
The Legacy of the cursed Family

The soft crunch of the trees on the ground made her wistful. They were a faded, shredded tapestry of autumn, she thought as she remembered the crisp golden hues and the vibrant oranges that had blanketed the forest floor the last time, she had visited it. Wait, the last time she visited? She suddenly realizes where she was, it was that old bungalow! As she realizes the truth, the beautiful clouds turn into violent storm clouds. The tress dancing with the breeze started shouting and screaming at her. Then she saw someone with shiny silver eyes was staring her from the entrance of the balcony. Salvadora was horrified, she couldn’t move. Suddenly, Rebekah’s silver eyes turned red and blood started to come out of her eyes! But the next thing that happened was even worse, blood started to pool out of Salvadora's eyes too! Her whole face was covered in blood. “Babe, do what’s right, SAVE THE HUMANITY IN YOU!” The next thing that she knew, she hanged herself!

Garvita_Kushwaha · Horror
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24 Chs

Mistakes always leave a stain

"Good morning mom and dad!" The little boy greeted with a bright smile on his face.

Sam and Salvadora came downstairs for the breakfast. Today was a holiday, so the whole family gathered in the living room for breakfast.

Sal was still feeling a little bit sleepy and tired. She was a little hazy about what happened yesterday, but slowly her brain remembered everything.

"Good morning mom and dad," she said tiredly. Exactly opposite of how Sam said.

"Did you get enough sleep, dear?" Ric asked gently.

"Yeah, I'm just a little lazy, that's all," she smiled weakly.

"Okay, so Sal if you don't mind, then I've some questions for mom and dad," Sam was still in a bright mood.

"Not really, I also want to know but I think I'm just scared to know anymore," she said with a faint smile.

"Sal, I hope you're okay because of all that's going on. If you need anything, just tell me," her mom held her hand and smiled.

"I'm gonna start now. Why does everyone who tries to own that house dies?" asked Sam curiously.

"That house is filled with curses and maybe Rebekah thinks that they are not the true owners of that house, so she kills them," his mom replied.

"Is this some kind of interrogation? To me, it sure looks like one," Their dad joked.

"Whatever you think. So, we have to sacrifice an innocent life to save whomever she chooses?" This question of Sam's stole the smile from everyone's face.

Everyone's smile was gone, but Rose knew that at least she need to act cool about it or else her children will get too scared.

"You are innocent too, remember that," their mom said in a serious tone.

"Besides, we're here to take care of that, you don't have to worry child," their dad said and smiled.

"We're okay, but I think that you deserve to know something more," Salvadora said like she wasn't scared at all.

As she said, both she and Sam looked at each other with the same feeling: GUILT.

"What do you wanna say? I've already told a bunch of bizarre things that must have freaked you out," asked Rose in a drowsy voice.

"Actually, we should have told you earlier, but…..." Sam started but Salvadora interrupted in between.

"Mom and dad, I know you won't like it but I've got to say it straight or else I won't be able to say it."

"What is it? And why is it so difficult to say?" Asked dad in a suspicious tone.

"So, the thing is that we went to that stupid house for investigation. I hope you do remember that silly contest," she said straightly without thinking about the consequences she will face by saying this.

But, both of them also knew that the way Sam was going to say, it wouldn't have helped either, because however convincing it might look like, their parent's reaction would be the same.

"Of course, I do remember but I didn't think you would go to a place where my bloodthirsty twin resides!" their mom was in a very angry mood and Salvadora and Sam knew that they deserved it.

Because even if they didn't know their history, it's still a murderous place.

"Children, I can't help you with this one. You didn't know about Rebekah and all the other stuff, but it was still a murderous place where people have died! You both are grounded for a whole month!" their father finally lost his temper.

A lot had happened and they couldn't hide anymore so they blurted out everything they knew about the crazy stuff which was going on.

The dreadful dreams, every little detail of their trip to that bungalow, and everything.

"Oh my God! So much happened to you guys and you never intended to tell your parents? Were you two gone insane?" Their mom was already so much angry with them and this made the situation even worse, but sooner or later, they had to face it.

Their mom burst into tears; tears rolled down her cheeks from her pretty brown eyes and ended up soaked in her loose, long-sleeved sweatshirt.

Their dad was worried too, but her mom was already so worried, so he tried to play it cool.

"Mom, we didn't know that it was related to our family, if we would have known, we would never have thought about going there in the first place and no matter what the circumstances are, we will overcome as one united family," said Salvadora to calm the situation.

"I know children, I just don't want you to get in trouble because of our family history, I want you to be safe and live a normal life like other teens," Mom tried to swallow her tears and was better now.

"Well, I think no one in our school has such an amazing history," Sam cracked a joke to make the situation better but didn't help.

"Sam, you're not gonna be able to trick me this time, this is some serious thing," Ric said in a serious tone.

Sam said nothing. Their parents were still angry at them, but they tried to be okay about it because her mom somehow felt like it was her fault that they got in this mess.

"Children, I'm not gonna punish you or shout anymore. Everyone makes mistakes, it's okay. Just remember that, don't make mistakes that leave a stain on you. I was so worried because a lot of things have happened in my family. I don't want to lose you."

Rose hugged both of them and planted a kiss on their cheeks.

"Now, I'm going to meet Pomphrey and find a way to fix this. Alaric, take care of the children and maybe I'll be a little late, so prepare the lunch by the time I get home. Bye children!"

Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes. We all make them.

But the ones we make while knowing that we're making are the worst ones and always leave a stain on you which can't be cleaned.

Hope you doing good readers! Join my discord server for all updates! Just dm me for invite link.

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