
The Legacy System

What would happen if someday, someone gave humans the opportunity to have the power of the legends? Total Chaos! That's the answer to that, people started killing, r*ping, extorting and torturing, to become the strongest. In such a world, a nerd like Eric became one of the strongest. With the resolve of a better life for his family, his loved ones, he managed to flip his destiny around, and become the strongest, and built his Empire. He went so far, that he was close to ascending to the Immortal World, that world of dreams. His story looks like one of a fairytale, but a fairytale it's not. Just as he was about to ascend, he was betrayed and killed, by his closest friends, and his half-brother. At the death's door, he learned about his brother's atrocities, but his time had finished. If only he had another chance! If only he could have another shot at life! He would definitely live differently! But could he!? . . . At that moment his soul was transferred into a black space!

crazy_immortal · Fantasy
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778 Chs

Chapter 69: Cooperation Plan

While he opened the curtains in the room and made it look like there was spying from that room, Eric didn't stay there.

That was just to give those guys that would be coming with her some distraction while also testing her intentions at the same time.

With this thought in mind, he sent a text message to Mina, who was extremely pleased that her Master had remembered her, and came immediately.

From the moment that she had been dominated by Eric, she didn't have any other man in her eyes, even when Michael tried to touch her she was repulsive.

It was a good thing that nowadays Michael had been busy working for Daisuke and she was free to think and dream of her Master.

As for Eric, he thought that she was a really bendy chess piece that he could play with. It wasn't like he had any feelings for her.

But she was obedient and would do anything for him, so he didn't mind letting her around. Actually lately Eric had been thinking about his women and their status.

He didn't plan to be a hypocrite and refuse any good woman that wanted to be by his side, but at the same time, not all of them would be equal.

In his previous life, he had tried to keep them all equal but soon they started fighting between each other, and his children were involved as well.

So this time he had decided to try something different, he would put a hierarchy and an Empress above to watch over them.

Remembering all the women of his past life, none of them had the qualifications to become one, but this was a new life, he would surely find himself an Empress.

If she wasn't on Earth then definitely she would be found in the Immortal World, he wasn't in a real hurry.

According to his thoughts, his harem would be divided into 5 layers, servants, maids, concubines, wives, and Empress.

At the moment, Mina was a servant to him, but if she worked hard enough she might reach higher. It all depended on her loyalty and hard work.

Akira was in the same position as her, but she had a huge advantage to reach higher due to her being his first subordinate.

Of course, all those that he deemed his women would never be touched by another man, for all their life, that was why he was making his little brother work like a mule.

Returning to the current situation, Eric was climbing the stairs with Mina by his side, acting as lovers, when Takeshiba Aika and her entourage passed beside him.

He could clearly hear her words saying,

Takeshiba Aika:" I want you to secure the whole place, this hotel and the one in front. I want to have him in front of me to talk.

Remember well you are not allowed to kill or hurt him, I need him alive."

Eric couldn't help but snicker inside, did this little girl think that things would be so easy? But he didn't let his thoughts surface as he continued to lustily kiss Mina, as if he didn't care about the people around.

This attitude and Mina's body earned him some jealousy looks from the guards passing by, but they didn't dare to cause trouble with Takeshiba Aika being there.

Without caring about those jealous looks he reached the room on the floor above them and entered with Mina by his side.

As soon as he entered the room, he changed his phone's SIM card and suddenly his phone started ringing.

Taking the call, he laid down on the bed, with Mina servicing him with her warm mouth while saying in a gloomy tone,

Eric:" You don't seem like you are sincere with your attitude Miss Takeshiba. Especially, bringing so many ex-military bodyguards by your side.

I have to say I don't see a bright future for our collaboration!"

Of course, Takeshiba Aika couldn't recognize his voice since he was using spirit power to change it, but again she was shocked because this meant that she was watching her.

Actually, she expected something like that, that was why she had kind of sealed the two motels in front of each other.

She didn't close them totally because she was afraid that she would frighten her little snake, so now she could send them to go search, but then she was stunned by that guy's next words.

Eric:" Don't be too eager to destroy our cooperation this quick Miss Takeshiba, please open the door first. I will call after ten minutes."

Takeshiba Aika didn't understand what he meant by that, but still, she ordered one of her bodyguards to open the door, when a skinny man, with an envelope in his hand, appeared at the door.

Entering inside he introduced himself as a journalist and said that he had taken this envelope from a mysterious man that told him it would be good money for him.

But before he published it, he should go and give it to the person at this address. Only if she gave him permission could he publish it, otherwise he would be dead.

Not daring to take his chances, the journalist had arrived and handed over the envelope to Takeshiba Aika.

Just like she thought, inside it was the photos that were taken of her hitting that man with the car. Not to mention that with that guy's disappearance the consequences were graver.

Takeshiba Aika was furious, but there was nothing she could do, she understood what the guy blackmailing her wanted.

If she continued with what she started, she would be the one to lose much more than him. She could only unwillingly tell them to stand down.

At that moment, the simple phone rang, and she took the call, to hear that screechy voice once again, this time though it had a teasing hue to it,

Eric:" It seems like you are not that stupid after all! Now tell me, what you meant with that message!"

Takeshiba Aika was furious that this guy was making fun of her, but there was no other choice at the moment.

But at the moment she could do nothing but endure all this. Then she started telling him her plan.

Apparently, after seeing Eric's martial abilities and his attitude as he left the place, she knew she wasn't capable of harming him or having a big chance of him giving her the money.

That was why she had decided to make him come to them by his own will. To achieve that, she was ready to play the role of the kidnapped victim, and they would threaten him for money.

Eric's feelings seemed genuine so he would certainly come there with the money. Which they could split in between them 50/50.

One important problem though was how to deal with Eric after, but she told him that they could invalidate him while she was still a kidnapping victim.

She calmly said that they could pluck his eyes out, and also cripple a hand and a leg while taking his manhood away at the same time.

This was because he had dared to think of her, a swan, while he was only a lowly toad.

Of course these words kind of surprised and shocked Eric a bit, since he didn't expect her to be so ruthless and cruel.

But this didn't change his plan on how he would deal with her, just added more pain and suffering to her fate when she finally understood what happened.

To not make her suspect anything Eric at first pretended to be scared, and not really interested in it. But the prospect of a big amount of him seemed to have moved his heart.

He reluctantly accepted, but at the same time, he said,

Eric:" While I agree with the plan, I don't intend sending any man to kidnap you, you will find a way to come to the place by yourself, while no one knows about your whereabouts.

Only after I have confirmed that everything is safe with I come there, and then we can continue with the rest of our plan."

He still played the role of the person who was too scared to participate in something like this, making Takeshiba Aika wonder where did he find the guts to blackmail her earlier.

But right now he held the upper hand so she had no choice but to accept his terms. Soon though, she would be able to deal with two nuisances at the same time.

Eric, on the other hand, was just happy that everything was going according to his plans. And she didn't seem to suspect anything at all.

Of course, he knew that Takeshiba Aika was planning something much bigger but he had time to find out about that.

He didn't expect one of the guards to hand over that news so soon though when he heard through his spirit sense,

Guard:" Young Miss, should we inform Young Master…"

But before he could continue a tight slap came towards him, and immediately leaving a handprint on his face, as Takeshiba Aika said angrily,

Takeshiba Aika:" Are you an idiot!? We are in the room he prepared for us, what if he has ears around this place?"

The middle-aged man, seemed to be a bit angry towards this Young Miss of the Takeshiba family since she had humiliated him in front of his friends and subordinates.

While she might be right, she didn't have to do it like that. But he could do nothing but bottle up his feelings, as he said,

Guard:" This subordinate knows his mistake."

Takeshiba Aika didn't lose her arrogance as she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" As long as you understand! Now let's leave this place."

Unknown to her, that her new partner, had a devilish grin on his face…


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