
The Legacy of Lein

It tells the story of a middle-aged man who dies tragically and is reincarnated in a fantasy world in the body of a 14-year-old slave.

Pacojuega · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Legacy of Lein: Chapter 1 Rebirth

Lein led a sad life at 49 years old, despite being a person who always had a lot of potential he never knew how to take advantage of it, he was smarter than most, tall and very strong, besides being very handsome when he was young.

He practiced all kinds of martial arts karate, kickboxing, boxing, muay thai, judo, wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, jiu jitsu, taekwondo but he never really took any of them seriously once he learned them he put them aside.

He always liked to learn new things regardless of the subject matter, this made him acquire all kinds of knowledge throughout his life, things that might never be useful in his daily life but he still found it entertaining to learn them. He was an apprentice of everything but master of nothing.

But in the end his greatest flaw would be his undoing. Lein was extremely lazy, he learned everything very quickly, but just as quickly he got bored of things, this made his life very quiet and relaxed but at the same time lonely, he never married and had no children, he had very few friends and they were not significant for him, but this never mattered to him because for him all these things involved a great effort and dedication.

But time is merciless and old age pursues you, that strong and smart man began to see how day by day both his body and his mind deteriorated little by little and it was there where the fear began to take over him. For the first time he began to think about his past more and more frequently, living again and again those key moments where he missed many opportunities.

Regretting over and over again his bad decisions, he knew that his best moments had already passed and that from now on everything would go downhill.

That day Lein decided to change his life, even though he was no longer young, he thought he would live the rest of his life to the fullest. He was not the type of person who did not believe in himself, he just never had a real desire to change things until this moment. He left his house to get some exercise.

His old body was pretty rusty after years of leading a quiet life, since he was so smart he didn't have to work, he had invested his money very well and spent his days in leisure reading and learning all kinds of things.

- Shit! I didn't remember that exercising was so hard! .... I've barely started and I'm already finished.

Suddenly Lein felt his heart ache terribly, and he fell to the floor as he writhed in pain.

He felt that his end was imminent and his regrets became even stronger.

With his last thoughts... he remembered when he was just a child and how he always looked ahead thinking that he had all the time in the world.


─ Lein!

─ Lein!

─ What's the matter boy answer when they talk to you.

A little dazed Lein looked at the robust woman who was shouting at him, although he had never seen her before, she seemed familiar.

At that moment a large number of memories flooded his mind, but these were not his own it was as if he saw someone else's life flash before his eyes, so much information entering his head in one fell swoop made Lein feel a huge headache and then he fainted.


A few hours later Lein woke up lying on an old straw mattress in a disheveled shed, although his head still hurt and he was a bit confused he could tell that something very strange was going on. First of all his body felt different, he was smaller and both his arms and legs were those of a teenager.

─ What the hell is going on!

─ What is this place and why am I a teenager?

He quickly got up and walked out of the shed as he looked at the scenery he could tell he was in a completely unfamiliar place.

It was some sort of ancient city like the ones in the Murin stories he had read so much about in the past.

Hello friends, I hope you will join me in this journey, I always wanted to write an online novel. I will publish chapters on a weekly basis.

I would also like to explain that my native language is Spanish and I am translating with an online translator, so I hope you will excuse me if some parts are not well understood.

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