
The Legacy of Generations

The story of how Leon and few legacy tales with important people of his lifetime also start to show more bit of other characters tales like Darion his arch rival and many famous people of Leon lifetime... This the start of where all adventures not for Leo but for all of them to fix the broken sorrowful world of past problems... Join Leon with his group of friends in the Atelier Ryza and to help rebuild to greater world

Clubfoot27 · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 The Final Confrontation

(California Valley - Afternoon)

(Leon POV)

I landed first to the ground "Heh," Kakeru said as his crew arrived "You all ready to die?!" Gordon yelled, "Them again?" Jackey said grin "This is getting irritating," Linda said "Leon is mine Kakeru you lost your chance," John said created some chains flaring navy blue…

"You all sure have issues," I said confused "I agree," Lent said sweatdrop "What did you say!?" Gordon yelled, "I-I will stop you!" Barry yelled, "I honestly doubt you can beat me, Barry!" Kakeru yelled, "So are we gonna chat all day or what?" I asked went defensive stance smirked "LEONNNNNN!!" John yelled charged as I gasped blocked his punch Linda come at me with her spear…

"No, you don't!" Ryza yelled countering against her both clashing non-stop "WAH!!" Tao yelled got hit in the stomach but Scott dashed in kick Jackey in the face….

"GALICK BREAKER!!!" John yelled firing dark green energy blast "Barrier!!" Kari yelled appeared shielding the attack "Thanks, Kari!" I yelled hammering John on the back crashing down "Hmm??" I asked confused expression "There's no need to be so serious all of you," Walton said grinning "YOU!" Kakeru yelled, "Aha no you all worked for me but please enlight me and kill Leon already!!" Walton yelled floated away heading to Lakeway shocking everyone…

"Come on guys we gotta kick it up a notch!" I yelled glaring down "Ronie, Tiese, and Maho go after Walton!" I yelled blocking John's punch "Come on!" Darion yelled powering up teleported them away…

"Looks like we gotta risk it, everyone!!!" I yelled, "Uh are we sure if it's gonna work?!" Lent yelled blocking Gordon's hammer "It's better than nothing!!" Ryza yelled barely dodge Linda's spear "I hope it works!" Tao yelled helping Scott against Jackey...

"I'm all about this!" Scott yelled, "I'm in! let's go!" Barry yelled, "Leon you sure this gonna work…?" Kari asked concerned "We won't know till we try let's go!" I yelled charged shove John back

(Atelier Ryza 2 OST - It's All Uphill From Here)

"Ryza Switch!!" I yelled kicking Linda in the face "On it!" Ryza yelled

"FATAL DRIVE HEAVEN'S QUSAR!!!" Ryza yelled summoning a giant bright energy sphere coming down "WHAT?!" Linda yelled eyes widened "Lent your up!!" Kari yelled paralyzed Gordon still "Thank you, Kari!" Lent yelled charged... "FATAL DRIVE IMPERIAL CLEAVE BURNING PASSION!!" Lent yelled hammering his heavy sword in a barrage of blows then finishing off a slash "GAAAHH!!" Gordon and Linda yelled both are unspelled crashing into the ground…

"FATAL DRIVE TWIN STARLIGHT BLASTER!!" Kari and I yelled blasting John at close range "WAAGHHH!!!" John yelled in pain…

"S-Scott your up!!" Tao yelled flinched hitting Jackey on foot he got mad "FATAL DRIVE WINTER ASCENSION!!" Scott yelled spinning his sword around slamming into the ground entire area full of ice coming down at Jackey "YOU THINK THIS STILL STOP MEE!!" Jackey yelled enraged powering up further "FATAL D-DRIVE JUDGEMENTAL HAMMERRRRR!!" Tao yelled slamming down on Jackey's head giant explosion backfired all of us…

"GAH!" Barry yelled getting chokehold by Kakeru "FATAL DRIVE GRAND FINALE!!" Klaudia yelled, "Agh my fucking ears!" Kakeru yelled gasped "Kari come on!" I yelled both charged spinning kick Kakeru back "BARRY NOWW!!" All yelled as Barry charged transformed into Blitz Form enraged...

"FATAL DRIVE PHOENIX SPIRITUAL EXPLOSION!!!" Barry yelled as a burning bird slamming into Kakeru "GAAAAAHHH!!!" Kakeru yelled in pain as we all stared down only at Kakeru breathing heavily…

(Music Stops)

"Ughh.." Kakeru said collapse to the ground "Kakeru?!" Barry yelled, "Ugh what the heck happen?" Kakeru asked weakly stood "Which Kakeru I'm talking to?" I asked "...Leon your mom's name was Madison she would scold us for always coming home messy" Kakeru said chuckled "Heh welcome back buddy" I said helping him up "Gahh what the hell?" Gordon asked confused "It's a long story but we need to head back to Lakeway now Walton causing trouble at home!" I yelled, "Right that bastard manipulate us!" John yelled "Ugh but how are we gonna get there??" I asked confused "I got it!" Leonidas yelled teleported us


(Lakeway City Hall - Night)

"...I really need to learn how to do that," I said sweatdrop "Later time to save the world from Walton and his bloody mercenaries," Leonidas said "Bucky??" I asked confused saw him and Walton clashing "MALICIOUS WHIPLASH!" Walton yelled slamming Bucky into the ground hard… "Leon you annoying pest!" Walton yelled floating in the air "None of you are able to come at my strength!" Walton yelled "You all did good but leave this to me," I said "W-What?!" Tao yelled shocked "...Alright, Leon" Kari said sweatdrop "Thanks Kari," I said smiled "Hold up Leon," Ryza said "Hm?" I asked confused expression "WHA-?!" All yelled shocked "Ahh...huh?" I asked confused had a hand on my cheek for a moment "Just wishing you luck" Ryza said smiled "Alright" I said nervously chuckled "Hmph" Darion said teleported beside me shocking the others…

"D-Darion??" I asked confused "Just in case plus I owe you one," Darion said smirked "Heh alright then," I said smiled "Just don't die on us," Darion said both fist bump as Walton laughed floating in the air...

"GRAAAAHHHHH!!!" I yelled enraged hair turning blue eyes opened yellow with blue glow engulfed my entire body… "HAAAAAAAAA!!!" Darion yelled powering up bright red glow eyes opened yellow both glared down at Walton…

"Heh just wanna compete the triangle," Thomas said reappeared battle cry "So you three against me full deities full of power!" Walton yelled "Yeah," I said staring down at Walton

"HAAAAAA!!" I yelled charged first at Walton punch his jaw Darion and Thomas charged right after us…

(Astral Chain - Fusing into The Unknown)

"CHAOS LANCE!!" Darion yelled "AERIAL TWISTER!!" I yelled both firing as Walton barrier took it no damage punch Thomas in chest slamming into ground charged at Darion and I slamming us into buliding "GAH?!" I yelled spinning kick his face off "CHAOS ARROW!!" Darion yelled firing close range at Walton took no damage at all "You gotta be shitting me" Darion said growled "AERIAL SPIRIT WIND!!" I yelled throwing "Hmph," Walton said throw it at others "BARRIER!!" Scott yelled got hit send flying into a tree "AGH?!" Scott yelled in pain…

(Astral Chain - Madness)

Darion and I were being thrown around like toys crashing into the ground "Something different about Walton…?" Mirio asked shocked "Walton has full control of the corrupted blood in him," Bucky said growled "He used the steroids all of them into his body," Honoka said with serious expression "Darion we gotta do it" I said glaring down "W-What right now?!" Darion yelled shocked expression "Looks like we can't beat him even three against one," I said noticed Thomas getting bodied in front of us "Come on Spirit Fusion!" I yelled "Fine let's do it," Darion said both power up glowing brightly "SPIRIT BOND FUSION!!!" Both yelled combining as one stood up glaring at Walton as Thomas gasped stared at us…

(Astral Chain - Savior)

"Ah, that brings back old memories our lone savior Lerion!" Walton yelled laughing manically "Walton your reign of terror ends!" I yelled "You don't get it! Even if you defeated me there's gonna be people hating you!!" Walton yelled laughing manically "I guess so but we have enough problems starting with you!!" I yelled enraged punched his jaw both clashed…

"CHAOS SPIRIT WIND!!" I yelled "Darkest Joker!!" Walton yelled grinning dark illusions as I had eyes closed dodging his attacks "SPIRIT STRIKE!!" I yelled punch him square in the jaw knee his chest kick his face throwing rapid-firing energy spears into him "DON'T GET COCKY!!" Walton yelled freezing me in place "G-GRR!!" I yelled trying to move "AERIAL BLASTER!!!" Kari yelled "K-Kari?!" I yelled shocked "YOU!" Walton yelled growled charged at Kari "EXTREME MODE BOOST X20!!" I yelled dashed smack him across the face dashed a barrage of kicks into his face and stomach grabbed slammed into the ground… "Are you done playing around Walton?" I asked glaring down "DARKNESS BREATH!!" Walton yelled as I created energy fist punching right through hitting him in the face send flying into the air…

(Blublaze - The Road to Hope)

"This is over Walton your done!" I yelled, "DUAL FATAL DRIVE CONNECT!!" I yelled glowing brightly glowing chaotic energy and wind flowing over the energy blades "STARLIGHT HURRICANE X CHAOTIC IMPULSE BURST!!" I yelled charged slashing Walton all over the place cutting into his dark glowing flesh "AGH?!" I yelled got slashed punch elbow back as I rapidly increasing the speed slashing him rapidly…

"IT'S OVERR WALTON!!!" I yelled charged defused the last minute as I stabbed his chest while Darion got backfired from us "HAHAHAHA!!" Walton yelled laughing slashed my left arm off dropping Darion's sword "LEONNN!!" All yelled shocked expressions as I fall back "TIME TO DIE LEON!!!" Walton yelled "CHAOS SHINE!!" Darion yelled throwing a giant blast to grabbed his sword blocking Walton's attack "D-Darion?!" I yelled shocked expression "FINISH HIM!!" Darion yelled enraged "Heh right Darion," I said grin charged stabbed Walton in the chest…

"I WILL ALWAYS COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU ALLL!!" Walton yelled laughing manically "Heh too bad not this time Walton!!!" I yelled "WHAT!?" Walton yelled shocked expression "Heh Darion?" I asked chuckled "Hmph," Darion said smirked "FATAL DRIVE - CHAOTIC AERIAL WHIRLWIND DRAGON STRIKE!!" Both yelled enraged "HAHAHA THIS ISNT THE EN-WHA NO TOO MUCH ENERGY!!" Walton yelled glowing like a ticking bomb "ROTT IN HELL WALTON!!!" Darion yelled "YOUR DONE WALTON!!" I yelled as a spirit of Leonidas and Terios both punching down at Walton together as nothing but a giant explosion….


"GAAHHH!!!" I yelled falling "Argh?!" Darion yelled both groaning in pain all over crashing "I got you guys!" Thomas yelled dashed grabbed us by shirt then gently let us go landing on the ground… "Ow ow ow" I said sweatdrop "Argh" Darion said groaning in pain "You guys did it!" Ryza yelled "Haha...we all did Ryza," I said weakly smiled breathing heavily "Heh," Darion said smirked eyes closed


(Lakeway Park - Early Morning)

(Atelier Ryza - Rainbow Summer OST)

"...So your not gonna talk about that thing you did earlier?" I asked confused expression "Talk about what?" Ryza asked confused expression "Uhh nevermind," I said sweatdrop "I was kidding Leon," Ryza said gently grabbed my shirt collar "I liked you alright," Ryza said smiled "...As in that like like or??" I asked confused (Uhh am I supposed to be doing something) I thought sweatdrop "N-nothing I was talking about something else..." Ryza said sweatdrop "....????" I tilt my head confused (Hmmm...) I thought confused expression "...OH FOR THE LOVE OF LEONIDAS!" Ruin yelled "SHUSH!" Scarlett yelled "Huh?" I asked, "So you were spying!" Ryza yelled "Ahaha...." Kakeru said sweatdrop "Kakeru you are jerk," Kari said "WHAT?!" Kakeru yelled as I was getting a little sleepy... (Heh you did well my son maybe...we could make you whole again kiddo) Voice said smiled (Father???) I asked then bright white light glowed...

I reawaken eyes flashed yellow spark then normal brown "Ughh hmm?" I asked looked at others " Leon you alright buddy?" Scott asked confused "Yeah I'm alright just a weird dream," I said smiled "LEON IS EVIL!!" Grace yelled "Really Grace when there's ever gonna be evil me," I said chuckled as the rest of the group hugging except Darion chuckled reverted to normal…

To be Continued on The Royal Guard Corp….