
The Leftover Lives of Lawrence

It's a thrilling journey that plunges deep into the lives of six individuals who are about to embark on the rollercoaster ride of a lifetime at Lawrence, the prestigious institution that holds secrets and surprises at every turn. Brace yourself, as we pull back the curtain to reveal the diverse backgrounds, hopes, and struggles of these captivating characters. Together, we'll explore the labyrinthine corridors of friendship, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. Get ready to be enthralled by the electrifying twists and turns, as these characters navigate the treacherous waters of college life, unearthing hidden truths and unmasking their true identities. With themes of ambition, love, and the tangled webs of human connections, the narrative will leave you yearning for more, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie within The Leftover Lives of Lawrence.

BabaYagga · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 5. The Winds 3

Aditya closed the door behind the man, rushed into the room and screamed, "Pack your bags. We are leaving."

Everyone looked at Aditya for an explanation. He pointed at the sliding glass window. Luckily they were on the ground floor.

About fifteen minutes later, the manager showed up with his night watchman. He told him to keep an eye on the occupants while he makes a call to the police.

"There is nobody here," the watchman screamed as he went inside the room.

The manager hurried into the room to discover the room keys and some money on the table. He looked out the window into the bushes, but dropped the idea of chasing them. He took the keys, counted the money, and gladly left.

They rushed through the bushes for miles and made it to a nearby dhaba. Everyone was panting and breathing hard. Roshan had to be walked, since he was in the worst shape. Aditya bought a few water bottles and asked everyone to sit and hydrate. The girls splashed water on their faces, still trying to recount the events that led them here. They saw the humor in the situation but wanted to save the laugh for later. Roshan lied down in a cot behind the dhaba. Will poured a bottle of water on him. Roshan looked at the sky and said, "Why do I see stars? Was I hit by that old fat monster? Wait, I don't feel any pain. Oh my God, am I dead?"

"You are laying under the open sky and its 4 A.M. you idiot. We escaped the old fat monster. Thanks to you, he asked for our IDs"

Roshan smiled and said, "You are welcome. Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

Will interrupted, "This is not Nandita, buffoon!"

Unaware of anything, Roshan pillowed his lips and rose towards Will to kiss him. Will smacked his head and said, "Dude, stop right there or you will never hear the end of it"

Roshan held Will's hands tightly and continued towards his direction, unaware that it was not Nandita.

Will pulled his phone and snapped a photo of Roshan who had his lips pillowed for a kiss.

"I am going to send it to Padma mam and upload it to Facebook," said Will and laughed at the photo.

Padma was one of their teachers and also the youngest and prettiest female faculty they had. She was often the reason for 100% attendance amongst boys in her class. Since it was an optional class, it was mostly attended by boys, including Will, Aditya, and Roshan, and a very few girls.

Roshan paused and then threw up the next instance. He splashed across Will's shirt who was now fuming. He looked at Roshan and said, "Pathetic. You are so paying back for this."

Zara helped Will clean his shirt by a nearby hand pump. Nandita helped clean Roshan.

Aditya noticed a police van at a distance. He immediately summoned everyone and gestured at an outhouse, owned by the dhaba, located at the far end of the field.

"All of you hide there. Now. Don't come out till I call," he said.

They scurried across the field towards the outhouse. Roshan was being dragged by Will and Nandita, with his arms around their shoulders on both sides. A five year old boy stepped out of the outhouse and saw five adults smiling at him. Koel dug for a candy in her purse and handed it to him. He didn't accept the candy and ran as fast as he could.

"The kid thinks we are some creepy drunkards," Zara commented as she opened the door. They stepped into a dingy and crammed outhouse with no roof.

Roshan looked at the sky and said "Ah, heaven!"

Nandita pointed at the unclean toilet and said, "Ewww!"

Aditya noticed the cops stop by for some tea. He realized they were here for a routine highway patrol. He waited for them to leave and then called Will on his mobile. As soon as they stepped out of the outhouse, Zara puked. Taking control, they walked towards the dhaba.

"That place stinks. Next time, tell the cops on me. I will happily accompany them to jail," said Will.

"Get used to public toilets if you wish to live here," said Zara wiping her mouth with her scarf.

The dhaba owner paid no attention to the young group and stayed out of their way. He focused on preparing meals for the day. Aditya bought breakfast for everyone and requested them to eat. Despite being disinterested in eating, they understood the need to eat do avoid falling sick. They ate and relaxed there for a while.

A few hours later, they took a bus to the nearest big bus stop, and then took another bus towards their college. Through their bus trip, they felt exhausted and craved for sleep. At one point they laughed uncontrollably talking about all that had happened. They admitted to enjoying every bit of the chaos. Roshan was snoring through the bus trip so he missed out all the parody they made of him.

They were careful throughout the episode to not get caught, fearing that could tarnish their institute's image, which could result in expulsion. Not mentioning, they would owe an explanation to their parents had they been caught behind bars. Everyone at the hostel, including the warden, was told that they were at a friend's wedding. They didn't share their secret whereabouts with anyone.

Next day, Will smoothly sneaked into the class before anyone arrived and pinned a picture on the board. Students arrived, followed by Padma. She noticed that the class was quieter than usual. She asked everyone why suddenly this decorum. One student pointed towards the board. Padma looked back in dismay at the picture of Roshan. Unperturbed, she asked who had pulled the gag. She noticed Roshan was missing. She asked one of the students to call Roshan on his mobile without pointing the reason, and summon him to the class.

The class waited for another fifteen minutes, after which Roshan arrived. He entered the class and immediately apologized for not showing up. He claimed to be sick. Padma pointed at the picture and said, "I know you didn't do this. But if you know who did, point out right now."

Roshan looked around in the class, carefully avoiding looking at Will, who was smiling away.

"I am not sure mam. But I will hunt them down and bring them to you. I apologize on behalf of whoever did this. Sorry."

The class dispersed shortly thereafter.

Roshan kicked Will behind his back. Will fell on the ground, laughing.

"And that friends, is an ROFL," said Aditya who was laughing himself.

"Sorry dude, but couldn't miss that expression on your face for the world," said Will.

"Haha, laugh all you want. You do that again, and I will personally make sure that all your expensive suites are drenched in my vomit," said Roshan.

"You are not welcome. And I am sorry," said Will and laughed uncontrollably.

Two years passed by. The first year was about knowing. The second year was about learning. But now the second-year results were out. They were beyond everyone's expectations; especially Zara who had scored less than what she usually did. And so did Nandita, and every other student. Some cried for hours, for all were winners until now, for now they didn't feel so much like a Lawrencian. Aditya was the topper.

Amidst all the wreck, Koel realized how well she had fared. She felt guilty when she saw Nandita and Zara upset. She knew she did well and was happy, but she didn't feel exactly well about them. She knew that her hard work had paid off when all her genius friends were having the time of their lives, but she felt sorry for her friends. "But Lawrence isn't just for geniuses. It is for people who believe in its values, for those who respected their gifts and worked hard for it. Lawrence could build dreams but could break them too," the words from the orientation speech rang in Koel's ears.

HOD Anil Shukla spoke at a business convention for the 3rd year students, indicating his disappointment at how the students had fared in the finals. "I hope each one of you learn from your mistakes, work harder next semester, and the ones beyond, because only in a year's time, companies from around the world are coming to hire some of you. Your grades count and so does your outcome on the placement exams. It is high time you party less and study harder. Thank you!" Many looked disappointed and ashamed at being present in the hall. Everyone just wanted to leave and hide in their rooms for a couple of days.

The group of six was now jokingly known as the Six Packs and had become everyone's envy. No one had seen such remarkable friendship and love. They would be present in each other's happiness and miseries. Everyone wanted to be a part of their group and everyone was welcomed too, but for some unknown reasons, no one else could fit in.

Things changed after the 2nd year finals' outcome. Everyone discussed their plans before the vacations.

"We both need to work harder next semester," Nandita suggested Roshan.

"Nandu, what if I wasn't as rich anymore?" Roshan posed a question to Nandita, ignoring her advice.

"It wouldn't matter. I would love you the same. I love you for your honesty and dignity. I couldn't trade that for the world," Nandita replied.

"If I was not rich, your parents would never accept me"

"Why are you worried about that? You are from a well-to-do family and so my father would not oppose to our relationship. And for some reason if you lose all your wealth, I would not care what my father said. I would be by your side"

They remained in each other's arms for a while.

"Call me when you reach home," said Roshan and watched Jogi drive Nandita away. He went back to his hostel where he found two men waiting near his room.

"Oh you guys, I didn't know you were here…come..come in, " said Roshan and invited them inside. One of the men started screaming at him in a threatening tone.

"You are way overdue. Give me the money back or you know better," said one of the two men.

"Give me…uh..a few more…one week," said Roshan as he struggled for words.

"Ek hufte me kya kar lega. Give me the money now," said the man.

"I don't have any money now, friend, give me a week"

At that very instance Roshan felt a blow on his face. The other man who was watching the two had hit him. Blood oozed from his mouth. A few neighboring roommates had gathered. Roshan was lying on the floor.

"Stay out of it everyone, or else he gets another one," said the taller guy threatening anyone who would try to help Roshan.

Aditya and Will rushed through the crowd when someone informed them of the incident. They were shocked at the sight. Will tried to negotiate with those men and he was hit too. Aditya protested to those men. One man said, "Give us Rs 20,000 that he borrowed from us, and we are out of here. We had given him 3 months which then turned to 6 months and he still hasn't paid back. We know where this is going."

"Give me some more time, please!" said Roshan before he was about to be attacked, when Aditya meddled.

Will took Aditya aside and spoke to him.

"Give us 15 minutes. We will be back with the money," added Will.

"We promise we will be back. Don't hit anyone. We will be back in 15 minutes, stay here"

Will and Aditya rushed to the nearest ATM, used all their debit cards and used the maximum limit and rushed back.

"Here is 7000 and here is another 13000. Now please leave," said Will and gave the money.

The men took the money and left.

Aditya had pulled Rs 7000 from his account and Will had pulled the rest. Hailing from a rich family, Will was never short on money. If anything, his dad would send him excess of what he needed. But Will was extremely disappointed at Roshan. That night Aditya and Will had a serious conversation with Roshan.

"You have to stop this. Stop this habit of borrowing. You started it all to woo Nandita, that phase is over, you guys are way past that, now tell her the truth," said Aditya.

"Why on earth did you borrow 20,000?" asked Will.

"I bought me and her tickets to Goa as a gift for her birthday which is in 6 months. I wanted to propose to her on her birthday, right before we graduate," said Roshan.

"You are hopeless. Why do you need all that to propose? And you could have borrowed from me, why those notorious lenders. Now don't even think of returning that amount. I don't want you to borrow more to cover up for that. Just stop all this and tell her the truth," Will spoke in a disgruntled voice.

"I will. But after we graduate, not yet. I don't want it to hamper my or her studies. Until then I want to take up a job and save money for both of us. I promise. When all of this had started, I just wanted to win her. Now it is more than just a passing fling. I love her too much to lose her now," Roshan wept as he spoke.

"Anyways, let us keep it to ourselves. I will make sure our neighbors do that too," said Aditya.

"Thanks," Roshan said teary-eyed.

Nandita missed the entire story since she was already away from college vacationing at home, and Roshan's neighboring roommates were requested to stay mum on the incident.

Everyone was visiting their homes for a month of vacation. Zara didn't care much to spend time with her father who was always away. So she stayed back to spend more time with Will. Aditya visited his village and Koel was vacationing with her parents in Digha.

Nandita and Roshan spoke every night on phone. Roshan was paying off all his bills by working at a music store. He kept it a secret from Nandita and requested everyone else to do so.

While vacationing, Koel wondered what she was into. She wasn't exactly dating Aditya, yet she missed him when he wasn't around. She wondered if they just had a platonic relation or if she probably wanted more. She wondered how Aditya felt about her. Unable to resist, she called him.

"I just thought, it has been so long we talked, so I called, hope that's OK?" she asked.

"Yea, a week isn't it? It's OK, I would have called you anyways," said Aditya.

Did he say that, Koel wondered? She was overwhelmed by what he said. She was just happy to know that he might have called her. From that day on, they called each other more often. One day, she just couldn't resist but admit to him, "I think I miss you!"

Aditya laughed and said, "Boy, you have come a long way since we conversed near the stream. You are more upfront now than ever, aren't you?"

"Only with you it seems," hinted Koel.

"I miss you too," said Aditya.

Koel had already started planning on the universities she wanted to apply to in USA. She knew most students would do that and that Aditya might too. She realized it would be fascinating if both she and Aditya could go abroad together. She was delighted about starting a new life with Aditya, in a new land; see new places with him and explore the world. She struggled not to think too much.

The vacation was over. Everyone was back. This time, they were more motivated and serious towards their careers. This was their last year and so they needed to work harder and play less. They needed to meet in their study groups religiously. They cut down on the parties and started planning for their future. The semesters were busier and the competition was getting worse. Life was on a fast track.

Koel knew by now that she was in love. She wanted Aditya to know.

"I think the man should always take the first step, or it looks desperate," Nandita suggested politely.

"Na, I think it is OK to propose, who cares about the gender bias, go ahead girl," Zara added sternly.

Koel didn't want to listen to anyone but her heart. Her head said she should wait for him to take the first step while her heart said March right ahead. She was confused.

She met Aditya after classes and they went to their secret spot, the stream. It was slightly dark.

"I want to tell you something," said Koel.

"Yup?" asked Aditya.

"I want to go for higher studies to USA; was wondering if you wanted that too?"

Aditya smiled and responded, "Before I answer that, I want to tell you that The Hulk is me."

Koel was shocked. She didn't know if she felt hurt or cheated.

"What, why didn't you tell me?"

"I am telling you"

Koel looked distressed and said, "I want to leave"

"Look, you can walk away if you want. But that doesn't prove anything. I am still the same person that I was online"

"But you stayed in disguise to know me and here I thought Aditya knew so much about me. Isn't that cheating?"

"There was no disguise. I found out just yesterday when you mentioned about our little trip to the fair over the chat. So much for keeping a secret," Aditya said with a mischievous smile.

Koel stopped and looked back for some time and then asked, "Why are you here with me?"

"Thought you knew it?"

"I want to hear it from you"

Aditya came closer to Koel and kissed her lightly at first. Koel drew herself closer to Aditya. Aditya held her tighter and kissed her. They lied down by the stream, under the setting sun, in each other's arms. "You gave me my first kiss," said Koel.

"Really? So I have no competition at all? Damn!" Aditya giggled and held her closer.

"You are not in a competition Aditya," said Koel in a hoarse voice trying to mimic him.

They both laughed together.

"Can I say I love you?" asked Koel.

"You may," said Aditya.

That wasn't what Koel expected to hear. But she refused to complain and wanted to devour the moment. She lay in his arms and continued, "I love you Adit."

They watched the sun set into the horizons of the crimson sky. The sound of the stream flowing through the rocky terrains became more distinct and made their presence more intimately felt. The birds hid in their nests awaiting the arrival of a new dawn. They lay there for hours, watching the stars appear out of nowhere in the dusky sky.