
The legacies (HopeXOc)

Guys this is my second novel and I also don't own any of the character in this except for my pc. Sypnosis : Alex Brown was a typical orphan boy whose parents leave in orphanage on his birthday. he live a life with very difficulty always bully in orphanage. The only thing he like to do was watch "The originals" series and he also develop a very big crush on "Hope Mikaelson" . One day he was going on street then suddenly something falls on his head from sky and next second he was dead.

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Death and Reincarnation

So guys let's start our another fanfic from one of my favourite series and I will try to co-operate between both fanfic and hope I can release new chapter everyday for both fics.


My name is Alex Brown which is not given to me by my parents it was on the note which orphanage matron found beside me so they just call me that.

Since childhood I was never good in anything and I have very below the average looks with fat all over my body and I was not good at fighting so always get bullied in orphanage and matron who was the only one who care about me died due to old age.

In this lonely world only webseries were the only one reason which gives me happines and My favourite series was The originals. I also have a huge cush on Hope Mikaelson she was also the reason I was able to ignore the bullies in Orphanage the become offended because of me ignoring them.

So they start to make trouble for me everyday and one day they beat me all over my face and take away my hard earned money living me with a bloody nose.

I was walking on the street and suddenly something from sky fall over my head and I dropped on street with crushed head and take my last breaths.

Now I was standing in front of a black suited man who call himself Rob and say I can ask for 1 wish. basically it was three wishes but one wish for world and other wish for looks, family background and love.

Alex : So you're saying because of you dropping your flowerpot mistakingly I died and to compensate me you are giving me wishes.

Rob : yes, Now hurry up and get out of here I don't have time for cases like you.

Alex : was it you who make my life miserable. asked in anger

Rob : No, it was the karma of your previous life.

Alex : Ok. say's sadly

Alex knows he can do nothing about it but was happy for getting wishes

Rob: Now tell me your wish so I can get over with it.

Alex : For world I want to go in the world of legacies. for my looks I want the looks of Sebastian from Black butler word but with purple hair and Golden Eyes which glow slightly. I want to be a rich orphan boy who live in New York. for my love life I want to become mate of Hope Mikaelson our mate bond should be like Twilight but much stronger.

And for my Power I want to be a vampire with "Kamiya Yato" three main power's.(AN:/ Go search "Class ga isekai" to know who is Kamiya Yato)

Rob : Your first 2 wishes can be granted but for your power's you cannot become a god and you can also never cross to another world.

Alex replies happily "Ok"

Rob : Now be on your way.

Alex : Thanks

Rob snapped his finger and Alex dropped in portal.

After Alex left Rob say's " I hope you become happy in this life my friend"

And left living silence behind.


In a high class apartment of New York Alex open his eyes and while looking around and say's while looking at himself in mirror.

Alex : hmmm, Choosing Sebastian's look was best choice and with this hair color and eyes and this well tonned and muscular body I am really a lady killer.

Alex: let's start with using my Powers.

the first skills Alex creat was super programmer, and perfect singer

super programmer give him all the knowledge of all computers and coding superb typing speed.

perfect singer gives him perfect voice for singing all types of song in perfection.

He Purchase a computer with top qualifications and start to write codes day and night with his own personal coding language which can only be hacked by technology of 1000 years ahead and what was he is creating is his personal A.I. assistant which he named Oracle.

after a week of hard work day and night coding without rest he finally created his personal A.I assistant .

Processing data.... Recollection of data...

Oracle : hello sir Orcale your personal assistant is online to help you with any task.

Alex : Oracle run a system check and tell me if their are any issues.

Oracle : sir system check is complete and their absolutely no issues in system and I also have collected all the data on internet with you allowing me access of all internet.

Alex nods and say : Oracle I want you to open a music company by the name of "Brown musics" and find the talent on the internet to make them join our company.

Orcale : On my way sir, The company has been created and is ready to launch the music with most effectively sir.

Alex : Now take all the black money from market and open a bank account on the name of company and transfer all the money to account and don't forget to remove traces so no one knows about us.

Oracle : Ok sir

After sometime Oracle say's : sir money has been transferred to bank account and all traces are also removed.

On that day their was an Uproar in the world many big personalities including politicians loss their black money and market prices also raised very much and a new company send contract of 1 year to many tv channel and music streaming apps to publish their song's with best conditions.


Thanks for reading our first chapter of New fanfic.😊