
The Legacy Of John Book 1

The legend of John begins

Jason_lang · Fantasy
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36 Chs

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The Demon says "Even so John I have something just for you just you wait" John says "No please don't I am not ready to die I have a turtle to take care of and I am about to go to college so I am not ready to die mr crazy man!" The Demon says "I am not a man and a turtle really that is all you care about? Maybe I should just kill you but still here it is your gift for getting into the college of your dreams hope you like it!" John says "A gift? How did you know about me entering the college of my dreams? Who are you?" The Demon says "You told me two months ago two weeks before you dumped me for killing one of your best friends. Don't you remember John? I do and I came for two reasons first to give you your gift and second to beg for you to take me back! I can't live without you in my life John please take me back I love you with all my heart so please say yes and let me be by your side again I will do anything" Falls to her knees crying she says "Anything so please take me back John I will even stop killing people for you please John!" John says "Jasmine I..." "Thanks for the gift but I can't take you back not after all those people you killed plus my best friend sorry but it's over so please forget about ever meeting me for your own good" Jasmine says "If it has something to do with all the people I killed then why does it not hurt when your older brother kills an army?"