
Chapter 4

As Fang regained consciousness he found himself strapped to a metal table. "What's going on, Where's Hannah!" Fang urged as The woman with the crimson lips came into the room "Shhhh it's ok my sweet boy Hannah is just fine I can assure you, for now, Open wide for mother." The woman said as she crested Fang's cheek "What do you mean for now?" Fang said with a worried look on his face "We'll you remember how we made you were going to that same experiment on Hannah." "I nearly died when you all did that what do you thinks gonna happen to her!" Fang said with Worry and Anger in his Voice " Sí, esa pequeña perra va a pasar por lo mismo que tú." "No, I didn't recover for 2 years, please." Fang Begged. Im Sorry hoji it's too late." The Woman with Red Lips said whit a sick and sadistic smile." as Fang Began to shed a tear he Screamed, "If she doesn't make it ill kill you!" The Woman with Red Lips Pressed a button on her wristband Fang Felt a Sharp Pain in his chest. "Ahh," Fang said as he gripped his chest he looked up to the underside of the Woman's Boot "Lick it!" She demanded. Fang followed suit "If you follow the rules you'll be just fine. Now, What do we have Planed today?" The Woman Said "Bring him with me", She Order. As She walked out of the room " Yes Mama You heard her!" one of the Female guards said as she kicked Fang in the Face. Fang Slowly rose to his feet. As Fang Went to walk behind the Woman She placed a Leash Around his Neck and kicked him to all fours. "Much Better." She said as she yanked the leash tight chocking Fang as he followed behind. "We're going to the medical Bay Boy." As they arrived the smell of Medicine filled the air as Fang looked around he Seen Scalpels and other medical instruments. "What are you gonna do to me?" He asked Only to Be Kicked in the Mouth Again "Dogs don't Talk they follow Orders or would you Rather have your Precious Freind Hannah Be hurt for you not Following Orders." "No no don't touch her!" Fang shouted, "Still talking Are we?" the woman said as she repeatedly Kicked him "On to the Table Now!" Fang pulled himself up onto the table only to be strapped down "Now Let's start the show." the woman said as she picked up a Scalpel and began to run it along Fang's Cheek. Fang Remained Quite to Scared to Make a sound out of fear of what would happen to him.