at the table, and Akiha embracing his arm in between her soft pillows.

While they weren't the biggest Eric had felt, it was still a great feeling. At the side, even Kaito and Yui started to talk more to him.

But when everything was going good, there had to be a party-crasher. He came close to their table, and with a fake smile, he came to greet them.

Stranger:" Hi guys how are you? You didn't tell me you would be here, I would personally invite you to this place."

While saying that he firstly went for Yui and hugged her, while his hands ended on her perky butt 'accidentally'.

Seeing that Kaito had a strange expression on his face, but he didn't say anything and just clenched his teeth.

At the moment that he was hugging Yui, he saw Kaito's expression and just showed him a grin that seemed to say, 'what can you do about it, trash'.

This infuriated Kaito even more, but he didn't seem like he could fight with this guy, which meant that he probably had some kind of background.

Letting her go, after having his fun with her body, that guy then approached Akiha for a hug, but this time he didn't expect Akiha to try and create distance between them.

And he wasn't able to touch or feel her like he did with Yui, which made him angry, because a while ago he had seen her embrace Eric's arm in between her soft jade mountains.

This occurrence made him even angrier at Eric who was looking at the whole scene with a calm and carefree look as if nothing of what was happening mattered to him.

And it truly didn't matter, while Akiha had been acting more clingy and good with him, it wasn't like he had fallen for her, or considered her to be his woman.

He was just enjoying the moment, and even if something happened between them, it would be just a pleasant moment, and then he might think about it.

But until now there was no connection between him and Akiha, and even if she had intercourse in front of him, then what did it matter to him.

Of course, he didn't expect that the stranger would be such an idiot, and would think of that look as a sort of challenge and arrogance, and then direct his anger towards him while saying,

Stranger:" Hello little guy!

Yui, Akiha from which little village have you found this little guy? He looks like he really does a good job."

His meaning was clear, while Eric might look good and handsome he was just a village pumpkin, and the best he could do was being a gigolo.

Eric's face went gloom, he had done nothing and even said less to offend this guy, but this good for nothing piece of trash was directing his anger towards him.

But even then he pretended to not hear him due to the music and let him go, he didn't want to make trouble with this piece of crap, otherwise, he might get contaminated too.

Seeing Eric's gloomy face Akiha thought that he might think that she was good friends with this guy, and have a bad opinion of her, so she immediately tried to clarify the situation,

Akiha:" Eric this is Miura Daichi, his father is a close friend of my father's, and his family owns the Miura Casinos.

Daichi this is Eric he is…"

But before she could continue to introduce him, Daichi interrupted her and said,

Miura Daichi:" Nobody cares who that country bumpkin is Akiha. He is just a country bumpkin more in my big city of Tokyo.

By the way, I heard you earlier talk about the 'Fragrance Hall' it's a coincidence but I was also planning to go there and try the new amazing food they prepare.

What do you say, will you join me? After all, Uncle said that I have a duty to protect you from the scum of this city."

Apparently, this guy took Eric's unwillingness to get contaminated by his crap as a sign of defeat, and he just continued to push his luck.

As if this wasn't enough he continued before the girls could answer,

Miura Daichi:" Of course, your friends can come too, they can brag their whole life they had been able to eat in such a place later."

His words stunned the people at the table, after all, he was humiliating one of the owners of the place where he was going to eat.

But he wasn't at fault because only a few people knew that Eric was one of the owners of the place, and 99% of the people that knew about such a thing were the staff there.

Unconsciously they turned their eyes to Eric who had been gloomy a moment ago, but now was having a calm bright smile on his face, but nobody felt good about it.

It was a creepy calm smile that sent shivers through their bodies, and before Akiha could refuse that invitation, Eric said,

Eric:" Young Master Miura is such a caring person, he waited 2 weeks for his reservation, only to invite us to dinner at the 'Fragrance Hall'.

Of course, we wouldn't lose this opportunity, right Kaito!?"

Kaito on the other hand was startled hearing Eric say that, but he could guess that Eric had an intention to show this scum his place, as he said,

Kaito:" But of course Eric, how can we miss it, when he had to wait 2 weeks for that reservation."

But at this time Daichi seemed like he had heard a joke and said with a mocking smile on his face,

Miura Daichi:" Haha… Wait 2 weeks for the reservation? That's only something for country bumpkins like you two, people with the social status as mine don't have to make a reservation.

I can enter that place whenever I want, it's enough from me to say my name at the door."

Hearing that Eric seemed to have been stunned for a moment, but then his calm smile just grew brighter, as he said,

Eric:" Now this will be a true eye-opening situation for us Kaito, we are going to witness the power and social status of Young Master Miura, and we can't miss something like this!"

On the other hand, Kaito was having trouble holding himself back from laughing, while the two girls had weird expressions on their faces since this guy was really in trouble now.

He was boasting shamelessly to break the rules of the restaurant, in front of its owner. It was something new that they didn't have experienced before.

With that being said, the four of them followed Young Master Miura, towards the exit of the night club, as they decided to head towards the 'Fragrance Hall'.

But soon another infuriating event for Young Master Miura happened, as Eric and Kaito had no cars, as 'country bumpkins' that they were, and had to drive with Akiha, and Yui respectively.

While Young Master Miura could do nothing about it besides clenching his teeth and swearing to humiliate them more once they arrived at the restaurant.

It wasn't a really long drive to reach there, and with the cars, they had the time it was even shorter.

During the drive, Akiha apologized to Eric for what happened, but she said nothing about anything that he might plan to do with Miura Daichi once they got there.

Just like he said Young Master Miura just sent his driver to say something to the guy responsible for the reception as he waited for them to arrive and lead them inside.

He was doing all this so he could boast in front of Yui and Akiha while humiliating Kaito and Eric. The receptionist didn't see who was behind him, as he said with a happy face and expression,

Receptionist:" Young Master Miura, is such a pleasant surprise for us to receive someone like you tonight, please enter inside."

At that moment Miura Daichi seemed really full of himself as he said in front of the crowd,

Miura Daichi:" Haha… Thank you for your hospitality, but I have two country bumpkins, sorry friends of mine that have come to taste the food too.

So if you could arrange a special place for them to eat would be great!"

His meaning was clear, he was trying to humiliate the two, and the receptionist clearly understood that, as his eyes went for Young Master Miura's guests with a grin on his face…


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